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Estáte of Ellis Bullock. STATE OV MICHIGAN, County oí Waal t .. At u sesión of ti, . ,.,It fortl L ■■ fatenaw, holden at the Probate OmL?!'1? city ol Ann Arbor, on Monday, the i I , Noah W. Choerer, Judge of Prob-ttr In thü matter of the Éstate oí Ello Kuilort a Hngahd fllingthe petition, duly Verifli i Black, piaymgthat a uenam instrurn , t lOt on rile in Llife cuuiépuiportinK to be the hst w í ií ■ nt of snid decebfd i 'i-itt?dti batfí, and that she may be appuinted solé Exenifí tnereof, ortbat some suitable ' tTl pomted dmniietrütor with the wil] atim s.ed 'd Thereupon it ia ór&erod, that Monday thèt a day of June next, ut ten o'clock "in th7t noon. be for the hearing of said Jtir and that the devisera, legnfees, and 1 eire at l' of said dceensed, nr.d all otliei persons inteiÜ." cd 11 . are requned to apnen km of said Couit, then to be hulden ! the Probate Office, in the City oJ Ana ArtwT'J show cimse, it tmy thwe be, wby the prnyer óf petitinner should not be ■ . ' ïüe titioner give noticc t i ■ ■■ said estáte, of the pendeney of $LL? tiun, and the heari i.y eftnsinfï rc thia order to be pubhshed in the Michigan ArLL newspaper prmted and circulatmg in said (W1 --'■ weeks pre ioiis tosaid rtav of Hr- ' oopy.) KOAU W. CuEl'VEp !' U25 Judgp of Probate. state of . Josoph F. SchilL STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí "Washtenn M At a sesaion of the Probate, Court for the Count oï Washtenaw, holden at iho Prottote Office intE 'wbor, on Wedaesday, the twenty-tliiS da of April, in the year one thousand eight Lun dred and Beventy-thrfe. Pretent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In üie iii.Lttn of the estáte óf Jow-ph p gnu, ö ceaeed, "i Op ïeading apd Slingtbe petitien, dulj verifled n AoronL. reldknnip.piaying Ihat n certain ioihï ment now i n hle in iliig court. pnrporting to be last will md (c.-taii.tTit of Baiú tUceased muv be nd raitted to probate, md that -John Huíale may be L pomted sole exêcfltor tfiereof. Thoreupon it is ordered, thnt TVWrliv, the nirü. teenth day of May nest, iit ten oVJóek in the forenoM bo ftssigoed the hearing of said petttion Ja thut devisoes, legatets and heirs at luw of' Ju deceasea, and all othLr persons interesttd i3 said estufe, are required to appear at i ' seasiOD of snid Court, then to be holden i the l'robate OJKoe, in the Cify of Ann Arbw anti show cniie, if nïiy tbere be, "tvhy t;he prnyer ei the petitiofter shotild not oe granteo. And it i furtner ordered, that said petitioner give noticetothg persex ÏBterested in ioid estáte, of the pendencio' petition, and the hearing thereof, by ciub copyof tliit ordor to lie published in the Michino a newepaper printed and círcolatiag n County, thret successive weeks previous to said day of l.earii;fr. - .... (A irue copy-I ROAÍt tV. CEEEVER, 1425 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Electa S. Abel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtena ss At a session of the l'rubnte Court for thfiLountr of Washtenaw, holden at. the i'robate Oiüce.inthe city oí' Aun Arbor, on Sstindny, the tweifth ís of Aj'til m the yenr one tliousand eight Lundrti and ■■■: viii v-thfre. Present, jnobL W. Cheever, Judge of Probat?. In the matter of the estato of tla t. Abel jj(.' On leadiug and filing the petition. duly verified,!,! Charlee I. Kclloerf?, Kxecutor, praying that henm be licensed to sell eertain real egt;it? Vhereof f.oid d cea eed died soized, for tht. purposfi of payisg legacka bpqxieathed by hei lít'st will nníi testament. Therouj on il Is oideieu. tliat Wfdi:esday,thetwentyfii'Ftday of lïay ncxi, at ten o'eloct in the forcnüonbe assigned foi hearing of said petition, and tíiíit the di . tieea and beirs at luw of said deceaped and aü other geraölis iníeiesieí in said efetate, nre required to appeiir at a m. Bion of saiii Ccuit, then to be hulden at the fy$ bale Office, in tïie City of Ann Art.or, nd shoir cause, if any theré be, v.'hy the prítyCT M the titioner should not hé nWJWkü: And' it is forthc I èaid petifiorier give notice to the per9OBS interestcd ín said eatate, of the pendency offejj account, and the Ji'.annr thereof. ly cauBfagacon of tliw orfl er ia be finblished in the Michigan m :i iicv.-.-t-.l} . v prnwpd :nui eirculatinp in said C'ountr four siu'Cessive weeks previous m said day of heanne (A troecopy.] NOAII W. CI1FKVFK, 1422 Judge of Piobate. Beal Estáte for Sale. DTÁTE OF MICHIGAN, county oí Washlenaw.'s. i In (he matter of the estáte oí C'HinÜs Laíighlín, i deceased : Notice is heieby gitá, Mmlin purnuaiicoi an order granted to the underqigned Arinünist)aior of the estáte of Siiddeeeased, bj thé Hou. Judgeof Prjibate toj the county pi WaBbtenaw,on the twsty-second fla íniy, a. d. 1872, thre will be i pnblie venture. u s : idttpr, at the dwelliii?hóuse#on the preraise. ïifeinuftet d,escrbed, eounty of Washtenuw, in eaid State, on Ëatarda, the tw'nty-tourth fluy oi jV'ay. a t. 1ST.: o'clock in the loienoon of that diiy (subject U cufnDrances by moi ! .■ ■ ■■■ tijue of the ' ■ , ■ senbed real estale, t o wit : '1 he i at fcijli of 1 weel quttrtei of section tweñty ihree in toj - touth erf range BÍX i ;v, in snid Ötate, eeighty eres, moie or lest. Alsoa puïcel oi I Bcribêd as cotnmencing ni tïe qtiarter po$i betTera eectioDS twuiiy twn ;:nc twtsiiy] He. .-; in 1(.v t tti} and rtinge. ■■■rtd rnnnine eást on Baïd fjuaiter line to' the STib-áivfcion pest, I tiercé i oitfc r; snid line tuten iy-fem teds, thenct wesi to snïd Bection liiie tiphir rods, theuct south twentv-lour ri ds :o il e placen: i nii'ír. enntainir iwehe aens of land exeeptirg irora tl:e nbpi'e i ponvejíí fcyilced fnm said Cora litis Lítugl lin and wife. nudt r date oí De(■ mbei' fHh. ïft.i u " ;-i -. Fermedy, whicl] :s ï'pp'.i'T-i (' :n-lii'rr (30 of deeds, on pnge &Ö7,in t!.: office of fhe 1 epistei o! [ eeds in said cuunty, " Dated, April lOth, 1873. 1421 WILLIAM IU 'liKi', Adir.inishator. Mortgage Sale. f ■- EFA tt1' having betn raade in the conditians of a 1 & i-tam ilied tl e pi conti D. 1856, mude ana executed i y lh;t;li li. Vrebind itfid ; Hannah Vreeland, nis wife, of the cownsJÜp ol Lüdi, , ■ ■ 'ü'.ini y, and state of MïehTÉran, to John i ïeüdis, oj : i d i;i the oihcfd the }■■■- wter'oJ h eos for t he ouni y ui Wtishteimir, . l . ■ ■ .■ ■■■■.[ j . :,- oi Juiy. A. 1'. 18öfil:aud recoidexLin liber i'iot mortgagea page Wï, J Whieh i ii m n tlie Sd day oi Jumury, A. 1. L87Jduly assigBed by charles i Ciai.f.AÚministiator oí thee$ttteoi 'i.plijn 'l■■Uii, tu ilannnh ígnment wjis recorded in tl-e Uoyijsl oi thfl Lowety oí W asiitenuw. in libtr 3 oi usjsijinmenlsof rawtgaees on pugQÜ.6,al whicïi eniil mortgfige vas on tire ' fit day o; .lamiiny, A. J). . . ifaMrah Vreeland, oï t.ntownphip oï Lodi, VVushtenaw County, Mii :.■ Henry ri i land, of the snme plnce, and whii [] moni waa reeordtïd in n.e Keister'B utfiee of the ( oiinty of "WasMèmiw, in liber 3 oimoiigages on '■',. nul whit.'li .snid mortgogt wna on" the 1ML day of Miirch, A. 1, 1N73, ijssigned by Henry Vieeland io Obrtsttan Black und b redunde Scnmid, Jr., . . ■ uraeni wíis recorded in ilie i: Y4JÍ. yy.tzth eaaw, in UI inortgnges on paqe 668 ; aña wJiereiis, tliere is ird mi Bïtid mortauge at Mie date of Huh notiaMk nu ia tii' tw i , ■ liundred iiid BO-1 I' doHiirft ($2,178.00-1' 0), and no suit'or proepeáiug ai luw iia. b-j tu inútil u'- to reen ver the süim u; any pari ther oi ; not ice urday. the Bftir day of Juiy, A. f). hunored a id se nty üuet-, at twtlvi' n'cloek oonR, t tlia; diiy. :: I oor soulh sidt'! ot ihe.Court t .1 ■' Aun Ar6or, Waslitejiiiw CouutT, : oí the ]imvi-r of tlè rooi siiid nu ■ ■ shal] si il at j ui lic uuctiou. to tle hiaès deaeribed in suidmortor Lo.muc}i therwfi rw ahmv be neeegnvy to sat' fy Eneamount uué oo said cnortguge al tliedii notice with interest: and the cnr fttid expenses alldwed y law. umi ulso an aUuriiL-y fee oi tweilty-tivi aolJars ai pit)vided Ín snid mortg-age. 'Ihe ibllowiog is a desaription of the I-md aiui pii mises üs gïven in scid morigagt;, and to be sold in ]lhsiuh. iibove notice, lo vit : The west half (,',) Of i! ■ wci ■ ■ "on one {1), town r south rane live e .M , Wifhtenaw k ounty, AlicJiian, with fhe Hppíirteñancee thercúntó bei nging. Dated, Aun Arbor, March 27, 1873. ( ■UK1SJ iAX JtACK and riïEDKIilClvSCUMIl', Jr. Frbdektok Pistoi'.tus, Aisr íqr Asain es, 14iy _ - - Morfitge Sale. DÈFATTLT having been made in the conditionsof h certaiu tnoxTage, dated tnfe twenty-foui-fh oT ui L-'i.'i -riüiry, a. i. 1872, made and excuii'd b Mnrj Ë, Uuckniim and tiias (_". Kuckrnan, oi the t ■ , WñnChtíster, W'ïishtenii'w Couiuy, Jfcticlbigïin u ■ lick M-iüüi-i, Seniur, oí tííí n ui Ann AftHff? (Jounty :nvl Si ai e aiovesaid, and itco)d for the coun naw, Mi.i.iii, on líic i vr;i! y-fi::litli day H ary, a. d. IJS7-J, in Libei 40 ut' Mortgages, cu p-"e ■■ which dei'ault the power of sale coutiiinêd te. suid luortgay i rativeyand w ïpoceedingi in law oi equiti having been instituted to recover the débt seeiued by said ftioifgögè or any part tl'ereOt', and liie aum ui nine )r,;miHU ul.u thiity-lou dolla'rs und twenty-six centa .-1.1 ".i.-ü; bei] clainifc: tu bedue upon said mort gage at Üté dat '- Üiis notice, 1 i and expensesoí ihisiuu'■ !, and hIso in Attomey'n fee oí twentyftífl dollars : Is'otice ia tliere ture hereby &ÍW be j i loscd by a .■■ ■ ilUil in said uiói'tgnpe, or som o jmw ■ . io wit: AU the íollowing deeciHjfd l'tril' .; in tht counlï of WaalitenawtLiatc oi Miei' Ëalf (:) of the ubrthwést a""r" i-iiui'i Beven (7), contnininir thivty utre'■ the st hHli [}■, ui the soutf[uarter Cj) of sfeel ■ i one [1] lyinï suutlnvu t cl liiver ;n.(i rorrh ot the fciali lintr.g ai oul ( ight acies, all i tand bt ing in township fonr (4) BOtith of iHiige ttïjfl ;, aï public Vfiuiue to tlie higbeet bulder, atuie Froni dooi south side of the Couit Housu ii; l of Ann Ai ÍH'i , r; Rileonnty of WasJitenirw, onlw twuniy-eiptiUi üa of .luneuexi, nt nctm. Dated, April 2, 1873. KEIVEBICK FCHMIÏ, Pfnior, gBF.l' ■ M ' Attorney för Horfí Í42í!to Morfo-iige Salo. .ïEiTAt'TjT lia ing been made in the conditie i J of a eeriain iporiyjtge exc-euied lv Jph W VP"ait,Qi ihe city of Ann Arbbi County oí t'iüiw, and State ot EiiehigiVn, on the Uventy-secun" ia y ol J une, . ■ . 1. 18W,O Uobert eCt-nnirk, of è '.wii-l.ip of Aun i oí' Wtishtenivw ufoij Baid, aiui morded in t)o office of the lícírter (" i ici' the County of Washteuaw aid ttate jitort" s'uid, on the twenty-seto'nd day of -ïniie, A. Í '"■"■ '"" i ;. !'. .il. c'i sitivUlay, in iiber nnniber IBw UOttjages, nu la,.:t 74; amï ttmt títere is now cíailiieo be uue iviid uupaid on suid bond and mortf?) lim ut ionr huiuhed. and foi ty-one dolíais nnd tyn;' y-iivr ceüi.s, siso an attorney's fee of tliirty Jo)l sjiuuld any piuceuiiuis be' aken fo forcd i iiius in law er in eqm'ï itiny uenu had tu weftvei said aura oi muney oj "bi iar1 Hiifiif; nöw, fheitfoie notice ís herebj ha; i. power of Mie in said raoi onWi&ed, f shalisel] itt public aucUon tú the hi(flcj 'Muer oñthe thirtjr-flrst day nt Aiujr next, i'.1 .-eiork i'. ítt. Di BMld ch-y, nt the tiont door ol 3 [ouse, in f!;eciiyoi Ann Arbor, in the Couw -t V HshteimW, and S+nte út Miehigtm, that beinirt" iluw wbexv the Ciicuit tJourtsareheldinaaicosBW II those oertaia Dieces or pajeéis oí land sil ij. - nn Arbor, County of Wftshteiie - aid, btting lots numl'rr one (H, two, three, an I u black Bpmber mx uJ, lirown anu Fuller's ai i ilhtgu n)x city of Ann Arbor ; alsn a i i and eitrht i'ods s(]iiare, bonnded on the wesi bj ,,: i Ly ihe north luie ol b id Fullei 's addition, on S James, and cu tho east by the Irst i !'ü 1 lJ mi'-] Crawlord ; also u pi md lui.;, Leiweea tlie north-eas coinci of lol ertwoaud the norlh line rf M-vV rvrnbi-r .„ ïrown and Fullei 's adH-í. ti tn f}in Tillan of AJJ Ubor atoresaid, beinf a Irinngularpieceof lnndi5"J !the north Ij e of lots one and two, w amber bix, brown nd Puller's addition anuw orth line of said bïocl . ,,.,r t-t-d Admïn strator with the MJ ïll annexj ohn N. Gott, of the Estáte of Eobert MeCormic' Attorney for icceascd, Administratox ,.,. üf Mortgagee. w'


Old News
Michigan Argus