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lNN AEBOE TRAD1NC iSSOCIATION re now rooelTing tbeü SPRING STOCK OF NEW DRESS GOODS W 1 ave the Ingaat texk sf PIRST-CLASS CARPlT'l IIsT THE OX'X' V. ENGLISH BODY BRÏÏSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD l Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartlbrö, alsa Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SÉLL TERT CHEAP FOB, CÁ3HI Navel an 1 elegant additiom to ouf Dress Goods Stock ARS NOXtf &EIN &L2nSD,Tlie bíic'iíwardne89 of ttie seasori ba causeí' é' very larfre decline durinjr the last flfteen dayt in ttiv price of Press Pabrics, whieli will enablo ui to giVé t our ctistoaicrs u profit üf 30 to 25 per cent, E very Lady BÊould íúspecE f&eibC Ahánclsomerline of Dress Goods was never lirctlgtíf to Ann Arbor than are now openiiag, at extrihely Iotv prices for casli, which will place these choicir goods within the reacli of all whomay favdi' ürwitti' a cali, D#5" "We aie verv thankful for the riaít jfaroA' fiild hops to Dïltfttie the enAe, us we shall xfaaktí it' tb 1ÖU advaritoge oí' those wHo favor ufl with a dall. O. W, HATS, Supt. 1300T AND SHÓE H0U3Ï!.. C. A. LEWIS, ( SuceiSSOB TO FlHLET & L.EWIB,) 8OLE GENI pon - "BURT'S" CELEBRATEIX HAND-MADE WORK Is novr opening somc stftgant Unes of Lidies Button & Lace .Soífts, And very genteel SLIPPERS TIES! Victoria Parepa's, Jfilsson's, Newport's; óíc, Ste. In various grades. Also a fasliionable iizitíoT Gentlemen' WORKI Together "with all TftzñÜea 2ft cfieiip'gffböav' AU bougkt for CASU and to be oelá; al Imt dTow Come in and Look ai theiii Na 3 EAST HURÓN SÍRÉErB; 1417m3 . 1 : "■1 m NN A11130E Mineral Springs IïbüseV Io 1)oautiral rèoört for health-sèekèr ' li imii open, with lts IRO, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, Commoaionsbuilflii g heatèaty stéam, and !rg ana well-venliliited rooms. WATER AND AIR tfATffS, Of nll tcrhpcr.itKrê.o, ailao Shower, Vapor, MedlcMsd and Electric Bufhs aro emplovtcT with .itlvarftsfj iö the treatment oí, nll fornw oí chronit áítentci and clisenecs of femalea. Special attentioL paid to (liet. With p'.easant snrronnduics. and situnted In ono of the most healthv umi beautifulcttles !d t!ie country, it p'oRsesses attractiona forinTalffls o'r f jr"leure-seekersselilom fs-rnd. The analjels of tlie Springs will be larfihheij on appllcwtion. Persons desiVing drcnlar to sea'á to tholr friendecan prociire rherh ra the ofltceof theProprletors on Huron Ftreet, or at the 'pringB. Address nll letters of inqniiy to MORRIS HALE, M. D„ Snpt. And Abbor, Mich. SutUerland aiid Wlicolun, l'rop'. Ann Arbor, Mich. June, U, 1"6?2. "pIX)ÜE AND FEED STOKE. HBNR1T WASOH, (Suecessor to Geo. Laubengayer,) At I West I-iberty Stropt, will keepeonstastlyonhnndii f uil stook of l'lour, Meal, Oats Corn Hm Feed . Sic. All orders promptly fllled at tSo lo-w est ensh pfiees. Cash pnid for Coto aíd Öat. lilijíi JIVE ÖEESE FEATHÏfiRg PrRSTQUALrTir, tonet lynn hand andforsolehy JL


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