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Adam Forepaugh In The State With 1,500 Lions, Tigers, Cougars, Leopards, Panthers, Hyenas, Bears, Wolves, Monkeys, Kangaroos, &c., &c., Together With 1,300 Birds, 10,000 Curiosities, And A Great Circus, All Under Five Tents

Adam Forepaugh In The State With 1,500 Lions, Tigers, Cougars, Leopards, Panthers, Hyenas, Bears, Wolves, Monkeys, Kangaroos, &c., &c., Together With 1,300 Birds, 10,000 Curiosities, And A Great Circus, All Under Five Tents image
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The mammoth establishment of Adam Forepaugh, eonsisting of tio Museums, two Menageries, perfonning Anima! Show and. Equestrian Aggregation, aro to exhibit at Ann Arbor, on Friday, June Gth. Five tents are required to canopy the myriad attractions of his farnous show. Two hundred alid eiglitoon thousand five hundred and fifty-aight square fmt of canvas?, suttieient to ranke twenty touts, Buch as travelns gi'nerally uw, aro now required to cover Forepaugh's grand museums, menageries, and equestrian aggregation, so that we have no hesitaaoy in pronouiming it the largest show, and the best o'dr presentad to tlie public. ïi is a i act beyond cavil, that Forepaugh's raonageries ere tho largest, rarest, and oostliest ou of wil.l animáis and rare birds in America. One lmndvcd thousand dolbiva barí been expended during the poet ncason i adding to the hitboiW huge collection -of animáis and birds; tlie cabla Imra, hippopotamus) 1-hinoceros, and many othêr raro animáis h:ive lon parciiased durin;! the past year, Thero have also beoft eidded more than one tlrousand diffar ent species of birds. All tho wild animáis will bo fod in the spectators at the Sfternoon exhibition. And the menageriw and museum tents open one honr before the cireüs commences, and 'reraain open aü the time the equestrian entertaiuiiic-nt is progressiug. The iifth tont is devoted exchtsively to the great circus display. More than fofty actors and ajtresses appear in tho departmont. bosidej rfornjJBg elephanto, four monkoy equesfcrians, a pwforminK unicorn, a ruling goat, a troupe of cdueated dogs, and trained nofse, ponies, malea, and other aniiuals. Everybody- oíd and young, grave and gray, can attend, and Bnd Süuiëthing that vrill amuse and instruct, and nothillg that will otïeud. The 'street (tisplay will ba on a largo scale commensurate with the general magnificence of the ion, and ftüly in keopiu? with the spirit of the tinles, airfling to oppen! ta Mie heart, delight the eye, and gratiiy the naind. Tvyenty Arabian horses vdl load the coliiBin, drawing a gorgeous churiot styled the " Jlusical Car of tho [use. Tho "(joddess of Liberty " personated by a beautiíul maideu, will be borne through the streets upon the back of a monster war elephant. A hall of BtatAary, represcnting the gods and goddesaes of Ancieut Greece and ïiome, will be opened to public view. Tho palace cai;e of the performing unicotn, drawn by eight Flemiah horses will appear, and ten camels, richly caparisoned, will draw a den contamina eight living lions. A drove of Shetlaud ponies, jast importad, will be esqnisitély decked oud hamessod to a beautiful bird bowor. A inechanical gymnast, manuiactured m France, by the celebrated Froncli mechaniciah, Iloudin, will erfurin a series ot most extraordinary gimnasio and aerobatic acts as the processiou moves. inll military band wiil enliven the scène with lopular music. One hundred and seventy-five ïnatched liorsos, 'aily plumed, drivers imiformed, will draw the lenogerie rages and museum wagons ; the fla's f évery State in the Union will ho carried in ,}ie proeession, and upon the cages and dens, vliich are all painted blue and gold, thera oan ie seen 360 beautif ui picturos, from dosigns liy .he most celebrated artists, ropresenting classia!, ivliytous and zoological subjects. Herr Darious, the lion tamer, who so recently larrowly escapad being devoured by a pair of iger.s, will riih: in au open cage surrounded with lis pets, cotmisting of a couple of Asiatic Lions, nul a pair oi monster Koyal Bengal Tigerá.


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Michigan Argus