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BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are reoeiving our usual large stonk of New Spring Croods, bought for cash, and wül be placed on sale at as !ow prices as any house in Michigan, BACH & ABEL. A large assoi'tment of' fashionable dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SILKS! A specialty. Wc aavo them direct from tlie Lyon's ïrmnufiictory agcnts, and can warrant them made of pure stock. BAjüH & ABEL FIÏTT PIECES OF THE- MARY 8TUABF S BLACK ALPACA ! Aiulcall special attention to the 45c, öOc, a n A Toe qualities. These Alpacas ave manufuctiu'ed by Alex. T. Staart Si Co, aiul without doubt excel iu texture anA iini-ls au y ever bvought to tlils country. BACH & ABEL. From the importers, direct, a larg) stoel of Tafole Linens, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH&ABEL A FULL LINE OP Brown and Bleached Cottons. Tickings, Denirm, Cottonades, die. Thcso goods wo buy by tho package, getting disoounts, and eau mako low prices. BACH & ABEL. We desire to Ortll ospooial. attention to önr stock of FRENC1I AND EN0L1SU CASS1MERES, Ana SUITINGS, tho largest and best assortment in tho city. BACH & ABEL. A FULL LINE ÜF SHADES IS THE STEWAHT ALEWNDRE KIO GLOVBS ín both ono and two buttons. This Glovo has been roocntly improved, and is now conceded to bo thö bost in uso. ■ 1 HBMMM BACH & ABEL. , !" U E E WHITE LEAD. LEAD. AA fv g WABHAVTED B Of SXItlC'i'I.Y %s# f PÜBE WHITE' 1 I.B&B. VIEILLE MONTAGNE FltENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRISTAL FA Ï.AC E WHITK L,EAI. Pernianent Green For lilimls, &c. WHITPJ LEAD ! In Colora for Outsido'iind Insido Tainting, Varnishes, Oils, Oolors, Brushes IROÜ - CL.4D lÏ!NEi{AL PAIM ! Maaufaotored frompare Iron Ote, far Buperios to tnade of Olay, Kotten Stond, Dixt, Sta. OurPure Brand óf WHITE LEAD we offer to the public n i, U the positive assaranoo of ai tolute purüy. As mach of I he W hite ' eafl old ;is pure i ad i ted from 20 to 90 per coñt. Ooñüamers wül consult Uieii iaterest by living aa b ctüL AKN Alilior:, "! icil. Corajjf oppositc BaVingB Bank. 141 9m6 ILOUE AND FEED STORE. HXSMÍRT WASOH (Sucoeaaor to ieo. Laubcnaycr,) At 14 West liïïiorty Street, wUlkecpconjïtant ly on hand a full slo M Fiour, Meal, Cial , Corn, MülFeöd,ftc. ■All-.' ' . ■; ; !v liilr.! af thelüWprioes, i ■',:'..■' foi i i i and Oüta. L4] ■ i TTOUSE l'OR SALE! Th i reïidencg of tlio tubaoriber on Novtli stre I ■ ■ ii im!it ■ Ma! ely, Alsn, tli benul fnl building aiLt! on tliu lull just eo6t oi L'ul. Qrant's retii ( oui Si ■ fod bArgain can be made. Intjuire of isa I'. 11. C. TYIiER, Vnn A.rboryJan;2á; Hft


Old News
Michigan Argus