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peur jïmmsm. llr-l TED- A good Girl for housework. Wqiiire ai ó4 South stuto street. H25 NN AEBOE TRADING A3SOCIATIOK Kow ReceivlEg a OF NEW SHADES OF BRESS SILES AND A SPLENDID LINE OF LIGHTSTKIPESILKS WniClI WILL DE SOLD VEHT CHEAP FOE. CASH CALL AND SEE THEM. w2 G. W. IIAYS, Supt. Mortgage Sale. I"EFAULT been maflo in the condiliona oL -r a molture, execuled on the flrt dar of Mnv a. d. 18T2, and aekaowledged on the twenty-fim ,1 i t Md , a. j. 1872. by JJelia Pattee to Sidney Calkins flilch mortgnpo was rtcuided in the office ut the liegMar ut Oeeá for Ui cMinty of WrhtéBaw ani tatc or Michigan, un the -'(ttli daj ui Mar, a. d. 1872 n hber 4S 07 mortgnjfea on piqje i'L'4 ; which mortagewn, on ths 28th dy of Murtil, a. d. is;s asïgned by the uuid Bëdney Cslkinu to Lores 'l'hir truien siim issiKiuneTit wub recorded iu a.. 1 Recuter's .l)(fi(A)on tho 2!th day of Mniill, .. i. 1S7S m fiber I of moittraifc, on page 67S : Thw Í eTaimed to hè ';"' ll.1"1 ""i"'"1 "aW mortease, at the dut hereof Uve bhndred and four dollar nnd eighty-thiee cent (M4.SS), bwidw u attorneyV fo f tVv ■ ,- t-fiye lam tW5. rtipnSi? i„ Ji SS! K.t,. . In prpcetóing ther at luw or cmiiiy h2gbaáiJitnted to recover tho asme o, in !..■( thereof: Notiie is Mereby givcn tftat l,v virtnê of . he I'ower o sale in mortíjage conínined 1 jianTra iTtUn, the ireoad dny of .Se,,,,r, a. . 17., t one oVlock in the affernowr of (hat t'.v t the front dopr of the Court in Die city of Ann Albor, Wasbtenw Couftty, MjchiMn (that bens the pluce of holdmg the ( V'uit Oourt in ana for nidcoauly),neU nt public aiiction, to the hihest bidder, the prwnufees dcMriibed in sftid n ortgitce to sütisfy the amount of principal onl intcest nbov ■liiiiiir.l as due, with the elinrftes of ano!) Bale, imd i!ro qs) ntlorney fee of twentj -live ilollarsas stlpnln ;ed in éid mortffape, lo wit,: Ihe west hqlf of tl" e MlowiiiK descrihed land situute In the tdvnsbip of Ypilant( AVaahieniiw County, Sliohipan, einiineneirtf on the eunt and west ijuartur line of sectiori four ■i] in township three (:'.] aouth of funge Beren [71 east, in the center of the hiplfway leading out of the illageof Ypsilanti on th e8t slde of the Huren iiver; theneemnniDgeaBt aloiij; the snid quarler ino twemy-tlireo [23] chaina and eig-hty-eight [BS] nk to thn aoutheastjcoriier of unid (Jüarter eetioh irom menee nonti on the line of snM qimrter teeum, theni twelve f 12] cliniim and fiftrpii Mí! 'im!:s to n mnke from which u red cink trco tl ncheo u diameter leaning .so jrtb 80 west thirtv [301 link ana a rad onk tbirteen [13] iuohea in rliiuneter ut fortyfonr r] link; thnur north 84" wet' wentyons LJl] clmins and tlnity-niuo [885 links tu ecenierof the Hrst eoeatiqned liiirhw.-iy u n BtiUie nm whlch au Etyrlish Cherry aix [6 inanes in dinmer leana north íii-(y-íl,ree [6.1] drjgfreea -'-s' forfyiree [43] ljni: anda lopust tree tlirw ;;, Uióhea ín Hmeter Dort 33" re( si.viy-t--if.-iit i-.-j ; sontli mne [9] ueftrees west, along tne osnter of said hiffOTTOs, flitsen f15) chaina ml niii(-tvn rur linis lo the otnceof berionlnv, contnining m all thirty and ?.-l"l) rf un acre of lfiml, reservin;.' frnm the abova il'v.-riTitioii rhrcp [S] iici es f rom the nor til om] il. ■!.■,! toJolin MiUer by Piitteo, nlso reierring lpts nuralwred onc [Tl, two fï], thrcc seven_ 71, efq-ht [8], nine [9], ten iloi, hihI eleven rin. m raitee-8 aaniuon to the fity o Ypsilanti. Dated, June 6tb, 1S7.1. I.dRF.XZO TABOR. ini'.w,' 5iojb L. Bachmak, Att'; for Assixno.


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Michigan Argus