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The Occam Steamers

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The'N. Y. A'rfíú-rsfiys: There is agoodly numbcr of vessels Bngaged in ocean srrvico betwcen New York and Europa and the list is constantly swelling. Last year it was r.ot unoommon for six or seven trainers to leavethia port on a Saturday. Noxt summer 'very likely doublé tliat nimbcr uiay loavo in one dftjr. ïho ox.ot numbcr of steamers running bctween the port of New York and Enrope is omowhat-v! r only stated, a littlo cónfu sion probably urisnig froln the largo nuiubor of stciniships now being built, many of' whioh are nearly coinpleted. Uut it is safe to say tliut about one Hundred and twmty ttmmern are now rogularly sailing irom our harbor. The prominent lines of stoamers are well known, and new linos havo been recently established, and willsoon bo in operation. The ooean fleet BwellawHh the rapid growthof our country, inilioatiog inoreased comiaerce, wealth, and euterprise. The wheat erop in tho vicinity of Battle üreeli shows rapid signa of improvoment owing to the f vorablo obaracter of the late w&ather. In soma places the severo winter killinl larare portions of the erop, tho ico which laid so long in the field?, buing tlio causo of the loss. On prairie land and openings the erop will e muoh k-ss (han tho average, while in the tiinbered land it will bc very ïod. Asa whole, with good weuthor, may hare au averago ciop. A correspondent writing from Sturgig, says: Perhapg in no other part of 'the' átate has the wheat boen so bitdly killed. Many of the farmers aro plownf up tho ground sovvn to wheiit, for corn. The prvBff wlicat look well, and, if uo accident bcfalis it this will liirgely uiako up for the other l.iss, Farmerfi in luchara county report the .wheat erop in a promising coudition, muofa betier th:m at this fimo last year. Insome low places where the water stood, and ico was found, the wheat is killed, but these are exoeptiong, and thö general impression is that they will hare more than au average erop this seaaon. Goorge E. Fifteld, of South Newmarket N. H., has leen building fora few yean past, a novel class of locomotives for the wooden-track Railways in the lumber regions of Georgia. Ttiey ure only six tons lri weight, and havo very largo cyliuders for so light machines, Ths capacity for carryipg water and iuol igrery frreat, the wboïe forming a very uniquo imd serviceablo machine, one of them being able to dö the work of thirty nuiles etisil}', The rapid denndation of tho timbor lands ilong the rivera and lines of Eailrouds, ill through tho fouth, is driving the umberm;n deeper into tho foresta to sup)ly the demand for a material al most i ndiiípansable for heavy briuges, cars and loors tbroughout tho country. I Tio Third Assistant Postmaster Genera] decide that postal carda that have heen once properly tiansniitted through ïhe mail, and tho stamp thereon CMoelled, can, alter thcir beii.g returned to the eender in a sealed envelope with a rennttf.nce, be retransrnitted to the person originally addressed, with the word "paid" siamped or indorsed thereon, by placing upon the card a one cent adhosive stamp. The Postmaster General decides that no discount en be allowed to the purchasers or apents who desire to Icocp postal cards on hand for sale to the public. At AVenona a firestarted earJy Monday morniii in Van Aylstine's meat market and burned Loghrey's store and McKuight's briok bluok. Lesa f 13,000 ; insurance, $1,400. The fire was an incendiar}'.


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