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The Beecher-bowen-tilton Scandal

The Beecher-bowen-tilton Scandal image
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StU: It is high time that the torred nf gian.iei1 against Henry WaïÖ Beeche be fti'jreateii. 1 liara in my poisession : couy of a ilis;ivow,il of all the chargi nni impntaliona aaiusl Mr. Beeoheri vc mido bydfclaarj O. Boven, which wa Mteouted on the 21 of April, 1872. Wïtb - out Mr. B ■ ioh ii kBi wi I ;-o, I h.-ivc h:,'l-.l this in my hands fr m that time to this. A'ul now, without his kaowldg I gire ttiis documont to (oe world and estop aml ooovict the principal offender aiiaít trulh, publiè deoenoy, and the ïitht.H it ■■"■ I ition. M ■.' ruin ■ ■!■! 'ut to do tliis is the faot thn r. Bowea bas of late repeatedly declarnl thnt he hnd never diaavowed his cliirujp;; ftgninst. Mr. Beeeher, !ml tha1 he yi't in'sisteá on rb5r trui li. And now t+io publio oan tinderstand tho brave BÜPnoe wtiich t)ip p;rc!'t preachor has kopt undiT 1 hig prötracted storm of 6lander. H'3 has oovoimnted to bnry the flaft, aml to mainlain peaceand Jirotherhood. Th viobition of that agreement by ]Lrnry C. Bjwen nnseals my month il it i(iea not opmi the lips of the pastor of Ptymouth Ohurch. Suffolk. New Yoik. Muy 20, 1873. .; THE DISAVOWAL. We three men, earnestly dosiring to remove all eiuises of ofTjnse oxisting between us, real or f.uieied ; and to make Ghristian reparation tor injurie) dono or suppísed tobe done; and to effaoe the disturbed past and to próvido concord, goud will, aud love for toe future, do declare and covenant, each to the other, as follows : I. I, Henry C. Bowen, having given credit, perhaps without lae consider.ition, to tales and innuendoes aiïecting Henry Wurd Beecher, and being inrluenced by them, as wss natural to a man who receivei iinpressiou3 auddenly, to the extont of ropeafing them (guardudly, nowever, and witliin liraitatic-ns, ar.d not for tiie purposs uf in j uring him, bnt strictly i-i the CüttüTcnoe of oonsultatioa), nov foei that thorein I did him v.rung. Tiuu-rfare I disavow all tho charges and imputations that have been aitributed to me as li".ving been by rne inade against . Hjury Waru Beecher - and I declare, fully and without reserve, that Iknownothing which should prevent me trom extendiüg to hiin my mo?t cordial friendshij', uonfideuce, and Christian fellowship. And I expressly withdraw all the chargs, iinjjutations, and innuendoes imputed a-s haviüg beeu made and uttered by me, uid set tortu in a letter writteu_lo me by Theodoru Tilton on tbe first day of Junuary, 1871 (a copy of which letter is hereto annexed); and I sincnrely regret haviiiir urndo any iujputaciong, charges, or innuemioos un Favorable to the Chi character of Mr. Buecher. And I and promise that for all future time I will oever by word or deed recur to, repeai, or allude to any or either of eaid charges, imputations, and inuuendoes. II. And I, Theodore Tilton, do, of ui y free will nd frieudly spirit toward Henry C. Ebwen and Henry Ward Beecher, hereby covenant nul agree that I will never apiin repeat by word of mouch or othurwise any of the allegutions or imputations or innupiidoes contained in ruy letter hereunto annexsd, or auy other injurious imputations or ailegaiions sua-gested by or gr o win g out of these - that I will uever again briug up or hint at any cause oí ditierenee or ground oí complaint beretofbre existing betweou the unid Henry C. Bowoa and myself, or tbe said Henry Ward Beeeher. III. And I, Hanry Ward Beecher, put the past íorever out ofsight and out of mumory. I deeply regret the cause of suspieion, jealousy, and eatrarjgement whioh have conie between us. Iiig a joy to meto have my old regard tor Homy C. Bowen and Theodorè ïilton reetorod, an.l a happiness to mo to resume the old relatiuu of lovo, rcsjject, and reliaiice to eath and bcih óf.them. Ii' I Lavo Siid unything injuiious to the repu tatiron of either, or have detracted frcm their standing and famo as Christian gentlemen and lueuibers of my churoh, I revoke it all, and heartily covenant to repair and reinstate then to the exteut of my power. (tsigued) H. C. Bo-wex, Theodorè Tii.toií, H. W. Bíechee. Krooklyn, April 2, 1872. New Yoiik, June 2.- It is siid that Henry Ward Las been so mueh a-nnoyed at tbo sharp eriticisiüs of some of the daily juurnals on the acton of Iheodore lilton, bg witnss tothe famous retraction of Boweiis charges, that he has resolved to coma to Tilton's defense. After consulting with several friende hu prepared a statement exoneratiug Tütoii from all blaiue in connection with the terrible scandal with which his name is awsociated. Mr. Beecher wrote a scatoment thii morning. The statement refers to tilton's actioas as that of a friend who det-ired to reunite Boven and Betehcr, Mr. Chiflin was, it is said instrumental _ in bringing ibout the retraotion w-hich bears the sigrvatures of Bcech'er, Böwcn-and Tilton. retr:;c'ion it is wrid was drawTi up by Samuel Wilkinson, business partner of Mr. Boecher, and after it was signed banded it to Claflin for safe keeping. Wilkinson, howevur. had tnade a copy und gave it to the press. LATEB - MR. BEEOBES'S CAED. The following card is published to-day: To the editor of the BfookTyn EagTe: Dear 8ir - I have maintttined silencc reepeeting the slandcr which have for soroetime past followcd me. I should not speak now, but f'or the edke of relieving another of unjust itnputations. The document, which recently rjublished hearing my name, with others, was published without oonsultation either with me or with Mr. Tiiton, or with any authorization from us. If that document should leud the public to regard Mr. Til ton a author of the calumnies to wlrieh it alludes, it will do him a great injustice. 1'aru unwilling that he should even secin to be responsible for the injurious blatoments whose forco waa derived wholly itoxa others.


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