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NEW dDBTVTP POOTII3 úlMillllI bUUUil. The Largest, Most Elegant, and mucli the cheapest Stock of flrst-class superb Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at ñflASK&SCHMID'S! Brick ! Brick ! Brick ! I MAKK BltlCTC TUIS fiÈASON, AND WILL 8ELLTHEM ASCHEAP AS ANY MAN IN YVASHTENAW COUXTY, And I can do so with ease, as I employ no Agents, I propose to sell Building S6.OO per Thousand ! delivered nj-irheie inside of the Corporation, in nmounts ovor one thounand. JOHN MOEAN. ltHwt - 1 __ A Chance for Bargains ! For ale at ■ prreat bnrprain, 160 ACRES OF CIIOICE LAND, lyins 2 'í miles (rom the city of Ionia. 100 acres under impiovomont, with Rood nrchnrd, b.-nn mul shtil, and u cumt'orkible honas. Tcms of p-ivmont- from J2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on luim timo. B AtoolWACBEB, bont 2'- miles from Angustí., KnlHinnzoo County, uil improved, with good build. ingB. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRES bout eight miles from Hnstinga. Alo 80 ACRES on section R in the town of Ilazelton, Shi:nraMu? County, about 12 miles trom Corunu M'ell timbered. For terras flddress the undersignrd. Ano Arbor, April 2, 1873. TTTOUSE FOR SALE! Th-) reíi:lenc oí tha anbwribct on Tforth ntroet PoMOMion girn Imraodlntely. Alsn, the beuutlftrl site on tho hill coat ot Col. Grunt'a rjmdiince. Vormt very eisy. A good bargnin can be made nqmro of Zina V. Kinü. , , . T M. C. TTLER. Vnn Arbor. Jan. 23, 1S73. [4io Sheriffs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County WaiotwaW U sa. - Hy vutue of writ of tzamtíon imiied ooi of iiiül uuder the senl of the circuit Court for tbc County of Washtenaw.iinil to me directpd and rlelivere'l aj;ains( (l)t' sroods. clmttlo lutdaan tQ.,,.,,. „r - ■ - , -HbiivL-t fdijMki lijm irrinJiiiI:N{jl Jloaea jUnlks, and lor the want of goods nd chattloa tosatisfysaid execulion, I did, on tlio twentr-flrat dajrof Jmmiy, A. D. J8ÍS, seize and lovy upon n)l tnenght, titte and interert. Mose Hark hu inani to the following deacribed landa, Io wit.: Lolanumbe two [2). tour (4), six (6), eight pij nnd ten (1"), in bloei tlve north, rauirc four cast in the i-ily of Aan Arlxir Gounty nnd State aforesaid. Whieh ahove dcKribed propeity, I shnil exposp for uile to Mie highest bidder, n t public inioiion at tlie south door of the Court House, in Ilie Cty of Ana Arbor, in f ho Counil ot Wnslitenaw, on ilie sonond day of April, A.D 1873 t one o'cloek P. M. of sjiid day. D.-itcd, tlii ;tli dny of FebruniT, A. T). 1R73. MIOHAEL FLEMINO, Sheriff. 1413 HyMYRO.V WEBH, Under Sheriff. For jrant of bidders the nbove sale is ndioumed until Wednesday, April ninth, ut tho sume pïncc and tiniü of day. Dutcd, Aan Arbor, April 2, 1ST!. M1CHAEL FLEMINO, Sheriff, Hy Weüh, l'nder-Sheriff. The nbovc sn!e b furthor postponed to tlie twentyiixth dny of April inst., at the same place and time of clay. Dated, April 9tli, 1873. MICHA EL FLEMING, Rlieriff. By BttBOB Weib, Undw-Shiriff. The above snle is further postponed nntil Saturdjiy, the tenth day of Mny next, nt the same placo :tud time of day. üated, April 26th. 1R73. MIOHAEL FLEJUNO Sheriff. Jly Myhon Webb, Under Sheriff. The above Sftle is further postponed to Tuesday, he tenth day of June noxt, ut tho samo place and ime of day. MICHABL 7LXMIN6. Sheriff, By Mïeos Web, Under-Sherifi. Estato of Gottfrey Millor. STATEOF M1CIIIOAN, Countyof WasbteMW, e.Al :i sfuion of the L'robnte Court for th (,'imnty , f Wanlitenaw, holden at the Probate Oitiee, in the ;;ity of Ann Avbor, ,on Wedneadny, the fonripenth lav of May, in the year onc thousand cig-ht huudred md sevt-nly-thiTe. Present, Noah W, Cheever, Judfre of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Oottfrey Miller I ImmmA. . On readinp and filiag the petition, dnly verified, ot Jol in O. Miller, praying1 that an ntlminiis trator may be appointed on the mote f said dMsnsedi Thereupon it ia ordered, that Moidny, the nintli day of June next, at ten n'otock in the forenoon t't' assiijiiofl for the hearing of ail petidon, imd bhat the heirs ut law of naid deemoed, niia all oIíkt persons ini oi tsifd in stticl ent te, ure remiired toupneai atn peeaion of said Court, then to be holdeo at the ÍProbati Office, in tlio City of Aon Arbor, and slioir oause, ii any tierc tie, why theprayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordeivd, that said ive notice to the pemoni interestt d in Baid estáte, of thependomry of said petitíon, and tho lieariag tlicrcof, by causing a copy of thi order to be published in the Michigan Argut. a nevspapeTiprinted and circiilatinfr in wuid oounty, three suocebsive week provifniR to said dny of henrintr. (A truecopy.) XOAH OHEEVEB. H25 Jndge of Probate.


Old News
Michigan Argus