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ÏSTEW SPIÍEGiE Largest, Most Elegant, and mach the clieapest Stock of íirst-class sujei h DRESS GODDS Black and öjlors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! Bilck! lirick! Brick ! I VrtLT, MAKE BBICK T11I8 SEASON, AND Wll.L SI'.I.L THEM A ff ■C.'IIHAl' AS AIÏY MAN IN VVASHTENAW COUNTY, And I oan do so with ease, as I cmploy no Agents, I propoao lo sell Building Brick_at S6.OO per Thonsand ! delivercd anwhere feisiïl öf thö oopporstiou, in am-ountíTOVür oüe thoubawd. OHÍÍ MORAN. Í-126W3 A Chance for Bargalns ! i For snle nrt a gret bmgaiB, 160 ACBES OF CIIOICE ; 1,AX1, lTiiijr 2}.; rmles-froiw the city of Ionla. 190 acres imrtepicvprovempivt, with gsed: oreSa-rd, büfn ' íind slied, and a cOííifortnlMV; IiotlSe: Tétllu oí p;tv-mpnt- írom $2,000 to $2,500 down; buUmco co luiisr tiine. Aso i)0 ACRES, about 2í miles from Ausrustn, : Kíilamazoo County, nll improved, with gcd buildhiugs. Terms- extremely low. I Also SO ACI5KS atiouí ciplit Miles from llastinga. ÁUo 80 ACKBS onsection Jhi the tom í Hazeltpn, Shiawaaac 'County, abóut l!i miles írom Coiunua. W'í-11 tiniberod. l'or terms addrcsa thc uridéiigned. K. h. io n. Aira Albor, April 2', 18T3.QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPDIA, A DICTIONART OP Universal Kaowledge &r the People. WITH Maps, Pintes, and" Eogi-arings. Complete in 10 Vols. of S32 pagfctt cach. IUuêtrated with about Tlumsand Sngramng and Forte M;ps, together with a Serüs qf trom EtyMy lo On Jhtwfrr,! KttffanÜg Kagravtd Pintes - illustrulivr of the Sutyêct of Natural Ilistory ■now for the, Finsi? timk ufijttiarhiy it Uic toont. riïIC13 B3t V0LC5I;E. F.xtra Cloth, bereled boavda, - - $. 50 Libran Stieep. marbled etlges-, - - G 00 U.SÚÍ Turkcy Morocco, - ■ 5 50 THIS ElHTIOX 13 ONLY BY AgENTS. Publifïhod by J. B. LU'PïNCOTT & CO Pliilntleliihiu, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN, 180 Woodvartl Avenue, Detiuit, Uouorul Agent for the State of Miéhi&an. Hy conqnring' Chaoten' Rnfycloprudin n4th the New American Cyclopiudia,- the wort witii whi'oh It is most iivqtienU? uror.ght into compHrison, it. will bc found thnt while tho ten volumen of Olmmbers' oontaia 83..0 pages, the original rtxtten volumes oí tho New Amentos cöntnin loss tJuiu Í2.000 papes. It will als'i trefunnd that n paB of Clinrabeln' ponlains fllll oiic-fifth more matter (had u page af thf . ■■ Ainerlclin, idakiog t!iè ten volumes oí the lotmer equivalent in amount ef prlnted ïinttc to at letut tliirtien volumes of the Mttet, not to meotiTn the immerous l'liites lübout 80), Woodrufa (some -1000), md SInps (hout 40), tllikt jfo includeil in tbli odition of Cbmubers', and to ifhioh the New 'AmoWciin possesses no gorrcBpohding fenturos. It, is confldently believed that .ai a popuTrtr " Dictiokabt 6ï 1'mvkii'sai,," thowof&'is ithoilt'an cjiml in tl.,Eliglish L'iDgUiige. 1426y] ÜIJ U lJ.Hop Pilis These Pilis do not contain Quininc or Mincmls. Thcy are suar-coated. Price, 60 ets. per Jiojc' JJr.McMunn, Gardner, III., says ■ " I Kave taken tliL-ui iiTsclt andel ven Uiem to niy wifc and cl ïilUren: They havo cnred them and mitny otlicr ■vvJmiiaveusodthrni." They aio made to euro Kever tnd Agua at once. Dumb Aruo and Agne Fevers are cnrud suonlily. Tlioy are simple, hsnnlees, and SmpwhStt? ,UIrectlous ln fuur languases acE. W. ELL:a & CO., are the Agouta. luoyJ


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