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SH860X' ■- 1 ■■E II ■ i t' ÍS I'ITEKT.Y A VEGETABLE PEEPABATICW, comp dBÍmp!yof7C1l-lr,own ROOTS, HERB3 and FRUITS, combined with othcr propeit'.es, wiikli ia tbeir natujre a:e Catharfóc. Apedent, Nutrltious, Dkireiic, Alteral 'v anl Antl-Billious. The i v:holüi-i prrse: ved in a fiufficieiit quantify of from tho i UöAlt CNB to keep thtm la tmy climate, wLich niakes tho PLAMTATION il Í ki&no one of ihi moet deeira blo Tonirs pml Cnthart i' ' in ib.e woud. Tlicy are intended etrictly aa a a Tempéranos Bitters only to be sed ao a medicine, and almyi according to directions. 1 faey are the Phcct-anciinr of the fceblo and debiliI teted. They act upon a diyeascd liver, and ttimulato to suca a deprco that a bealthy actibn is at once broupfet ebüut. As a ïenuedy to which Womtn 1 ai: --:;.' cially F-ubjrctit ia Fuperseding everyother BtimnlaEt Aa a i 1iing ít.iil hunimeiTonio they have no cqtial. TJaey arï a roilü and gcntle lJuru'!Uvü u.-; well LB Tonic. 'Ihcy Purify tiie Blood. Tht f are aêplendid; Apiietiser. lhey make ihe weak Btrong. They purüy and invigorafe. ïhey cura ljjspcpfia. Constiparon anti IJeadacbe. Ihty actas aspeciíii; íxiallspeciea of'cisovdcrtí which undeimin thPbodilytiirengtLiaiid bréale downtheaniina] syirita %I f-ot. 53 Park Place. Tcw York., Only 50 Cents por Bottle. tt promotes tlic CTÍOTVTH, PRESERTTES tUc COLOR, and ii&crcascs tlie Vigor and B3SAUÏÏ oíT tïio KAIH. . Ovr-n Tiittitt TnABfl acó Lton'3 KATnAinoT ron i the Hatïi wan fii'st piuced in tito marketby I'rofessor 1 E. Thomas Lyon, a priuluíito of Priñcetori Collopre. Tlie name i i dei'iveü from tlio Crcck, Kathtio," F-'g i nifyitigt.o clcanst, puriJ'jf. ryuvenatc. or rc&lori. Tría favor itlmsreeei vea, and tndpxmuiárity ittiaaobtalned, _ Í3 unprecedented and iucrcdible. Ib merelwea th Govt:j and Bkaxity of 1 tío íe. It is a delightful fiíeasiiig. le entdica'ea DanrTrnít. Ifc préventfl 1 lio _ HairlVom furnitig v:uy. Ir, heepa tba l.eadcuu], cid gires the htiicu rich, poft, pïossy nppearance. It id tba SASIK iü UrANTiTï 1 1 ti I OtTALlTY ítrf i. ViiMOvcr :i Or.UtTERof a C'ENTüllï A GO, un i i ísoiilby ill Druiiíís nud Country Stores at oíaly l'-ifíy Cents pv jUottle KWuHian's Blay is Iler Hair. U1 1?. G1DLEY, J J Siccessor ío COLGUOVK & SON. j-T s, :'Y)% ? -V". , i " ;a : DRl'fiCIST AKB CDËMIST IN COOK'S HEW HOTEL, NTo. 12 E HURÓN STREET, DEALER IN DfU'tiS, ÜIEniCiJES, SURSlf U IS8TRFJIEHT8, PIRE W1IÏES Y LIQl'OKS, (FOR MUliICAL PÜKPOSKS ONLYJ Fíiíicy Goods, Pertmnery, PAINTS, OILS, VAlíiISHi:s, GLASS AND PITTÏ, PHYSICIAXS' PÍBCIIPTIOIS Carefally corapouuded at all hntirs. , I PBOPOE NOT TO BE UNDEESOID 1 BY ATIY FIRM IN THE CI1Y WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN AR1ICLE. E. M. GfDLGV. ísortr i TAM.E8 McMAIÍON, Jusfice of tlie Peaee, I Office in new blóck, NortU of Court Ilouse Money oollectctl and proiaptly p:ikl over. [ IN9URANCK AG-B3W3C . Triamph, aeaelB, $7ÏI KB 11 Nortö Mis3"ur, " f4.,:i7 i Hibornia, ' 3"j(i,ooo.OO REAL B8TATB. IhayeSídoresj flnnd U of a mil luim the city llnit, diñéis located fot fralt or garden pnrpose. AI30 40 aeree. 't Man 10 Biííes, wKh Uvm fitvl b-.-n.and a livcl [ strenm of water running thronh the bnrn yard. i 60 arres, a müe out. ' 1 will Hcll :iny oí' all the above cheap, or exchaDc I for cily pi'opi.r[y. 1 74 JAMES McMAHON. GENTS WANTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The bost bookP pabllabed on the lïorse nui the Coiv Lihoral " fl ' rtiadernp'tdly hy Agent f gel ag these hooke. 8tné fnr Hrct ' PüU. BR & COATES, I'ubi.isiikrs. Phïladelphia.Pa Sheriff's Sale. OTATE pj? MICHIGAN, county of Washtenn w, bs, O By virtun of a writ oí pxeenti n i&sned out of nnd imder the peal oi the Cirouit Couri fox ihe oouafcy of W.'tslitenaw. nnd to me directed nnd doljvered níTHJ i the goode, chattels, landa ftnd tneéneöta itl "A"iIIi:im Stevens and for the want oi' go x!s nn-l ohattela to BHtiê-fy finid executioB. 1 djd, ori the eighth dny of MftTch, 187Ï, seize nnfl ïevy upnh nll the i ftnd intet -' b iid u illii - a n nul to the ollowing dtBribPd lands, lowit : Lol number fout evi n soulh, il fin ilii'cïyof Ann Arboi county and etute ftforesftid. wliioh above described property 3 shnll expone for Mift to the toighest bid'der, t piiblio nuetion; at the south door of the Court House in the ■;,■. ■ f A-m Aihor, in the counfy of Wnshtenaw, on the twentytonrth rlay of May, a. d. 1878, al one o'clock r. W. of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 10, 1873. ' MYBON AVElïB, late Sheriff. 1-llM By Thos. J. Hkhïs, Deyputy Sheriff. - ■


Old News
Michigan Argus