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The Lousiana Imbroglio

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Washington, May 22 -The follow ing proolmuation waa iasued by the Pros ident to-day : BY TI [13 l'liESIDK.N'T OF THE UNITED STATE.-t - A l'UUULASIATION. Whcrenu, Onder the pretence that Wu P. Kellogg, present Executivo oí' Louisima. and tbo oiücers associated with hiin in tlie State Adminiatration, were 110 duly elected, certain twrbuleat and disorderly persona haTe combinod together with forcé and unns, to reeist tbe lawi and constituted autlioritiea OÍ taid Htutc and V!if-ens, It has been duly certified b the proper looul uuthorities, and judioially dtítermined by thtí inferior tnd superior courts oi' said iState, that said offioers aro entitled to hold their offices respeciively and to exocute and discharge the fwiotions thereof, and Whentís, Congress, it its last session, upon duo consideration of the matter, tacitly rocognized said executivo and his associiitos, thcii, as now, in office, by lei'using to teke my uction with respect thereto ; and Wkenaa, It is provided in tho Constitution of the United States that the United States shitll protect every State in this Union, on appücation of "(lie Legislature or the executive, when the Legisi aturo cannot be eonvened against domedtic violeuce, and Wherea, It is provided in the laws of the Uniied States that in all oases of insurreotion in any State or of obstruction to the law.s thereof, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, on application of the Legislatare of that St.-ite, or of the Executive when the pgisiature cnnnol he eonvened, to cali forth the militia of any otlier State or States, or to eniploy such part of the land and' naval forces as shall be judged nenessary for the purposQ of snppressing such insuirection, or causing the laws te be duly executed, and," Wherea, The Lngislatnre of snid State is not now in scssion, and eannot be convened in timo to meet the present emergency, sml the Exucutive of said State, under Section 4 of' Artiole 4 of' the Constitution of the United States, and laws passed ín pursuaace thereof, bus therefore made application to nio for such part of the military foroo of the United States as niay be necessary and adequate to protect said State ii-il citizi-iis tiiereof against domestic violence, and to enf'oroo the exeotltioo of the laws; and IIVü (■■!., It is required tliat whenever t may be nècessary, iu the judgment of :ue Pceaideut to uso the military farce for ;lie purpose uforesaid, lie shall forthwith, ;y piochuu-ition, coinuiand guch insurents to disperse and retire peaceably to iieir respective hornea withiu n limited :iine. Now, theréfore, I, Ulysses S Grant, Prosideut of the UniteiStates, do hereby uake proolamatiou and oomraand said turbulent and diaoid"rly persons to disperse ftnd retire peaoeably to their re(peotive abode's, withln twenty days froaj tiiis dato, and lereufter to sibniit themselvos to the laws and constituted authorty of said State, and I iuvoke the aid mm un-uperaiiün oí au good citïzaii3 thcreof to uphold tiíb law and preservo the public peaco. In wiiness whereof I havo herounto sot my hand and eaused the seai of the United (Stiltes to be r.fíixed. Dono at the .city of Washington, this 22d day of May, in the ycar of our Lord, 18.73, n'nd of the iiidcpenaojjoe ui the United States; ihe 97th. ü. 8. GRAXT. By J. C Davis. Ácting fcjeoretury of State. A government exists simply and gololy to do what tbo private ciliznn cinnot do. Any ad litipn to its dutiea b-yond this is au ab.sol.ute perversión of the principies on whieh it rosta. IUit a groat many people tbink a governniont exista to do everything and anything whioh fiuybody wants to bo doiie and whiohi nobody is to dohimselï The fallacy lies in bfioause rapid tntnsit is vitaliy necosBary tothe welfare of this city, that therefore the goveruinent ought to provide it. It is the old Jesuitieal maxiru applied to every-day affai'ra, namely,, that H' is nght to obtain a goo'd object by bad means. - JS'cie York Poot.


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