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The Class-day Exercises

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The exercisea Which liave come to be the ordrt for ClawDay came off on Wedneaday. PredP ing the day, howcver, and inauguraüng a iu;w departure, the Senior Class gave a reception on Tuesday evenint;, wliicli proveí an eirjoyable and Vüliant aiïair. Abo-ut 1,000 invitations wereissucd, imny of tliem goiug to friends ol the class al)road, in response to wlñch oMne a goodly numbor of RUests from the citics of thia and other States. ïlicso with invited citizrns increased the company which gathflred to some six or eight hundred. ïlio evening was beautiful, and the wide halls and largo rooms, Ornamentad for the occasion, gave omple space for promenading, dancing and secial converse. Befreshtnents wero served in ono oi ths second floor leoture and " all went nierry as a marriage bril." The chusa and ita committee are clttitlei) to much credit for the genorous hospitality of the occasion. The regular Class-Day exercisra Consisted of the Oratiou and Pom, delivered in the forenoon to a largo audie:ice oonvnd in the M. E. Church. Ths orator I! ECxrfBI W, GatSTON, oi'this city. His subject was " Centralization," of wnich he m not at all an addcato. The oration was highly coramended. The poet, A. L. Todd, of K.aiamazoo, had for his subjoct " Bacchus," m whioh lio aimed to picture the god of revclry and wine. The general oomplaint w-as that it coukl not bs heard, In the afternoon the Class History was read on the campus, by II vniïY BÜ3ML, of Detroit; und the FroptMsy by Watse Ritman, of Ann Arbor. The formar waa wsllWritten, bot followcd tha beatón track und detailed the shrtoniings and niis-doinga of the class for four ears, as though thcro was nothing good to teil. 5ut if college life and college aoliie-ementi are f no higher order are its deeds worth chroncling ? The prophesy was in fair rhyme and veil delivered, but its conceptions and predicions did not embody the noblest aspirations. After tina carne a very happy farawell address y the class President, J. M. HsKINaWiT, oí his city, colloge songs, " smoking tiio last igar," visit to the lecture rooms, class supper a the eveuing, and thon sundry serenados. - And theu on Thureday the Seniors departed to njoy their heliday and wait Commoucement, une '2ütli. The music at the Keeeption and on Class-Day waa furnished by the Detroit Opera House Band, nd ivas axoeüsnt, The weather was all that Guld have bacn desirad. ye almost forgot to mention the Ilooster resentatiou, but the Icss said about that, what tirring evont it comnismorated, or the incident onneoted with ir, the botter. Immortality ïust oome to thosu wliose prowess it celebrated rl some othcr way. The " lunch" given by President and Mrs. Vngell, at 1 o'clock p. H., was reported a vory leasant episode.


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