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Doings Of The Common Council

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An adjourned session of the Common Counci was )ield on Fridsy evening last, Mayor Beake in the chair and áll the meinbers present excep Aid. llhodes. We abstract tho journal öf tho etcniug's proceedings as follows : The chairman of tho Street Comlnittêe was authorized to widen and repair the bridge on Spring street. Verbal reporta werc roado by the ehairmerr oí the Street and Sidewalk Committces. The comraittee to whom was relerred the petition of numerous citizens asking that cows may bc restrained from running at largo, reported as follows : To the Maynr, Recorder, and Ahlermen of the City of Ann Arbor : The ülulersigncd, to whom was rofcrred the petitions of numerous citixens - both ïiiale aml feuialo - in relation to the subjoct of preventiííg' oattle running at hu-ge in said city. have had the ame under considcration and bcg loave to submit the toUowing report : First. We acknowledge that there is much orce in somo points made by tlie petitioners, and that tho petitions are respectfiil and numerouely signed, vet, alter due examination of tlie reasons given in the petitions ana uie laws jiow io force in the city in relatiou to tïie subject matter of said petitions, we aro of the opinión that our city is now noted for its iine BhooA and oniamental" trees, and that these have all bseu gruwn tnider existiría lawa. As to garden lawns or sliade trees, whether inclosed by feuce o not, the laws of tlie city now provide treble dumages tor any person who may sufter for in jury done to the sume, and if Miy OOIT or othe auiinal shnll have entered the enclosure of an other than its owner, said cow or otlior anima has no rights at large, by which it oan be pro tected for so doing.' By scctioa three ot Ordi nance No. 1, all animáis are forbidden to run a Large in said city, and tho öxception to this ii section eight of the same ordinance does not iipply to ány milcli cows that are breachy, ma licious, or that trespasn upou the inclosures of others than their owners. Trne our side walks are sometimos sotld by cnttle, hut your committee are of the opinión that the gooc taste of our city and owuers of said walks wil soon remove the dilïiculty ; and are i'urthcr o: the opinión that the Univorsity grounda are lmi little disturbed by cattle when tho fcnces are in proper order. Your committee are further aware that the petitioiicrs i'airly represent olie view of the case, and that thpro are many reasons on tho other side why the prayer of the petitiouers should not be (rranted, further than tne same is done bylaithiul enioroemnent of the now existing laws. The fact of the wants oí poor people and their dependence to a large extent l'or a living on the milk of their cows, tíic danger of a rise in the price of milk, the consequent exorbitant priee ni pasturage near the city, the expense ot driving and re-driving, the expense of mowiug and cutting weods and grass in the streets, and the large oppositkm exiating among citizens to the prayer ot the petitioners, have induced your committee to recommend the followisg rcnolution: Resolved, Tliat the prayer of the pehtioners, above referred to, bo denied ; and that the Marshal and his deputies be instructod to faithfully euforce the laws now in existence m reiation to the subject matter of said petitions. All of which is reapectfully submitted. Dated, May 9th, 1873. (Signed) J. G. LELAND, ) W. H. McINTYRE, } Committee. MOSES KOGEKS, ) The report was accepted and the resolution adopted. The following bilis were allowed on rccommendation of Finance Cominittee, payable from funds designated : From General Fund - E. Lesuor, marshal, $51 00 N. Felch, policeman, - - 54 00 J. W. Loveland, - - - 52 25 P. H. Philbrick, engineering for Citizens' Water-Works Committee, - - 3fl 00 H. D. Edwards, hose, - 66 00 A. A. Gas-Light Co., - 111 00 A A. Gos-Light Co., . 110 00 Thos. Emery, assisting Engineer, 12 00 J. Muhlig & Bro., tables and chairs, 40 00 Haviland & Rhod'es-, rcpairing engino, 9 00 John Collins, lighting lamps, 9 50 Frank Porter, " " 6 50 Eobiscn & Baxter, lrvery for WaterWorks Committee, 2 50 John Colhns, lighting lamps, 9 50 F. Bross, repairing eiigine, 2 00 A. A. Printing and Pulxto., bilis, 1 50 H. Ockford, work on engine, ■ 2 00 From Ftremcns' Futid - 4(i members of Belief Co., 2"l? 00 39 " " Protection Co., 195 00 From General Street fund, 119 25 " Third Wud Street fund, 29 00 A bilí of C. B. (Jrant was referrei bacfc to Finance Committee for furfchcr iiivestigaliuü. The City Attorney, from special dn opening of Wells strofct thföugh láiids of C. Ebevbach i'eportod, (latailing tho stepa h.retof jre taken to open sucb. street, that no action was conoladed, and that noticc to owner wns necessary, and in case of non-agreement for lands taken, a jury to assess damages and the payment of t!ie award. These things all done tne street can be openccl. Btport Hsepted. Verbal report was inade in relatiön to t'ns proponed purexase of lan:ls fór eniarjjeraent ot Fifth W'ard Cametoiy, and the considoration of the subject pjstponed imtil the noxt meeting. On tho recommendation aiid nominLiüon of the Marshal tliö íollowinr were coiiñrmed as Assistant Marshals and Policemen : Jacob Seabolt, Newton Fulch, and John W. Loveland. And the followiitg to ba Deputy Marshals : lst Ward- J. H. Peebles. 2d " - Christian Weitbrecht. 4d " - Joseph Preston. 4th " - J. M. Swiit. öth " -Edward BtiHng. Ötli '■ E. B. Gidley. A coinmunication was reooiyed from Messrs. Miller, Wurster and Schmid relative to Relief Fire Company, which was ordered on file, Tlie foJlowing Street Conimissioliera were elecied : lst and 2d AVards - Alanson B. Cole. 3d " 4th " -X. A. Pruddon. 5th " Cth " - Chiis. Adams. The Recorder reportod the names of all personï who had taken or refused to take liceuses under Ordinance No. TÍ. Aid. Mclntyre ofíered tlie following resol ution vhich was adopte;! : Resolved, That the Cit)T Attornoy be directed, upon the ooraplaiïit of any Alderman, Marshal, DojHity Marshal, to prosecute all persons doing business under City ürdinance No. 72( D0ÍDg "An Ordinance reïative to Billiard Tables, Saloons," etc., who have not takeii out liconse in acoordance witlt niá ordinauoe. Ün motion of Aid. Löland, the Marshal and his Deputies were directöd tü pay all moneys collectCd by them for ftíes of otherwise into thö hands of the Tïeasdrer, take lus roceipt therefor, and file said roceipt with the Kocorder, stating in said receipt the source from which the money WM received. Adjourned. SPECIAL SES8I0X; Council mat ou cali of Mayor on Wedndsday evening, May 14th. Present, all but Aid. Smith. Resignatiori of J. C. Watts, City Troasurcr, was presentó! and aecepted, and OU the second ballot S. M: Webstor was elected to flll the vacaney. The bond of the Treasurer was fixed at $80,' 000. The Street Commissioners were also retjuircd to givö bonds in the sum of ?500 each. The Recorder wu ako required to giye bond! in the eum of SjCO. Aid. Portcrj Lelalid, Dow and Dcubel wcre appointed a committee to investígate and report to the Council whethor it is possible to obtain a sufficient amount of water for the supplj of the city by making a well at the Bunker power, and whetlier such power is sufficient for the elevation of water therefrom for the use of the city. The matter of paving al'.ey from Washington to Liberty andbetween Muin and Second streek was referred to City Attorney. Adjourned. We are pleased to leaín that the old estab lished and popular agency of S. M. 2rBTTENHXiI & Co. Utiil Kve, notwithstarulin; tlie withdraw al of öne of the firm, who has joined parson Xasby in a uew Agencv. Mesrrs. Pettescjill ( Co. are kriown to the entirc jiublisliin iratornity, aut whcü tby pivo au ordor the páy is kiioira to bt forthcuinii)K ar.cording to concract. 'i hcir busi ness now aggregaten S10,'J0O,Ol)ü, áiid tbeir houa es in New York, l'liiladelplua, and Boston are rapidly incroasins those lsrge HgnreSf. Thej ut aotborised agente ia th ttuec cihm for the Ae'jvs.


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