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JL B. OIDLEY, Succesaor to COLGROVK SON.B DRLGGISf Al dilSl IN COOK'S SEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STREE1 DEALER IN DRUtiS, ÜII'IHCKES, SIRMCAI, INSTRUMENTS, Pt'KË HniS AM MQUOR CFOR MEDICAL PUKPOSES ONI.Y.) Fancy Goods, Perhunery PAlN'i'S, OII.S, V.VIE ISIIDN, ULASS Al PUTTI PIIYSICIAXS' PRESCRIPTIOAS Carefully compounded at al) hours. I PROPONE NOT TO BE UNDERSOE BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS G00D AN AftTICLE. . E. lï. ,íjí.i:y. ISCTtf !T9f 33Whon ftrst L. COLBY hung hia sign (t ( O. IX- AtNo.'.'9, And offered (iroceries chenp Íot cash, Sonie people suid, " he's bound to go to smash." And old-time (iroeei's would faintly smilr, Prophesying "0.0. D. will last but little while. ín wixty daya we'll run him off th track. And cali waudering customers bnck." The croakers said nnd thought it true, "He'll eurely luil before the year is New! You can't s(-ll Grooeiies in this town And get youvpay m tjreenbacks down; Wheredry good# merchantson every street With tsilks and uiins, han out ehiektms to eat; "Where trade is mixed Ín everv place, At the same counter yon buy butter orlace ; AVhere credit and los go hand in hand. Mr. C. O. 1). but a wliin chance will stand." Lot prophota and rroakrra luive tlieir say, L. COLBYsells GKOO KRIKS only ioi'KEADY TA"! And sells so chenp lor duily cash He feara no danger of a. sniasli. And to Iris patrons all, and business friends, The greetmg of the sc-;tson he exit n 1, To yoting and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoöts of friends ind lot& of chcer 1 Give him n cali, and from hia store Your tabl.s spread with good thins more. At that pluce you will alwaya find Fresh n. w Grooeries ot best quaHty and kind - Frerythinfi needful for good chef r at liome You can buy at his counter wliPiiever you come. The daysuiu so short fchis bitter cold winter, Tomention detaila would weary the printer. Rut ask if you ohoose for anything t itable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable I Por hunirry men who are weary and cold, He has Uy.siors hot, Oyters that, must besold- Oystera pickled, OyfSter stew, and oyster fry, Or üysters any otlier way you clioose to Iry. ir1 will serve ap Oysters ;i(" any hour of day, And the best of dí tosmoke on your way. A dish of hot Oystéra as1! do you much good. And cheer you while selling your giain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of ('offee, Tea, Hugar, Flour and many more, Of all thinpH substantial for daily use, Nor treat life's good things with abuse ; Crockery and GïassM'are and Fruits to put in them, Nuís, Iíaisins, and Candy, for children who win then And ye who are blessed with their beautiiul faces, Will flnd [3in the best of all places, To buy a trifle, to bring a anule 01 rinintr l:uigh, Your pleasure, thun thelre, will be greatei by half 3 Then donot forget to cali un Mr ('. o. I)., And buy of him your Fruita, tíugar, and Tea Though the big q a may fall from its place, The (,'. O. I}..--' store isstillon the race. And does not intend to íiy from the conree Tillcroakorsof evil tulk themselveehoarsa. (Jroccries can be sold for ready piy. And Xj. C7o3_Tty haslearóed the way: Sold flve times more thnn he expected- By (?. O. I), from loss proteeted. And tíie seeiet he U not afrald to tell- Keep the best of all things- with prices low- be goo natured. give good measure, And you art) bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! OECOND AJVNUAL ILtniJ.ITItNi 75,730 Pmrlura, Ranging in value trom $10 TO $5,000 GIVEN A WAY! TO THE SrBSOEIBEES OF H FIRESIDE FRIEHD Kvery Subsoribei is sure of one preminm nny way, iud also luis au equal chance of receivnm u (_■ VSII 'rpmiiiiiora PIANO, 0RÜAJÍ, WATCH SEWNü MACHINE, &c.t &c. :IRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM 0UR FIRESIDE FRIKND.- Eight Pages, Lar ize.Illustrutnd, the Family Wtridy, is in ita THIHD 'OLUMK iind hns nttained the LÁBGE8T GIEUÜiATION of any pper published in the Vet. lts aoceu KXAHI.Ks proprietors to furnish THE IEST, MOST DE8IRABLK AXD MOST U.siji i iRIGINAL EEADINQ MATTER IN GEEAT A II I K'l'Y, thnt moneyenn buy, nnd to mnke it a [OME WBBKXY suitcd to the wunta of every imily. Suhscviption price, $3 per year of 52 numBrif Pho Elesant Chromo "CUTE," izo lOxíOinchea, 10 colora. Acknowledged by all to 3 the HANDeOJtBB'f and HOST VALUAJSLE ■emium pictmM in Anierici. EVERY SL'B'11 [BEE ia presented with this Chromo ut the time snbscribing. dio wnitiníí), nnd altío receives h UMBEKED CEETIFICATE EXTITLING THE OLDER TO A BHAEE in the distribution of 5, 0' O in oash and other premium. TTIE UISTRIIIUTION TAKE8 PLACE on the eond Tuesday in Jvme uext. The Chromo and ('erloatoa sent on recoijit of priiío. BPBG1MEN PIES, PREMIUM LIST, &c, OIV1IG FÜLL SlRTICULARB sent free any addren. irjVlVfrriO Either local or onnvnssing in v-fiJ-i-' 1 evcry town. I.;tric ounU Vr A VrF'Fll piiy ivu1 lle ic utALJ XJlr fit. Send at once for terms. Address 0UR FIRJSSIDE FBIE.n, Ulsmli CMcago,lU. AÜVERTI3EMENT. Now is the time to buy PARLOR & HBAT1N6 STOVES. I will sell them at COST until furtuer J notice. lïo. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. , - R , r r ._ . -i GENTS WANTED POR EÖOK3 :eded by all farmers! s he best booka iuhlished on the JHTorsc nnd the "■ w. LibOPftl terma vw-nni mndftmpitlly by Agenta ii i then bookc. Stnd for circu ïnwft ITBR A COATES, PübM8ULEHJrhiIadcU.h:a)rft


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