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ÏCabps. _ CítcuImi _ ÍSill-IIeads. - Lettor-Hpís. Blupjiing Tuga. _ Printeil at thé office. - ln'tlio best rtyte and cKïi. - Doift order elsewhere before calling. - Satisfaction guarantocd iu every respect. Wanted'! Every dollar _T)ue tlie Asara office. This means you, if you owe the $1. . -Poi iiitiecriptioii, ad vertiaing or jobwork. _ Suniincr at last : 'with 'suolding aboul the _- James C. Moore, of Ypsilanti, hds patcntoil a " Log-Turner." Xhè l'v. -'yterirm Church is being fenced in: a decided iiuprovuraeiit. . Work is Boon tn be commenced on the walls of the nsw Congregational Cliurcli. The re-roofing of the nevv Univcrsity biiildaf- tliis timeVilh tin - is complcted. _ Collector EOWXSOW, of this Internal Kevcnue district, was in town on Tuesdaj-. - President Anoell and lady " lunch " the soniors and invited guests (ladies) - uot 01 the ■seniors- C'lis-Day. - J. F. Schaebeele, " teacher of inusú'," itill start for Germany the 26th inst., to bo absent six or eight niontlis. - The annual meeting of the Washtmuv' Baptist Sabbath School Association is to be held ■at Saline on Tuesday next, the 27th inst. Xhn Schi; 1on Buxid of this city announces j ri'nic at jïHef Park, Monday, June 2d. offerod for shooting amountto $100. - The Circuit Court will enter upon a regular term on Mm. il. y next, with a largo calendar. The üryhM been suinmoneil for Tuesday. - The seniors have issued tickets for a Reception,to be grreo in the new building on Tuesday eveninii next, the e'vening beforö Class-Day. - Prof. Tylee, late of the University, púleil over tho annual dinner of thc Alplia Delta ' Phi fratemity, at Cornell, on Thursday of last week. - A question for country lyceums : Is a univcrsitv edncatkm necewory to teach younL men how to lift íúdewálks or fill those they can't lift Witll StoTLO-J ? - E. F. JoteSTOXE, of the Michigan Farmer, iras in our city on Saturday last, luokinfr as liearty ns l'Ofore the fire which cleaned out nis '■office and personal eífocts. - F. G. Russell, Esq., f Detroit, Iras been loppointed assignee in Tiankruptey of G. E. Souihwick, tliat poeition liaving been declined liy J. ï. HoxÉT,'óf Dexfcr. - In the Supremé Öourt on Friifay évening last, the case of James A. Saxtos is. Jacob A. Polhemus was disposed of, the judgment in the 'Circuit Court heing affirmed. - At the anima] ineeting of the State Homeopathie Association at Flint, on Wedncsday, Dt. "WooimuFF, of this city, readapaper upou "The ÏAW of Principien and Cure." - The (heat Eastcrn Circus, akted by studeiits of refined laste and lotty aspirations, furni.shud more music at their evening performance than their programme promised. - Resulting from a dg&agè of base, diet and water (we presume), Ex-Co. Clcrfe RoBiaöx is re'fivted afflictcd witïi hoils. We kp_ow lioiv it t, oareclf, JoiiX, and extend oui sympathiek - The Dextér I.caticr unburduns itself in thii wïse : "The duty wc owe the pnblic compels ns to say that ' C. C. Grady's great three tent show' is tlic must Bhamefu] humbugitéhavi cvtrsi.en,'' aii'l so on for " three sticks full." - Hou. B. F. Geaxgeb is now Eñ-Co'.lector 'of I. E., haring dèlivered oier the ofKce to his fuccessor on Tuesday. Tlie Judge made a faithfu!, efficiënt, and h' nust ollieer. May he tiirn ip in a better position one of these days. - By retyiest we give place this week to au article on "Homeopathy afta the Üiiiverpity," eopied fttna tlie Coldwater Republicaii. "Orthodox" seemy to rpaïi irmn the Card, and it is terUiin thd't he neither beliores in homeopathy fcor a mixed school. ( - Ex-Marshal LfestTKÖ "has been appointed tpecitü pohoeman at the depot, the Central Kailrood Company paying liis satary. Wa may no"v hope that the depot ill be kept clenr of ' gpra anfl loaters and rowdits, ondtliat U'.dics vill . be protected from insult. - A down-the-Iíuron gardonef went out to tiko a survey of liis potato patch a few raornings since, and rèpofta fiuding a regiment of potato bugs sittíng on tlio ridge waiting for the planta to break pfltmil usa furnish their morninj nieal. He massacród tlio Bïodoc " val miiits " -he did. - Oii Friday eveniu last Pat. Kexxedy, living on Seoond strcet, attompted to light liis pipe by a kerosene laiñfi. Hssult: Iainp tipjioil ftvcr, table clotli took fire, and floor and tablo Veré scorched. Pat. attotÜBred tin; fire out with a quilt, and wíll pTobably he more careful the next time. - A few nights ago somo bodysupposcd to e Sophomores- got ioesea to tlie University Chapel, jiaiuted the soats of tho Fresh, yellow, and inscribed '76 ovcí the Président'a (tok. Tlic Vigilant jauitors discovered the joke iu tnñe to clean the seats and ttfrt the unmentionables of Ihe boys. Another exainple of "love'a labor iost." - The blind gutter across Main street, south de of Hurón, is being taken out and a broad und shallow etone and cement o-utter tieins? Tiut in its place. Anothcr improvemeiit in the right direction. Covered gútters, unless laict deeper ná constructed largo enoúgh to permit olesning without uncovering, are both á delusion and á huisanoe. - The Leader boasts that Dcxter has a "young man who can ocoewfoUy administer to the Vista and soothe tho sorrowï of au unweaned infant for three mortal hours," and ossigns him rank with Pliaraoh's daughter, Joan of Are, Florence Nightingale, Orare, Dsrlíftg Sií-san B. Antliony " (who never soothed au iitfant or any otherman), " and otlior illustrious benefactors of the race." - Marslial Paeshalt, caught some b'hoys on Saturday night last, rolling stone ijito tke walk on Stato street, adjoiñing thé Congregational Church lot. One was loiiged in jail an.l kapt "til Sunday nooii. He was a student. The Mne walk was filled with stone the night hefore. On both evunings nanted the coiKÜtion of sever'1 piceos of plank walk on State street was (not) mproved by ripping up pfttnkB. - CitAKLiE LaNvso.v, a young lad in the cm ploy of Express Agent Asiks, experimented wit i cartridge a few days ago with not a favorable rcsult. Beiug at the depot he placed a enrtridge On the track and stood by tOiBee tiio wheels of a toviiig train go öYe iE: The wheel explodec tl Cftrtridge and flatteued the ball, but the ex pfoübn projeeted tlie cap or casiiig into tho cal '!t ' 'iia]i.ii;'s right leg, and it is fhpre yet. Ht Wï say m tho old lady did of thé a cart ndge is a dangerous thipg. lje I'.

We have another name to add to the fast lengthening role of departed citizens. William L. LOOMIS, who has resided in this city since 1846, died on Sunday last, in the 67th year of his age. Mr. Loomis was noted for his positive character and sterling integrity, and was esteemed by all who knew him.

We have received tíxtm N. H. Tayloe, engra eron moei, Chioago, a poiaphlet of specimen business and fancy cuts, which show goo te and skill both in design ttd eiecutioi whta we raijuira auything in that lino ,, H inclim á to give him a look af, The " millionairo " of theYpsilan dal boils over with wrath and fairly toars )i hair bocause we suggested to lus cotempornry o the Sentïnel, touching that threatoned libel aui that " the game is n't worth the powder Sakes alivc, mm ! we didn't nioan in a ínone Bense, not a bit of it. ThcTO aro Iota of me against Wliom á heavy verdict for libel, tlmn;; good and collectable, would ncilher hring fïttin reward mr plastcv tip damagod reputatiun ; rompound or cross of the gossip and zany, wit tin infmito resource of froth and foam, boast an iwagger, pretensión and preaumption, and we Uon't kiidw what else. You are of that olflas, and ons should permit your word-pclleta to roll off Iiis liead like water from a duck's back, and take your lashüigs as ho woúld thu twatínga tai a puriy baby, conscioua that White it don't hurt lum it 5 fun for you. Thri was wbftt we tncant, and cali it " green eyed jcalouay and euvy," or whatever you pleao. j ust think of our pnns-pioud and stuck-up brother gloating over lus possessions and counting hia gold, and tlien twitting us of being on our " laat legs " (a very good pair yet) ; of having only boen kopt "from starvation" by the fiee run of the Probate Office, &O. Is n't it jolly t Witness him pointing to his " ñno office building " and " magnifloently furnished office,' and theu to our " third floor " office, " smelling of dust " in a " rickcty building " (wa don' own it brothor Pat. and aro not to blame i'oi its beiug "rickety"); next to lii palatia] "ad joining residence" nul Uien to our dmgy hovel, oxclaiming " all this is the product of my brain tho sweat of my brow, tire èvidonce of raj thrift and enterprise and mañey-getting pobrera :and of roxD's lack of 'the flrst business ijualiiicatiou.'" ïsn't it " aggrawaüng 't" But then, neighbor, fools and bcggars and misers have been known to accumulato money and die rich; Bpongaa and give back notliing ; borea aro given patronage to get rid of thüin : so that your uupieoedsmted and unparalleled prosperity may not iurnisli tho slightest eridence that commuuity is any the better for it, or that yoi have rcturned value reccivcd for wliat you have gottén to yourself. But we will iet our !'jmmercial iriend teil tho secret of his success in his own way: A little over nine years ago we befran, borrowing the money to start our office. Have given ali public offices the jio-by, not even attending a iiolitical convention if it interfered with our business. We oould not ufford to boeome nn Al derman ot accept School Boud honors, or any other oilice for the mke of the petty, insignificant driblinü's. We liave liid higher "game," and Lave sncceeded in bagging it. That's it ! get money and keep it. Abeorb and never gire out. Work on!; for pay and be aura of pay in filthy lucre. Serve your party in your office at a fixred price, and your country and God in the,same "fi-ay. Never " attendidg a politieal convention if it interferes with business " - and then winning for politieal patronage ! Never going fröm home exoejrt you have a hotel "freo pass" in your pocket, and then starving yöurself for several dnys so ns to put a week's provender down at a meal or tw'o. t'rging the Xublishers to form associatioiis, and then slinking away without enrolling your name - to save the dollar initiation íee, and so on in evory social traneaction. Get and keep. Why,inan, we don't know the estímate you mt upon your immense acquisitions, but we venure to say that the services we have givcn the rablic on School Boairds and Cemetery lioards ind iii ther positions of trust - not proiit - igured at 'Coramon day-laborera' wages would ïave netled us more than your magnificent ffice and palace residence are worth, ccrtainly wice or tliree times what the Supervisor values all your possessions at. And though these laors ior the public - lor years taking moro time lian was left to oui' bvrtS business - may ha been foolishly "bestowed as you would reckon, ve have the consciousncss of having been soraehing besides a leech upon the bodies politie and ocial. And whon those "last legs" can carry us no longer we hope that the good we havo ried to do in this way w i 1 1 be rememberod to ur credit though our bank account may bé can. Hold, lead pencil, the public cares nothng for this and "the game is n't worth the ïowder." - An examination of last year's assessment olfe6how& that the "fine oilioe building" and inagnifioenüy furnished office" bf the Comm.nrial :r.-o valued- toth fogethcr - at just what the Supervisor h;;s for years asBeseed the material iíi our office, and üiat tluit "adjoininpf resi'. taa a Snpervisor'a estimulo oí less thafl lialf vïiat our "dingy hwvtl " ] ts 1 - ■ n tU8ÓB36d at. 'his ïact is stated aimply tö {fonctare tlio pufflall. Bcsidei we wíl wagei a Email suin that ■iiioss oí the ('oinmensa! office lias in 110 iir year ever equalcd that of the Aeguh ollice. 'ATTI8ÓS m:'y Jiave done his business chöaper, ollected closer, and kent his'GREAT oaixs - : en frdm the Supervisor. AbiWrbing, iponging, lat is Lis secii?. cf Luccess- -)is d'jnultion of eiiterju-i?-!." The HoSse The Horso Broodcr's ociation - the organization Of whicli wc roíccd lust week - oficrs the following list of premiums to be contested tor at their m'st meeting to bb héld Olí the Faii grounds in tkic city, June 4th, 5th and Gth : FIBST DAY. For horsos that nevcr trotted better tlian thlOfl minutes, - 250 For horses that never trotted for moncy, - 100 For horscs t!at ititver bont 2:10, - - 400 ii'l'O.Nl) DAY. For all horses owried ín Wosht6ti& Conñty, 150 For rúnning horses, ----- íjO For horsos that never trotted botter than 2:50, 300 l'UIRD BAY. Open to horsea út r:ishtenaw County that havo never beaten 3 minutes, - - 50 Doublé team race, ----- 100 Opo to áll hoi-ses, ------ G00 Krtraneo money ten per cent, of the purse, and iriust aocompany caeh ontrance. ilntrií's elose June -lth at 12o'elock at thé office of the Secretiiry. All races, best three in fivo, exceiit races fivo and eight, which wíl he b6st two in three. The Superintendent ;dsTises us that pool scllÍ4g v.'ill be sfiiitly prohibited, and that the sale cf hqúora "f ;my kind will not be permitted on thé gri i ■ The cóncort oí tho Mendelssolm Quintcttc Club, on Monday cvening, vas a pleasant and rare entertainment, thoiígh we fear not profitajlo to tho Young Iridies' Bjdustíútl SSeiíty oí he IV' Churrh, for tlio benefit oí vhich it vras given. The gentlemen comprising the clul) are thoroughly educatcd ïrtusiciam and skülful períoraiers en tlie suveral instrunents of their choice, violin, violineello, ñute and clarionet. Thoir selectiona w6re good, yes excellent, and the pieoes were rmtdend to the delight of all. Mrs. Dow, the vocalist. v,-as tntlmsiastically receied and won the plaudits of all wlio lieard her. Her enunciatioii is clear áild perfect, and her execution natural. - It ia cause for regret that our citizens show a more general apprceiation for secoud and third-rate musical entertainment than for süch musió as furnished by the Mexdelssoíixs and iírs. Dow Ths followHng appointmenta hdvo been made for tlio óomiag exhibition of the graduating class of the High School of titis City, to K Kfeld Kridáy, Juno 2Oth : Fannie C. Cooley, Ida M. "Kmnvlton, Marie Louise Hall, Lulu Goodrich Jcnnie E. Peai , utd ittggta Btewart, all of Ann Arbor; Estolla Norton, Maurnec City, Ohio; and Sallio E. White, Manchester, K y. ; Mic.hael Brcnuan, Branch Colby, E. H. Collina, Honry Fisk, all of Ann Arbor; Lawrenoe Hall, Hamburg Charles H. Hopper, Clierry Grove, Ohio ; T. lt Twouiey, BextCr; and M. S. Toyaira, Japarf. The following appointtnenta have boen matle by the Faculty of th! University of sinakers for the coming Coiumencemeiit, Wednejday, June 'J'illi : Bidney C. liastman, Elgin, 111. ; Itobert S Gross, lirunswick. Me.; Henry W. Gétaton, Am Arbor; Albcrt Jacobs, Detroit ; Chas. 13. Kceler Cliutofi, Iowá; Loyal E. Knappen, Hastings Sherwood R. Peabody, Detroit; Judson Q-. l':ii tengil!, Ann Arbur; Marshall K. jioss, , burg, Ohio ; Volnsy M. Spakling, Ann Arbor Ernest T. Tappcy, Philaderphia, l'a. ; Charle McK. Vanoleve, YpsUanti; "William 1!. Wil liams, IlillsviU", Va. ; and Charles L. Wilson , l'ort Byron, N. Y.