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The June Magazines

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Thougli ]k wind is yet laden with ïce-slivers nd Jack Frost still plays his aiitics, though res still burn in iurnace, parlor heator or oilico uvu and overcoats are in daily demand, the uno magazines como to our table remiuding s that Spring has noariy followed Winter and ïat Summer is near at hand - according to the manac. We have the following : The Atlantic Monthhj with: Tho French Irairoglio of 1798, another of Porton' capital Jefersoii paper ; Moods of the Rain, poem, by G. . l.atluop ; The Tlirco Marys of Kharpsville, by . A. H.; Tivo Ways, poeni, by Constanco F. 'oolson ; The Hare and Maiiy Foos, by Charles awson Shanley; A Suïmiso, poemi by Louisa uslmcil ; Danish Society and its lievival, by lomeas Petersen ; By the Shore of the Kiver, oont, by (Jiiristopher I'. Cranch ; A Chance Acuaintance, vi., by W. D. Ho'.vells; The Wissing jeaf, poera, by J. T. Trowbridge ; Tlic Suiuïer's Journey of a Naturalist; i., from Massalusctts to the Delaware, fresh and crisj), by N. Shaler; Miss Meholable's Sou, by T.B. Alrich ; A Germán Baron and English Itefonn■s, another chapter in the autobiography of lobert Dale Owen ; with notes on Literature, eience, and l'olitics. Tho uumber completes ie XXXI. volume. Jas. 11. Oügood 6c Co., Soston. - Our Young Folk comes from the come lublishers, chock full of good things. There re four more chapters of Trowbride's story, )oing his Best ; The Story of a, Sky-Stoue, by . A. Stephens ; How a Girl Helped, by Lottie dams ; Kolf s Leap, by Georgiana M. Craik ; 'he Screw Propullor and its Discoverer, by N. . Dudge ; bnt why enumérate ? Svary boy ught to have tho reading of it. - The Catkolic World lias for its leading ïcrs : Juróme Savouarela, Dante'a Purgatorio, 'lie Trowel or tlic Cross (a tilt at masonry), ooutny Liíe in jEugland, Madame Agües, Thu olitusa PAtoipK of the Social Restoration of r.uicu, G rapes and Thoms, chap. I., I'outaineleau, Laughing Diok Cianstoue, The Present reatiiSss oí the Papaoy, "For Better for Veras "- concludod. Bcholarly and coutrovertil as usual. Catholio Publio&tion Húuse, 9 Varren street, N. Y. - Scnbaet" Monthly has tí capital list of paerá, iucluding : Tlie Ascout of Mount Hayden - a new ehapter of .Western Bieeovery, by N. I', jangford, with sixtoon iJluttrations of wonderd Ycllowstone sccnory ; Bret Harte, by Noah irooks with portrait by Kurtz ; Capt. Luoe's neray, by James Ï. McKay ; Tiie American rish aud American Germana, by F. A. Walker; V Seance with Foster', tho Spiritualist, by Kobert T. Leaman ; Tlio Tides of tlie Sea and tho Tides f the Air, by John Wiso ; Our Postal Car Serice, by Louis Bagger, with five illus. ; Coruell Jnivi.T.ity, by J. M. Hart, sevon illus.; Arthur Bonnicastle, chaps. SIII.-XV.- by Dr. Holland, íaintaining the interest though getting the hero n the breakers ; Au Old-Fashioned Story, by taiian Stockton ; A Visit to Pius IX., by I J'Abain; with poems, by Cieorgo MauDonald, Coolidgfi, Lctvis Richards, and Elizabeth C. Kiimey. Besides nt the lOatreadablejiagefl are giyén t-o the minor duparlments : Topics of the ïirae, The Old Cabinet, Home and Society, Culturo and Progresa, Nature and Science. Scbteneb & Co., 054 Broadway, N. Y. - Tho Ladies' Reposit&ry bas two beautiful steel engravings : " When the Swallows Homeward i'ly," accomiianied by the music with VTOrdfl botli m English and (ïrri)iau, and " The Little Sunliuam." Tho opening paper is a sketch oí' John Knox, by W. II. Withrow; theiu are two moro chapters- IX. and of Betsy Triggs, or ltoscuod trom Shamtí, By W. !■'.. Hathaway, in wliich two Ann Arbor studcnts sccm to figure - ene u the story teller ; chaps. XVI.- XVIII. of Octavia Solara, by tho ituthor of " Mary l'owell ; " Sarah Baxter's Diary, liy Mrs. O. W. Scott; Tho ]ii;furm:ition Period and Radicalism, by Prof . Auslin Bierbower ; ïho Itinerante Wife, byüev. "Win. Oraham; Somo of the Wrongs i Wil HamHtoB Forgot, ly Mrs. Mary Y. Parker, The editorial dcpartmont is well-fllled and tho notos thoreiii aro wide in their rango. Tho nuiuber coucludcs the X XXIII. volume. HlIOHCOCK & WaU)BN, Cincinnati, ühio. Fruin tlft siinif publishcrs we get Ctóldên IIoHrs, inolndiug in i Is long list of article : Links of CinduMs, obaps. XV. - X'II. - illus. ; Franooifl Henry, tho Freuoh Orphim Boy, f rum tlie Oerman; The Story of a Pointer, by Jenny M.Knrr; Lydia Coltor's Trials. illas.,chp. III., by Maggie 8. Hdghisi, eto. Tt is a good number of a safe magazine to put in the hands of the young. - Aiiutr's Ilnnc Magazine has a continuation of Crooked Places, by Edward Oarrett, author of " Occupation of a Iietired ] to Smyrmi and SpheftuB, by Amlvew Thoxnaon, fllui. ; The SloneButter'a iix Wisht :, au . tedpoem; additional chaptéra at ïnsubordination, or the Shoemaker's Daughter, by T. S. Arthur; L'p and Down Mouut Washington, by Virginia F. Townsond, and othor readablo articie.. T. S. Anntun & Son, Phüadelphia. From tho samo fina comes the Childreú'í Ilour, a Capital number oí a capi ut! viagazine - attractivo Ijoth in picture and story. - Last, not least, tho Niirsery, radiant Tvith beauty. lis two ïnll page pictures nro espeoially noticoable, its lesser picturea clcar ent, amuiing and instructivo, and i(s print worihy t'no stories it tells and tho rhymea it recites. Every four year old (more or loss) boy and girl ought to be written down in tho mail-books of the Nwary. Joiix L. Shoüi :. %


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