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■ ■' o: Q O C. ■ " Or Turtilj-M-Cofltod, Conc KocS and Herbal Stt'.ve, AutlATr CATIIABTÏC, or MuJtHKl iu Parro rïiyele. O Tnc Maöicnl, Phomicnl and Phuri; tekin ■; CO. )!:'■ : ivhea .. BCiuuse, extract all ; - a;ul Ii-tl, :v: co Gran ale, scarc-íly largor til a il a miipittird B-íu'd , íii: I ■ '' ope of Eachliitle i' i i te, in a ■ ■ . ,:.■■ pftwer a i embodied i:i any uf tlic Jairo ptlla fouiid íbr saloin tho drae ebops. From tfioír v.undor fBl esthartic power, ín proiortion t. i:h ir fize, peonía wlio havo not trlcd tbem uro n;t u suppo&e toafi they ara liarsh ordra tioin elluet, lmt puchisnot Btalltheca i ro medicinal priníii tbey aro c'niupo-oa being eo harmoniz(ril aut modtfiGd, one by the othera, as to produce a most searriiins and tïïr ou Rh, vet gesuiy aud kiuUiy o pc rilling catliaj-tic. 500 ïlcvrarrt ia herety offcred by tho proprietor ot' theeo l'ellets, to any chemiet v.ho, i}ïon asalysis, wU4 fiftd ia them anyOalomelor other ioriu of mercury or any other miñl poisou. 'Beingontlrcly vocf.ctaMo.noparticiiiiir caro is required wiiile using tliciu. 'j íu-y opérate without diöHirb.'iiioo to (lio coDBtitiition, diot, orocciii'aiion. ï'ur Jamidieo, Hnndnrlic, CoiiHtip:tttoii, Impuro litlood, lni in tiio Siiouklers, Vightñeaa oí tho Clicst, JDizziues-, Soiir Kructatiou's of tJo Stoiaacii, Bad tante in tnoutli, Uiliuu nttacks, l'uin lu roción ot Ivlííney, Intoriial Fever, iiloütcd ferlins about Stomacli, Itii'-li of JRiood to JIcad, High Colofod Uriiie, I'iixortubilicy and Gjoonif t oroí5niiiiKt takd Dr. riorro'sPIoEiKüHtJÍ'argatlTorclIets. In Qxplanation of' the remedial power of niv Purfitivo Pelleisoverpo pruat avariety of diseases, wi.-h toeay that tlicir actiou upoii tho animal cronouiy Is iiiiivcrual, nota flaud ortlsnuo cnicupt ur thoir sana. lye iin)rcss, Age doe not impair them; thcir coatins; aiid boiiijy eucloscd in glass bottles preserve tlicir virtnea unimpaircd for any leogth of timo, in any climate, so tíxattliey are afh aiM reUable, which ia not the cafo ytllh tlio plUs fonnd in tlio drug store, put tip in Otaeap wood or paste-board boxea. Recoilect that for all diseanes wliere a Lnintite, Altrrntlve or Purfïative is indlcated, these littlo Pellets will K'votemobt perfect eatiBÍactiou to all wlio ue tiieui. They are nold by nll cntcrprlsfus Ii-ugs;isls at 2.ï cent a buttlc. Do rot allow nny druggist to induce yon to talco anythiiij ee that Ie inay 8ay is iust as gooil as my Pelleta because he makes a larger prolit on that which iio recomineDdfl If your druggict cannot pupply them, encloie 25 ceu'a aud recsive tlicm by retnrnmail from -v Jf. V. 1'lZnClS, M. I , JProp'r, BUÍTA10, N. if. VIn-;ar Bitters are not a vile Kancy Drink made of Poor Ruiff, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse L'qiiors, ': piced, and vweetened 10 p'lease the taste, called ' Tomes," " Appetiiers," "Restorers," &c, tli:U le:id the lipplcr on to dfiuikeiiness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made dom l!)e nalive roots and herbi of California. frcefroinaÜAlcohoücStiimilants. rlieyare the Great lilood Purifier and a Life-giving Principie, a l-ríct Rénovator and Invigorator of the bystein, carrying ei ! all poi unous matter and restoring thtblood lo a liealthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigoiating butli inind ftnd body. Xhejl are easy of administraiinn, prompt iu llleir action, certain in tlicir results, safe and reli ii. e in ail fornis ofdiscaee. No Pci-son cmi tak l'se Bitters according to direction, and remain Jong anweU, provided tneir bones are not destroyedby mineral poison or ther means, anti the vital organs w'asted bevond tlie poiut of repair. Dispepsia or Iiidlsreatlon. Headache, Pain in the Shoukleia, Coiighs, Tigluness of the Ches.t, DizklDess, Sotir Enictatioua of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Moutb, Biüous Altacks, Palpitatiorj of the Heart, Inflammation of the Langs, Pain in the reions of the Kidneys, and a lumdred otlier paint'u! syniptoms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. In lliese coinplainls U ha3 na equal, and one bottle will prove a better yiiarantee of its merils than a lenlhy advertisement For Pemnle Complalnts, n, yonng or old, marrieci or single, at the dawn of womaulioöd, or the turn of life, these Tonic Rltters display so decided an mflueiice tiiat a niarked improvement is soon peiceotible. Jor Iiiflnmmatory nnl Ohrnnic Il.ii-uniadsiuand Gout, Dyspeptia or Indigestión, Bilious, Remittent and Iptermittent Kevers, Distases of the Blood, Liver, Kuineys anrl Bladder, these P.ilters have been most succeiiful. Sucli Diseases are caiised by Vitialed lood, which is Reneraily produccd by dcrangement of the Digesrive Organs, Thy re a Grentle I'urRativc nu nell na a luiilf, posseumg also tlie peculiar meiit of acting asapowerfnl aKent in relieving Congestión or Inflara. mation of tho Liver aud Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Distases. Por Skin Disensos, Emptlons, Tettsr, SaltRheuin, Blotcllei, Spots, Pimples, Puslules, Boils CarInincles, Kinij-worms, ScaldHead, Sore Kyes Ery■pelas, Itch, Scnrfs, DUcolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature are hterally dus; up and carried out of the syslem in a short time by tile use of these' Bitters. One boltle in sueh cases will convince the most increüulous of their curative effects. Cleause Ilie VHlafl Hloo.1 whenever you fjnd lts impuritiea burstiog through the skin in Pimple, tniptions, or Sores; cleanse it whon you fiiid it obtmcted and s uggish in the veins ; cleanse it wlwn it is foul ; ymir fcdin will teil yon when. Keep the blood pure, and llie heallh of tho systein will folio w. iirateftil tliousmitls proclaim Vini-gar BrTTKRs the most wonderfu) Invigoraiil tlut ever sustained tlie sinklne system. Pin, Tape, and oher Worms, hirkine in the system of rnany üiouaauds, are effectually destroyed and removed. Saya .- distinguished physioFogist:Thereisscarcelyii individua! upon the face of the eartn wliose b'idy isexenipt Irom the presence of worms It is not upon the heallhy elementa of the worms exist, lint upon the diseased Immora and slim ieposits that breed these living monsters nf clisase No system of Medicine, no vermlfuges, no ánlhehninttics, will free the syslem from worina like these Bitters. Mechnnioftl DIscnse. Persons eniraged in Paints and Hiñerais, sucll as Plnnibers, Type-setters, (jold-beaterj, and Minera, a they advance in life, will be subject to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guard against thia taka a dose of Wai.keü's Vinbgak Bitters ouco or twics a week. as a Preventive. lïliions, IiemlUent, nn.l Iiierin!t(ciit Pevcrs, wlnch are so prevaient in the valley of oiir treat nitera tliroughout the United State, especially those of the Missisaippi, Oliio, Misaouri, líinoi Teaneuee, Cltinberland, A.Uansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande-, Peart, Alabaran, Mobile, Savannab, Roanol:e, Jaine and many othera, with llicir vast tributarles, througliaut onr entire country during the Suinmer anrl Auttimn, and reraarkably so dnring seasona oí imnsiial lieat and dryness, are invariabiy accorapanied oy ■ extensivo derangements of tile slmnich and liver and ether abdominal viscera, Thcre are aiways more or less olistrnctions o the liver, n weaknesa and irritable state of the ítomach, and great torpor of the bowel, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In tbeir treatment, a pmgative, ererting a powerful influence upon these varioua ram, ia essenlially necessary. Tliere 13 no cathartic for the purpoas equl to Dr. J. Walkek's IR BlTTèftü, as theywill speedfly remove tlie riark-coljfcd visc.d matter with wlrich llie bowels are loaded, at the same time timulating the secrelióna of tlie 1, ver, and generally restoring llie healthy functioua of the chuestive organs. Seroftila, or ltinc's Evil, Whrt. Swehmgi, Ulcere, Erysipela SwelFed Neck, Goiter, Inflammationa, Iqdoleiil Inflaiomationí, NÍercurial Affcctions, Oid Sores, Eruntions of the Skin, Sore Eyes etc, etc. In these, aa in all olher constilntional Dis' Wai.kkr's Vihsgr Bitters have bown their great curative power in ihs muit obstinate and lutractable c.ises. Dr. Waliicr's Cnll foinla Tiucca v Bi 1 1 ers art on all these cases in a BÍmilar marnier. By nurifyiue od th y remove the cause, and byresolving awav the eftcta of Ihe bflkinmation (the tubercular deíwsits) iaéffictedT Par" e lje''llil' '""' :l Pannt curé T!ic iir.inerllisi of n. Win,,= v.__. tTTïRs ;.,,: Anerienr, Di.iphorelic and Carminalive Nutntious, Iix.iuve, piiueiic, Sedative, Counter-Irri' Uut. Sudorilic, Alterative, and Anti-lïilioiia 'fhc Apcalemt and mild Laxativo proporties of D;c. Vai.kkiï's Vihrqar Bitters are the best safegaard in all cases of eruptiotis and maligirant f.-vers tneir Inlsjimc. Ik ... uní properties prolect llio liuroore ot tl, e fumes. Tbeir Sedativo properties Ulw pain m nervoua Bvstcm, stonrich, and bowels, citlwr from inflanmi ition, wind, coüc, craraps etc Iheir Counter-Irrilant i,;!h,eTice ctends throughout tll= system. Tlicir Dinretic prqpertiel act on the Kidneys, cwreclmg and resulatiiiü tlie flow of urine. Their Anti-Büions i nulate the liver, in the secretion ot bile, and ita discharge! llirouRli the biliar; ducts, and are niiieiior to all remedial avciits, for the'curu of Bil oue Ftver, Fev r and Ague, etc. Fortlfy )1k; lloily a-iai:iHt liscasc by purii its Buidi with Vjnkcar Bitters. No epi. tletnic can take ho!d of a system tlms forearmed. Tlie liver, tlie Btomacll, the bonels, llie kidneys, and the ncrves are rendered disease-proof by tilia sreat avieorant. Mircutloiis - Take of Ihc Tiilters on soin to bed at night frora a half t ia and nne-half wine-iila-sfull. Lat gootl nourishing iood, such as beefateak, choa ventsoii, ,„-t beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed o( purely vegetable Ingrediënt, and contain no spirit J.WALKliK, Prop'r. H. II. McDO!VAI,DSL, CO., Drugewta and (;Cn. Agu., San Frencúco, Cal., and cor. of Washington andCharlion Sis , New York SOLD BY ALL DRÜGGIST8 AND DEALERS. HURRY UP ! g pAaTIBS wlehing Wnl] Paper, oíatli i 3 rixtorei, Coide, Taesols, &c, all New I ! s; wiï j H - - -


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