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SCSll'H makea a specialty on Bunders' Hardware, Stoven, T00I3, and House-Furnishing Goods. A.11 goods now and of latest stylos, prices lower than nny house in the city. Don't forget tbe place, Schuh'9 new Hardware Stof e, 37 South Main street- eigu of l'adlock. WILL1AM MOBLE, Formerly Partridgo & Noble- ncar the M. C. R. R. Freight Depot- 13 prepared tor PLANING, SCROLL SAWINr}, and also makes all stylei of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window Frnmss, Casings, Moldings of various kinds and Jjatterns, stair Rails, Ealusters, Bracksta, fto., in tact evorything used for honse-iinishing. Hu wishor; it espeoially understood thni heemploys tirsf-clas worliniau and uses none but the best Mcasoned lumber Joiners and contemplalins building gie him a cali and bc siire you wffl bo well satislled witu both work and pricCS. 1428tf Ttic Midnifflit Horror- Croup!- Is In8tantly and effoctually layed by giving Dr. Kansom'a Hivc Syrup nnd Tüln ov lioncy Syrup. The lives of many BuSering children have boon naved by administering thia valuable rimcdy in attacks of CroUp. All families wbere thore me children should keep it in tho houso. Price only S6 cents. r. IHiUcs's HagrHctic Balín. Does it ontain electricily ! It cures aa if by magnutic inilunce Neuralgia nnd all pain, and ia therefore boing troperly cllcd Magnetic Balm. See adverlisement in tliis paper. ■ H H A DENNJISOBi'S PATENT TA nU SII1PP1NÖ TAGS. I LIb Over 200 mjllions have boon uod withSlilllj 'n "1B P' ''-'" yearsi withont com1 IVv plaintof lossby tiigbccomingnctaohcl. .11 Expresa Companies uso them. Sold ly Priu tors anti Stsitioucrs every wlierC. The officers of the Ckicmgo Tobacco Issociation are completing aiTane;e"iouts 'or a grand tobáceo fair tö be held in ;hat city on the 3d of Jane. Tho premiums to be distributod aruount to over $10,000. On Thursday last a hlan natned Johnton was trying a hovse on the nxposition race track, Kansas City, wlien tho animal caught his toe in tho corks alid feil, killag himself and fatally injuring Johnston. r0DGE'S PATENT HEAPER & M9WER SELF-RAKE! J. A. POLHEÍV3US las again received liis usual mpply of tho aijove elebvated Machines, vhich lie is prepared ro furnish o c-veiy farmer in Washtouaw or Jackson Ceunties vhü want ' A FIRST CLA.SS MACHINE. He is algo prepared to fufnish all extras for tne Dodge iVEacliirje. Also, all extras required to repair he old BALL MACÜINKS. UiUce at the LIVJERY STABLE OF J. A. P0LIIEMUS & SON, Cor. Matn and Cathcrtne Streets, Wherc may be found tlio most extensive outfits oi Horses and Garrí ages In the city, connocted with wliioh is a HACK, BUS AND BAGGAGE WAGON XiIKTE, Iteady to fill orders at uil times. Speciul attention given to für.nshiiig HORSES Aïl) ClRRIiiiES FOK FI ERVLS. Ann Arbor, May23, 1873. 1427tf MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ WOTHERS ! ! ! DonH tail to procure ItïRS. WI!VSlow's sooïhing sykcp fob uhilditkn teetmino. Tliis valur.ble prepuration lis Ijl-cii Etted with NEVEK-PAILISQ BUCCK8S IN TJJOÜriANJJS OP CASES. It not only relieves the chilil from pain, luit invigorams the sioinich and b t1s. correct! acidlty, and gives tone andenergy to tha wliolo ayeiom. t wil] also instantly Mitevd Griiiing-in tiic Bowcli and Wind t'olic. Wc'hclievii ittheBKSl' and BURE8T RRMRDY IN TUK Vf)nr,n, In all cusen of DfSENTKBT ANI) DLVKlUIiKv IN OUILDKBN, whethir arieinï from teethint' r any other case. D.'pmirt pon lt niolhem, itwill giTcrcsttoyonrselves, and Belief and Hcnllli lo Yonr Infunts. Be sure and cali Air "Mrsi Winslow's Sooiliing: Syrnp." Havlni; tlie fnc-simile o! "CURTÍS PPRKINS. on the ouiside w rapper. So!d by Druggibia tliroushont the world. CTOEE TO RENT ! Corner of Wiishinton and lliin streets. Lnre ooiivL'ititïiit an.l one ui" thebedt looalicmsln the city. Possession giren immediately. InqMire of IIÉNÏOX & SUMVER. Ann rtibor, Alay 10, 1873. ltífltf


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