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Present, Noai W Cheever, Judge of Prohnt ,e!i?edhe mattCr ' ""f ' ffiifc On rendinft and flling the pciition, duly V(lri„ , PhWüio Black, praying that a certa n iu„tn,m f'0' day of June next, at t oS Vn u.r?3 noon, 1. assigned tor the beurt of mm L.-'uteand thnt the deviseeé leíateM nía i pet"i', of said deeeMea, and' ,? othL r",' od in said estáte, alé f-mmrd „ , C1 a session of laid' Court, tl„ L . ' .' ";w at the Probate Office, i„ the City „f ln Ar í Í'"' l{ show cause, f uny there be, why the 1 , ' !ltl11 petitioncr sbould not be naated ■ ni 'i'5" of ie ded n,a, 9„id rHu,wv!; ,ui' , ,; nterested m iaide.tate.qf ths pndency oflffiS" Bon, and the heuri 'v etiuainL LL this order lo be puEBdied ín tfte SÏÏ52j,u2' newspapw fated and rcnlath,g iñ ia ï Iv""1 " threesuoce, í weeks previou.toSidday of &&, (AtoneoopÍJ NOAH W. CilfcÊvjS ■ !' '" Jndge of froi J, Real Estáte for Ralo 1 CTATE OF MR 'II M.. X. rttnty of Washta,. In the matter of.Jh, pptate of Cornè lia, I S,'1' decenedi Notie; te ieieby given, thS,íúff"' t in ordo granted to the undersígned Adnliïï e of the estáte of said deeeased, by the J , ', "" Probate fox the county of WÍíhteoaw, ot t fe? ty-second day July, a, u. 1372, thflie wfll be Tül publio vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the' nouseon the (tfètnUej Soreifl.ifter describí „.f county of Washtenow, in aid State, on 8 hmi the Iwenty-fourth day of May, a d. 1878 , fe o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to áll J"1 cumbrances by rnortgage or otherwiae .t L tim.-ot thedeathof said deceesed), the foll nvitt" senbed real estáte, #B : The wet half of t wi!" west quarter of section twentythrec in torSSS s outh of range six east, in said State, con ?„?,' eighty acres, more or W Also a parcel of 1 Si senbed as commencing at the quarter post bitJ sectioni twenty-two and twenty-thrce, sime toïïSï and range, and rttnnl&g i-ast on said quaitcr linP 7 thesub-llvfflön post, thenw north on said lnioili tyjtoorrod.,thencewe.ttó said seotion li" e'S roas, thenoe south twenty-foui r..ds to the rlaS l begiiining, containing twelfe arres of land, e!S trom tho aboye the foor acres convtycd by de."H said Cornelina Unghlin and wife, ander date of T eeinber Sth 1868, to Jame. Kennedy, which W d ls„.rt!ïor11 " llb CO of deeds, on page 59 „S t oflioe ot the Renstet of IJceds in said cuvmty ' "" i, Dated, April ïoth, 1SM. J . U21 WILLIAM BURKE, Atetahhat; l Mortgago Sale. r HETAULT having heel, wjde in the condition, Of , U ceriain moitsage dated the Becond day of Ju", V D. 1868, made and cxecuted by Hugh H. Vreeland k Hannah reeland, bis wife, of the towñship otUm Washtenaw County, and State of MiohiganT to Jn?' öeddis, of the same place, and recoidcd in the nfli ï thoHegisterof DeeJs for the Counl y of TvTsCt ? State oí Michigan, on the sepond day of July at,' . 185(1, and recordea in liber 22 of mortgagos pase teI wlnch said mortgage wss on the 3d lay of JaiL, ' , A, D. 1873, duly aS!igned by Charles ï CrZ AT minlstratOT of the estáte of Jobn üeddis, to Umi i Vreeland, and which assignment wa9 recordííl n ,ï" Register' Office of the Co.inty of Washtenw , liber J of notugnmentsof mortgageson pa80 6,6 ''5 ) whicli said mortgage was on the gist day of Jam „ A.D.18TS, awigned by Hannah Vreeland, „f Í t townslnp of I-odl, Washtcnaw County, Michpn 2 Kenry Vreeland, of the same place, and which bU . ment was reoorded in the Bfgistei'i Office oflh j County of Washtenaw, in liber 3 of moi-tiraces 1 , page (;07, and which said mortgage was on the Hik l t M"?l. A. D. 1873, aosigned by Henrj V ee. r land to Cbristlan Mack und Frederick Schmid J, ( wlnch iwigoment was recorded in the Hettistfr'i , Office, in the County of Washtenaw, in libet !, ' mortgages on page 668 ; and whcreas, there is dne and c nnpaid on WÜd mortgage at the date of this cotice th, , sum of two thousand one hundred and seveul v-ri.ü , 60-100 dollars (42, 1 ICO), nd no snit or 3 , ing at law has betn instituted to recover thesamera any part Uien of ; noties is hereby piven that on int i.rday, the fifth day of July,' A. D. eiffi hundred and seventy tliree, at twelvo o'clock noon o! that day, at the front door south side) of iheComt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Coontr Michigan, by virtue of the power of sale enntainei !■ said mortgage, we shall sell at public auction, to tl highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage, or so much tliorcof as may be necessary to ntn' f y the amount due on said mortgage at the dateof Itii j notice with interest and the oost and expenses i!. } lowed by law, and also au attori.ey fee of twentj-ïn 9 dollars as provided in Iftid mortgage. The folio is a dosmption of the land and premises ns giren i! said mortgage, and to be sold in ijursnnnceof tli I above notice, to wit: The west half (X) of thesoutb. ' west quarter (',) of seotion one (1), town threel!' south range ttve east, Waihtenaw ( ounty, iticliigiiL with the appurteuances thercunto belnginc Dated, Ann Arbor, Jlarch il, 1S73. 3 CUKISTIAN MACK and FliEDülUCK SCilJUii, Jr Fredemck PiSTOitius, Assignees. Attorney lor Assignees. 1419 r Mortgage Sale. rkEPAULT having been made in the conditiom 0 . U a certain mortgage, dated the twen ty-fourthi a of February, a. ij. 1872, made and executed by Man [, E. Boekman and Silos C. Ruoiman, of the townhip a of Manchester, Washtenaw County, Michigan, o 1 liederick Sehmid, Senior, of the city of Ann Art a County and State aforesaid, and recorded in the oto ï ot the Register of Deeds for the county ofWoslite9 naw, Michigan, on the twenty-eighth day of Feta. ary, a. d. 1872, in Liber 40 of Mortgages, on pin i 162, by which default the power of sale contained i, . said mortgage became operative, and no procecdiiei , in law or equity haring been instituted to recove! 1 the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of nine huudred and thirty-fom t dollars and twenty-six cents ($834.36) bcing cc claimed to be due upon said mortgage at tho dateof this notice, besides cost3 and expenses of this fort elosure, and also nn Attorney's fee of twenty-J Ii (6.00) dollars : Notice is therefore hereby nm that said mortgage wil] be foreclosed by a sale of tSa premisea described in said mortgnge, or some pnrt theieof, to wit: All the tollowing described land situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of llicii■ ïgan, being the west half (%) of the north west qnnr■ t'r(',i-ot sectiuu seven (7), containini; thirly era; also all that part of the west half (lL) of the smith. east quarter (,'i) of sectión number one (1) lyin . M.ulhwotof Kiver Eaisin and north of the Salmi Bond, containing about eight acies, all of faid land being in township four (4) south of range tlim (31 east, at public vendue to the highest bidder, ut tl front door (south side! of the Couit House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couaty of Washtenow, on th Lwenty-eightb üay of Junenext, at noon Dated, April 2, J73. FEEBEE1CK SCHMID, Senior, , Fbedketck Pistokics, Mortgagf!. Attorney for Murtgagcc. 14'i'd Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having been made in the conditie! of a certam mortgage executed by Joseph W. Walt, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Wjb tenaw, and State of Michigan, on tho twentT-setraJ day of June, A. D. 1887, toEofcert MeCormick, of tka township of Ann Arbor, Oonnty of Washtenaw fonsaid, and recorded in the office of the Hegister of Deeds for tho County of Washteiww, and State aloresaid, 011 the twenty-second day of June, A. D. Jf67,f 3;.! o'clock P. M. of said day, in liber number 3ó of mortgages, on pnge 784 ; and that there is now cluiniei to be due anil unpaid on said bond and morfpagethe sum of tour huudred and forty-one dollars and tmnty-üve cents, also an attorney's fee of thirty dollnn should any proceedlngs be taken to foreclose oid mortgage, and no proceedings in law or in equitj having been had to recover said sum of money orj part thcreof; now, therefore, notice is hereby givf that by virtue of a power of sale in said mortjap contained, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the thirty-tirst day of May next at two o'elock P. M. of said day, at the front door of tfc! Courtltouse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, that being th place .where tho Circuit C'ourts are held in said countt, all those certain pieces or pareéis of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw aforesind, being lots number one (1), two, three, and four, in block uumber six (8), Brown and Fuller's addilion to the vülage now city of Ann Arbor alsn a pieceoí land eight rods square, bounded on the west by Tontuic street, south by the north line of block numl'ü six, Brown and Fuller's nddition, on the northoy land owned by James, and on the cast by the p.irlj' of the flrstpartnd Daniel Crawford ; also n pieceof land lyinfc'between the north-east corner of lot nuraber two and the north line of block number iXi IJrawn and FuHcr's addition to the villaye of it Ardor atoresaid, being a triangular piew of land lyil between tho north line of lots one and two, hta ninnber six, Brown and Fuller's addition and tb north line of said block. Dated, Maren 0, 1873. WILLTAM OEER, Administrnror with the Will anne.wJ John N. Gott, of the Katate of üobert McCormick. Af torney for deceaaed. Aammlstmtor of Mortgagee. 1410 Sheriff's Sale.'' ÖTATE OF MICHMAN, county of Washtenaw,. J J!y virtue of a writ of exeeuti"n issued out of snl under the seal oï the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, and to rae directed and delivered galmt the goods, ohattels, lands and tenements of willia Stevens, and for the want of goods and ehal.tels to Batiify said exeoution, 1 did, on the eightb duy o' March, 1871, scize nnd levy upón all tho right 'title and interest said AVilliam Stevens bas in and to the following desciibed lands, to wit : Lot number fooi in block number seven south, range twelve east In Uu' city of Ann Arbor, county and state aforessid. which above described property I shall expone R sale to the highest bulder, at public auc.lion. at llw south door of the Coart House, In the city ui' Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, on ';he tv fourth dny of May, a. d. ISIS, ut ouo o'clock p. M. o' Baid day. Dated, Ann Arbor, April II), 1873, MTJBUN WEBB.late Sheriff. 1421td By Thos. J. Hoskixs, Deputy BheriA Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coükty of WiSHnnu, k ss.- By virtue of a writ of execution issued out ifand under tho seal of the Circuit Court fortlu .ounty ot Waahtenaw.and to me directed and : id against the gfoods, chattles, lands and tenements of oses Marks, and fot the want of goods and ohottlM osaüstysaid execulion, I did, on the tweutv-dr-t layof Janu.iry, A. 1). 18X3, me and levy -Hponrfl' he right, title and interest lloses Marks has in anci o the deseribed lands, to wit : Lots number wo (2), four (4), six (li), eight (8). and ten (10), in blofk ive north, range four east in the city of Ann Arbor, ounty and State aforesaid. Which above decribed proper ty, I shall expose for sale to the highest 'ldder, at public auction at the south door of ttia teurt House, iu the Oty of Ann Arbor, in tf-."C„.:n(r t W aabtenur. on ihe eoond day of April, A. D 1873, t one o'clock P. 51. of sáid day. . Dated, this 7th day of February, A. I) -IW8 MICHAEL FLEMING. SnÜME, U1S ByMTEON WEBB, UndexSl For want of bidders the abovo sale is adjournen! ntil Wedncsdny, April nintli, at tho same place uní me of day. , Dated, Ann Arbor ,, A pijl 2, 187?. MICBLVÈL FLEMING, .Sheriff, By Mykon Weiib, Under-Shcriff The aoove sale is further postponed to the twenty xth day of April inst., at the same place and time ' day. Dated, Aprtt "Otli, fÜT. ' - n MICHAEL FLEMTNG, Bhsrl By Mïron Webb, Under-SheriffThe above sale is further postponed until Saturd.iyo tenth day of May next, at tho same place and me of day. Dated, April 26th, 73, JOCHA "Et; FITEMING. Sheriff; IÏY lïïBON Webb, Under SherirTThe above sale is further postponed to Tuesday, o tenth duy of June noxt, at tho samé place and Q6 of day. MICHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff, By Mïbon Weiib, TJnder-SherifI'


Old News
Michigan Argus