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Languages In The Public Schools

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Preliminary to a few remarks upon a question which socms to bo voxing eduontional circles in different portions of the State - the right to tench any foreigïi languuge, modern or anoient, living or dead, in the public Böhools of this State- wo oopy tbo followirig paragrapha from the procoedings of u recent session of' the Diitroit Board of Eduoation : The Inspector from tlie Third Ward mored Uní. 1 10,000 1h' appropriated tor the introduotion of Germán into the public schools. President Backus saíd that he had callad tho attention of tho City Cnunsolor to thé (ttngúage of Beotion l of article 12, viz. ; " Tbs Legislatura ihi 11, withiii live jreara Brom the adoption of this ooi sitution, pi-ovide for and establiah a 8yetnj of pi i nary schools, whereby a Bohool sháll he kept, without charge for toition, at least threo mouths in ki year, and i!l instructibo ín such schools shall be eanducted in thé Hngiish language," and that he liad still under advisement tho qaest'On whether money could bc oonetitutioually appropriated for the introduction of Germán iti the public schools. Und a these considcrations, as tho resohition was of doubtful constitutionalitv, tho chnir declined to entertain the motion unless under the instiueions of the Board, and it was withdrawn. Our first remark is that if the constitutional provisión (jnotod was designocl to prohibit the teaching of ahything but English - that is any k.nguago besides the English langnago - in tho public schools, the prohibí tion applies only to tho primary schools and not to tho high schools of tho State. But it does not nuiko even limited prohibition, and by no proper construction of languagc can it be torturéd to so mean. The object of the requirement - not prvhibition - that " all instruction in such (frre of tuition and prima.ry) schools shall be conductod in the English language," waa to guard against tho exclusión of tho English language frorn the schools to bo cstablished in districts largoly or exclnsively attended by scholars of Germán, Dutch or other foreign-born parentago. That is, to 'vide that in all the schools of tho grade nainod, spelling, reading, arithmetio, granimar, or whatever studies pursned, shall be taught in English instead of in Gorman, Dutch, French, etc. Greek and Latin are taught in the University and colleges of the State, and in many of tho high schools; but we take it that neithor of the University nor any other school eau it bO said that tho " instruction" ín the iiingWiïgcrs framed ij "conducted" in Grcek and Latin. The samo romark will apply to Germán, French, Italian, Spanish, etc. The instruction is amiueted in the English Innguage, and the student is taught to translate Latín, Groek, French, Germán, etc., nto English and tice vcraa. The languago which is tl? lession of tho hormr - say Genaan, that bcing one referred to in oui' opening qiïotstion - is a speoifio study tho same as wonl-iï te a recitation in history or chemi.stry -and the instruction is conductod in English. The sole and only design of the provisión in (juestion was to mako it certisin that all the childrou in the State - of whatever - should learn tbc English language and pursutr tbo ordinary studies of Ük? printary schoola in the English laiigiïngo ; tlrat tho toaohors of tbe primary Hcbooli éWöld umlerstand English, road it, writo it, a(} givu thoir sense construction, and to say that it nieant to prohibit tho teaching of Gerloan ar an y othor language as a specifio study 9 ta appjy a rulo oí constraction wliich. we TOHrttWe topjedict no court will ever adopt. Maxy radical jfbwnbfa dVwot' eett-se to denounco thoso meinbers of Congres?-' both Senators and Representativos - who voted tbr, or by absence or sileuoe aided , the passage of, tho baok-pay salary-in or-steal bilí, or who voting against that biJl of infumy made Laste to reoeive and poefcst the „O'Wplum. BiiU&eseawne journaliste ono til fortuito best uw even mild censure upon President Guaxt who hesitated not a seeowl to affix his signatuvo to the bill, without whick it could not have become a luw. For eaioh voting oroonsonting momber of Congress there was but ?o,000, less mileage, in tho bill, with f3,900 annually, thereafter, lc?s mileage, so loitg as re-eleoted. Por tho President there was a bonus of $100,000. We say a íwím, for though the inórense- oL hi&Sftlary did not back Congress,. for a wonder, hav-ing otice regtrdert a plain prohibitiou of the Constitution - ho had acceptod a nomination and ro-election with the knowledgo that his sulary was fixcd at $20,000 a year instead of $ó),000, and witü no psopisa that it should be increased. Wo forgot : there is a story current that ho cxacted a promiso of a second term beforo conaenting, to resign the life-long generalshipof the army accept thepresidency, and the cliief radical fuglors raay have also bargained for an inereaso of his salary, But whethor or no this ís soa littlo mild condomnation of his grasping greed would ovidence coiisistency. WE have known Legislatura to bc subjeoted to all soits of' oriticisiu and consure, much of it being deserved, hut the Legislature of New York is tho first to be preseutod or censurad by a coroner's jury. It was dono at Poughkeepsie on the 19th i-ast., tho case undor investigation, being tho lrilling of oro Garukit by tho falling of a gallery at Siug Ring' prison. Tho verdict runs : " Wo furtheTüjore would expreaa our conviction that tba Lngialaturo of tho Siate of New York bas exhibited culpablo negligence in refusing tho nccossary appropriations to remcdy the inssjcurity of tho gallery." Would not an act for damages lio against that Legislatura in behalf of tho heirs of Gakiiett 'i A telegram: froiti Washington under dato of the 21st inst., suys Gon. Davis reporta that tho Modocs were whippod - on tho lOth iust. - and ran avvay, and the mountcd troops luid gono in pursuit. The Modocs had eviduntly read with profit, " Ho that fights and rulls away, Will livo to íiht auother day," and those presuuiing mountod troops , may aid in proving the truth of tho saying. 'Shat dispatch will hardly set the cpuutry rejoicing over tho torminntiou of tho Modoc war. When they aro whipped so that they can't run' away will be timo enough for jubilation. A Rome dispatch ot' the 'lst inst., says: " Tho Pope h.-vs had sovoral severo attacks and is in dangcrof suffocation. Tho Cardinals aro in tiie Vatioan, ready for any euaergeiicy. Tin; OhíoHopublioan Stato Oonvention wm beld nt Columbu8 on Wodnesday, Gov. Noyes wa re nominated, as also most of lbo officcrs whoso torma oxpire with tho politioa] yoar. Among the resolutions adoptad was oiie couimondinpj Oongress for it ('nrf and 'arf) Credit Mobilier investigationp, and auotliorceuBuriüg all wbo voted for tlo iucrease of' Congres8ntAn'8 Wage? or pockotcd tho back pay. and doioanding au uucoudi tional repeal of the iaw. Tu i', monibors ot' tho Culhoun, liatón and Ingham Bars havi' OnitaS in a cali addressvd to all the lawyors of tire 8tate, appoiutrog a meeting tobe beldat Eaton lÏH.pids, 011 ïuesday, Juno 17th, for tho purpoüQ of organiziug a State Bar Asso ciation.


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