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Detroit Live Stock Market

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Michigan Cknxii.w, Vahos, ICondny, May 2ü. The receipts tit-these yard fvom tlio various points in the State for the month were a3 folio vs : Cattle. Hosrs. Sheep. Wsek ending May 5 500 1,S2S 207 MVi li onding May 12 207 hus 50 Week rading May 19 114 687 104 Woek eudlag May 24 H 560 280 Total l,usfl 3,4,to 731 Stock received for traushipment: tal. tic. Hogs. Shcep. Week eneliny Muy í 1,451 3,870 Week en.üiu: Mn 13 l.fiTt :'.;n;7 Week endiog My 18 1,288 1,383 W'crl; omliiiá' May 26 1,598 4,&55 182 Total f,10S H,77ó 182 cativ,::. Tho market assunieii ;ui unuiual phaso (iaring tlie week. AH of our Michigan oporatora visited tiie (Jhicago niarkct during tho weck and bought heavüy. Thus tho influí of Northwestern cattle was gTeater tliaii at a:iy knówn perioá, cnd oompletely overshadowed the few tí broaght in frora the interior of the State by country operators. When üio nuirket oponed not an Easteni buyer was to be seen and tho domaiid of thc homo niarket scarcely active. All Saturday and Sunday holdcra of lots were obliged to acoept tho alternativo of ventnrmg into the Eastern markets which was mahily dono upon reports of probable good markets. Opeiutors shipin_í Iota from hero at the of last weeka' murket lost heavüy, and tliis probably accounts for their absouca. A few Ioad.s of stockers were íiought, being about tho only transaction of anv ronsouenue: 'h,c lots iu tlia yards fi-om this State irerc iery thin, and ii, i ed iliat a good quality of cattle cannot be obtained. i itanding theclosenLS9 of the market prices rexnained fifm, and sales made brought tlie seller a ínir margin. We repeat our quotations: Chuioi tö-extra. nveni;iii!r 1,000 to 1.200 lt., in rooJ flosh and build $ü 5o@6 50 Commoti to ohoioe, averainï ],nnn to 1,200 Th . in medium fle h undbuiid.... 4 2534 76 80 to 1,000 Iba 4 (n Lfu'ht cattle, 600 to 800 lijs 60@3 SU The snTiii'y praase the deraand somevvliat closo. The hot weathci' confines the deraand for hon-s to ' lio firma hayiog facilitiea to dispose of t'.iem quiokly. From thé beoia it appeara that tho Iota Bhipped to the paokiii lioasS here frora 0 and the State equal in ainount the receiiits at üis saine liousc during a raonth in the packing ssasou, 'Iliis was causcd by the active demand on Üicra during the Iatter tn-o moutha tor prime mess pork. It alio appoars that the demand frOm Böttboard poiuts for trans-Atlantic ;■ !-.!s 6eeD very active for that time, which took the suiplus from the homo market aml made the pork trada more active. From the State tiie receipts are mostiy staro liogs, which comarcana the highaxt pricu just aovt We quoto: Lota .-m:íí,iK'" fot mokefi , $4 fifias í'o Hum reighl i ■_ ,,. ( ,. Lffls stütaïle f o toi-c ) 4 Iiq, 25 sniiEi. No change in tlie market. TWo Ioft, shearod and uiiihoarcil, were held for sala and sold by the fiead. Bot-h w.cre of the poorost quaïity and g-nide. A pretty fair lot of 182 cumo ín from the Slsitc-düriiig thc-wui!1!, l.nt ioimd no buyer aud ;[ed Eastward. We qiote: Lota ::7tr lítinu 'JO to 106 Ij'-.choiot' i-ï.idea 1 sscuUent Dndilion $ó 25@c 00 ernghiB 80 ter 90 Bm, medium gradê irwa oran 4 2,rfíí)4 75 Lots shearcd, s;;nte ATeraga y T.'íyí'l 00


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