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VyAWJTUI- A foocl Girl forhousowoik. Inqiiire t 34 Sotith StiiEa slreet. 1425 S OST! On Tiiursclay Evaning at the Senior Kepptn a SI .il rop i:vsü;u RIKG. Tb limiet wit] Ie MiUably rewaidea by lc-aying it at Ellis i CV j brug .Store. wl. P OB SAIiE '] 1 S. HI3NDRTCKSON oBen hu for sale i strcet, iirst door Nórth ut the residenco of Mr. Pnnl. l,r particular enquire ut his Etoie on Btnte street. 1428w2 3IICI1KÍAK CEXTUALKA1LUOA D. SUMMEE TIME TABLE. Passenger trainsnow leaye the several stations, aa toUov : GOISG WEST. BTATIOSS.. „ W "=■ o g w o _ __i__tñ_l: M fi A. K.U, H. ]■. .r. p'. H. 1'. K. E. Mi Detroit, leave, 7 00 0 40j J 40 4 O.v S i Ifl 10 Ifpsilanü, S 2fjlO 45 2 55 5 39 7 I 11 25 AimArbor, 8 SÜ 11 (0 S 16 5 55 7 11 43 Derster, !) 20 3 40 6 25 s 1" Ohelseu, 9 üi 4 00 8 S0 (JrassLake, 10 07' 4 3.5 S 00 s. f. Jackaoji, !( 40 2 f5 5 05 0 3! 1 00 r. M. r. K. . HE. ííalamazoo, 2 03 2 53 8 2 12 25 Ohfeayoamvt, 8 IS 8 09 6 30 8 00 Beaxa tusa. 4 ílilll 1 II Ia. m. a. m. L. m.,p. m.I ('liicngo, leave, 5 00: 9 00 5 15i ü 00 I'. M. A. M. A. K. Kahimftzoo, II 15 1 2 03' 5 00 2 1. M. ! A. M.I Jaekson, 2 sS 4 15 8 oo 12 30 4 I OraesLake, 2 S6! s S3 1 Ohelüoa, ;i 2-1 s :s - - a. m. Depcter, 3 40 9 80 8 :o Aun Arhor, 4 95 B 19 9 SS 1 ÏS S 0 YpsilanH, 4 25 5 86 10 05: 2 17; 6 20, 7 20 Detroit, nrrive, 8 50 0 4) 11 20 3 30 7 35 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Express -nra betireen Jackaon and Jiilea m the Ai Lhie. Dated, May 20. 187Ï Sheriff s Sale. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County, O ss liy vïrtue of au exeeation issued out of and uader the seal of th& Circuit Court lortlio County of Washtenaw, in channefy, amd to bm (ïireelen nnd delivered, wheroin Klizabeth Hun ter is 'iomplaumnt and James Hun ter, dofendant, agnlnat the goods, chattles, lunds and peneïnvnts ui' James Hunter, I have tlns 23rcl day ui1 May. A L). IS?8, seized and taken all tlie li-lit tit.Io and interest James Hunter bas in and to Uie desciibed laeds to-wit: Lote number five (S) and twelve (1!), in block tour (4) south oí Hurón slreet and range nim? (f) vus.1, m tí. e oity of Ann Arbur, in the ('ouniy of W'uiliienaw flnd State of Michigan, ace rding to the recorred plat of "The Ann Arbor Land CompanyV'additwnto the vlllage (ïiow said city) of Ann Arbor : Also all ihat portiou of the west half of the Boutk-wesl quarterof seotioo Bumber twonty-stven (27) iu township numbeFtTTO ('2) eouth of range number six (0) eaM, beuag the townahip of Ana Arbor, in Bakt Couuty of washtenaw, "wbicb ia bounded a iollcws to wit: On the ii orí li by a lino ranniujs parallel with thenorth line of the Bouthwes1 cninrter of the Boath-weet qunrter otf Baid eoction number tweQty-semen (27, and at the distanoe of three C3j elniins and seventy (10) liuks north of Baid üne ; on the BOUth by the Öoddti rOttd Cso pitllcd) erpesioxiaid west half ol eaid quarter neetion ; on the east by the wedt line of a portiofl of naid quarter section, heretafore eonveyedby amea Hunter and wife to Iluh O'Iiane hy deed recorded in the ofiict1 of the Êogwter oí Dfeeda of said Coajaty of Woshtenarw, m Ltber 63 of Deed, on page 292 : aad on the w t by bhe west line of s-in! Beetion number twenty-seven ; And aleo a part of the east half of the aouth-eaat quarteï of Boction nnmber twenty-eight (■■j, in said townshi]) and ïane, ODBUOeBcivg Ín the Giistlincof paui quarter Beetion, at a puini twentyftmr f24; chains and eidht f8) Iinka north of tl.esontheast corner of said st-cHon minibar tweníy-eip-lit C28),iud mnnirtr thenoe weafe, parallel to the BoctUsection lino, eiht fS) rods; tbence south eleven degi'eès CH) and forty-five (45} mintitea west, nfne f9 ■ cl nina and tM-oniy-tive f25) links to the center of the (Voddes road a-t point frm wïiicfi a rooked white oak tree. sixteen fricties in diameter, boara north stivcntv-four C74' degreefl west, niño f9) links, thrnoe Bftstarïy nlong iaid rond foui (4j ehnins and thMy-thrwf1 f88j li;iká o thew íence north one fï; ■ v.i-t (nis.h.j ectfon lihe ten CIO) ehnfnsond ! iiDka te fch {Ecum of bcfiinainír. two {■!) ana ninty-tb ree-b uncjfldihs C03-IBO) acres more or css. All of tiio ftboYe-dpseiiix-tl p ng sitnatöd in the tovrisfait) ff Aun A vhor, ('muy íí' ÁVitslileiKiw, State of Michifrera, wtiicfi uboe" duscribed propfrty I sli.iTl oxposc for ;ile at iwiblic anotion, to tne higheal bidder aX thé fonili door ot' the Court BoTifte, in (lie city of Aun Arbor, on the 12 th day of July, A. I. 1 S 7 ;i , tt Ion o'c'ock a, i. Dated, 2'JLh öay rvf May, A. I', l STo. MICHAEL FLEMING, ShcriiT. Cjjíft SOA por dnyl Aitonis wantod f AH eitner sex, younj; or okl, mnke more raoney at work for U8 Ín tneir spare momonts or all the time, than at nnythinéplüfí. i'artiailars irt-e. A4n U. Ktinson & Oj,t Vortlaud, Maiu ' Coming Like an Annv WIT nAjVIISlfs. TUE PEOPLE OK ÏBK STATE F ÍI5CIHGA -7': "':""-?. tí' I "" " ABE ItESPECTTVTXY TNFORMED THAT TIIB GR 155 T SHOW. ThcLargest ín the World! AND TÏTE OKÍ.Y c;:ï oteiíí.v.d menagerie, miseiji and. circes Now in America, and iho on]y 5tusenm t lint wil] igil this sute this Keuzon, will revisit Michigan an] mnko :i {írt:il Campaig'n of tlie Entlro Smtc Dnriiig tlic ITIoutbti of MAY AND JUNE. IT DOE9 NOT TKATEL ON ItAILKOADS Bat moves over the conntry liko añ invading armv with more than 1,000 MEN A1ND HORSË8! 1,500 Wild 13a8ts :nl Beautiful Birds, constitntiny TWÖ EMïOÜSJiMAGERIES ! GÍGANTIG DOUBLÉ CIRCUS! "With moie -Arnrs, Train ea Jlorscs, rocíes, &c, thai caá be seen in any FivcC tvitsos now tiaveling, and wnnmmwm VViih 1,000 Curiosities, EBECTING FIPTYTFNT For ita grand encarnpment, aad itsrcg Five Dcrible Mamnioth Tents FIVE STUPENBOUS SHOWS Wüioli are suíRcIcnily ]ar;rB to enonmp m AniiY aodate 15,000 persetfis, and with ■ train of goryeous cages, gilded . golden care nnd cuariots, uniformed artisans, ■ orkmen, troops of camcls, droves óf popíes, Txittíilions of horsea, and accoiïipr.uied by all the accessories mul paraphermiüa, sucii as music, flags, baimers, trained animáis, etc., and iiveried attRndantd, all under military discipline, it v-ill visit O3SJ" ■WHEEliS I ;11 (he principal Towns, Cities, and Central Poini iTe'op MiaHiQAH, dueiko thb ijoüths or Ma AIíD .TrXi:, all the people in the State v.iú ha ir:.i lied in due season oi the precise öy :u:d date when the GHEAT FOREPAÜGH SHOW Wili appcar in tlieir respectivo loealities by the if aranco of the AliVANCE &TJA.TIT l In EmeraM Cars, Barouehcs and Buggies, distribui i ; tapera, programmee ote, an-nounciir t!ic timo ii:i(ï pl;;co of exhibifcion, aui in acoortlancü wilh these innoiinccineiits, tho INNUMERABLE CARAVAN ! GB'feAt MtTSÉTJM ! MAMMOTH CIRCUS! EXORMOUS 3IENAGERIE ■Wil! b;.' drawn over the higlnvays by PLUMEO HORSES ! TROOPS OF CAMELS ! DROVES OF PONIEST' tg by the vcry ioors of the sturJy yeomanry, t!ic industrial!!: meéliaöic, the operativo,tho ir: in ! the viliairo school, af-Eprdinjj totht' eiífíre popúlate an oppoHunity of . seeinf; the Groiitest 8Iiow on Earth as it sppeara en wheels, and irinfi them ocular' emonstratipB t"hat tlie WORLT) HAS NEVER SEEN bo gTaricT, so prent, so vast nnd varieni an affgre-;!'i üi iïi-.M ■ i .v.rid, a.s tliegreat Forepaugh ST:ov' presenta with its Two Solicl Miles of cagot, '■:- apon wüióh 'ítiO beautiful aketchea are magnifloeatly paintod. Ee-member TilISlftM A HA1LKÜAÜ SIlÜW l JS'O! ÏÏO1 M0I NO! IT IS A Great Armada on Wheels, : q et lionies uat "An the" mothcr oí dai morning ushers inJ the day," j-qu , ■ cago, gïlded üd filled witli YMiX Beaat and raro Birda cocjej thuad ■ i ig on their way to ■ icivii for exhibitioa, ou vyili gee the MAGNIFICENT MUSEUM CARS! . va "All ! ■ ■ ■ trt,. j.e'ir conceivcd of hereÖatüered ii great abuitd; Koll hy in rapid suecessiou, and all the ClliCUtS KKX1IVXJE3 AVill V'.'iliHv, and ta umnpose baggaga train, whicnin itselJ ■ . ssion títtaft tiie entire turn out oí all the shows that will viait Mitáiigau Öiïd :■ ason coüld make, all combinwL"SEEIJfG IS BEUEl'LYG." Men, i ■ Mwfiigan, atter pou have-soen Á.DAM FÖEEPAUGffS aggis gate as il appears passing over the tóadi, and in grand prooession ia the loivn, you will s:iy it is tho' Bistest Tlisns én Wliei'ls Ever Been4n tliis or any other State. Visit th# place of exhibition on show d:fy, and bchold A SB A of ÖM UYAS ! Look at ;.ny on ■ . ■ uts, and seo if ■ aay Ihroe tefita : : ..■ e. Gki c nd the groand and se e the 50 TüVKRI(ï TEIVTSf. Yor the grind army ol man and horaea, and yoa wil] "Grst in ï'orcii:i:iU's!iliov; Tlicro isnoue atnef lilie ie." SHLCIAly C IZT, [n '"TOT HtítiJe a ffraiiá tom-of thé State of' Michiga, and thegreat Bab'sfactian my exhibi-.■ to alJ y; ho viail ! I hal time and the-repeatod sol l piomir.ent citi- -; bate, aai ure ino that I' ihallhavi . aiul uchievo for gréat ëxnibïfiona ihe sanu: í;oihI name luimg my pre I Ldin 1S70. it is ijve times largernow táan when lastit carne r'Statff, and proudly mttii welllarned reputation o te "Largest and nagerie, Moseuia aad Ciicus in the Papen throughout ihe State please notiiy - Hy, and tiwail üv :iiel:'russ Agent ,ims. AÜASÍ FOKEI'AUGH, Solc Prop. WIU ÜXHIBIT AT 4.H11 Aii)or, Frjdajr, June G


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