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ÏXTii OFFE!. 8ECOND ÜISTRIBUTIOlSr. THE CHMOHO CUTE ELEttim A MURE i, TtkS GIVEÑ A WÁT! To everj subsoriber of th.t Pynl WÍITl OÜR FfRESIDE FRIEND lias now over SE VEN" Y i. róíí ?i "'""'i U AN-TÉ9 SAfTSíaácSS once fot rerms and pilriiculrs. Addrew WATEJiSftCO.,Pnb8, Chicgo. BAPOLTO Is a bstitata lor Soap for all Houseliold purpea, sxoept irashiSg dothes. a XpolTo" for your House wil} aar tbe labor of onecleunur. Qive it u trial. B A. F Q Xa J CC foï. Wind. iws is.betler than Whitásor Wt.r NoremÓTiag íuftnín and airpëtï. clein9P,nnt.iina Wwjd, in fact the entir. hou, bettcthii Siwy. NooJiring. „ lntxir. i ou can't áftoM to be without it. h apTTTTö for Fcoñríng Knivai is.leitar n'l cleaner th:m Ba:h Bnck. Wifi uot scratci. is bef ter tban Soup and Sard for poiisMDir lu.vnn. Bnghteu without tcratchiog. S A P CTÏ7I O P hshos Brnsi nnd ' oppiT utonsils better thim Acid or Oil Rnd Botten Stone. sapölTö' for Wiwhing Disbca nsd Glasswaro ia inYüluable. tieaper than Soap. SAJPO"LTCT remove.-. St.iins fron Mnrble Mantels Table and StKtuary, fiom HanMinished WaJIs and fiom Ciuaa and Porcelftip. SAPO LïT remóos staii. and Orease from Carnet and othet wuvun iubrics. There is no one artlcle known that wil! ,to o miiny kind, of work anct du ït well as Snpolio. Trj 1. HAND SATÏMolEriro fl new ;in.l woiiderfully cffective Toilet bop, having nu etiual iu thi couairT or abriJüd, ' HAND S A 2PÖL I O Rs an article fur hc Hnth, "renche the foundation " of all dirt, open th pores andgiTM a liealtljy uctjon and bnlhnnt tint to the skin. HAND S A. IO LlOi Cleansei and Beautiflw iiio .Skin insiintiy iremoving uny iiiiu 01 hlenuib' frum both iiitndi na tace. HAND S A. OÏ7l O i without n rival in tho world for ciMUig or preTenting rt,iislmes auij enappmg ui either hund or face. HAND S A P O L I O rümove Tar.PUch. Iron or Ink Staic mui. (in ai;; Kir workers in Mi.chiue Shops, .Miius. k ■., is mviiluable. I"oi miiknig tin; Skin nod giving tuita" bloiim ofbeautj ■ t U anáurpassetl by any ''osmeiic known. HAivD S A. DP O Ij I O cinta fi'jui 10 to 15 ciDtspirciike, and. every body siiuulil lmvc ie. Yuu wül like it. IMIN'T FAHi TO TIÏY TBÍ8E G0OP8. Buy t of jour mcnbant if lic bas it or will prut uro il tor yuu. If nol.' lliin urilt lor mr l'ain pil lt, "All siboul Supolió,-' uttd it will bc niailcd f ree. UK OCH MORííAN'S 8OJN9,' S38 Park PHioe, N. Y. Sheriff' Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN (Vaahtenaw Coiintv, O as üy viiiiii' ot uil cxecutiun lasuedoutof aad auder le ni i do Circuit tornt tur Ihe County of i ashteouw, iu chum try, and io me nireoteo and delivered, whereiu Klizubcth Huta (er ia coiuBlmnant m bül uhd Jmki( a II,.-;., detetadant, mm(1 Vheiein' James liuntur i oiuijhiinimt in oioss-bill id tliiabeth guntej; b dcteui . 8 tl, e ooods,' chattleslanflí aria tfcneriii-nte f Ja a Hmm t have this 23td dy i Jiuv, A D. 1873, seiwO umi lukwiiill tin; rigbttitle and interest James Enntei iiasnnuHiiu ilie Jollowji.e demlid UiDds to-jiit: Lot numbï live (ü . 12), in bJcck tour-(4 aouth 01 lluri'ii sueel and uiui (9 , ;,-i m tle city oi Ann jVrtor,ijitlieConni ii Wmhttiww of m.i'c t ..ti-iin. bk rtfingtotli! rtcorted plutof "lheAnnArboi-L CompuiiyV'additiontotlie vilVIm nll iliat purtioool ihewe! Imlfai the'soúth-wtst qunrter of svction uumbci iwoity-seven f27) in towiisliip r.imueriwo r-j; BootJi oi uu-, ïiumterBix fi eat, bciug tïe towiisnip at Aun Aibur, u: siud Uounty oi Wnshlennw, wlijcll I ■- i llows n iflt : On ihn uur. b byn hoe rnmiaig p u northlinesf the Boutü-west ijuuiIh oi th pouth-vtesl n.uat.rof" UOD uumtHT twi nty--tvi i! . 27j. ai.] ut Iho clistnnoe oflhrie (3j chuiiis nud seventy (7CJ links nortliof said Upe . i h ilie toulh bv the Uu'ddn road fnoc.illi-l; (!■,■ 'I said nuattcr ecnon; pu ii, ■ . ;..-■ i.v tiie el til r f., pdrtjo fenid qiiaiter iection, lierttoii ie cinvtjtö i.y .md Hnteraud witu (Hugii ü'Kune hydeed recorded in the iftgo_J tha Reifiotei oi i'-,v,N,,t ntid C'oiinty of naw, in 6"i Uecds, on page 2) ' ■ nnd stbytho weMÜricoi stciion numl er wenty- ui,: And nbo a pari oi theeaBI hall oi xi.e soutli-cn&t uiüiriir.ii aouuD oumbei tvcnij-eislit ■-'■; msaid to.wnsliipundiaiigp, cciumenc;ng in the 'nitJineol su. at a pcint tnintvoar Ki; chaina anileiiflit CSJ links northoi mm coi-iii rul snid ei tion number twcuu-eielit C28), ml ramtartbènce weit, jmiaUel to (Ik. si.nth secion hm-, efghl ,:■; rods; Uierice squth eleven r'. píen n.J nnd fort)-flvo '4., rqinutes rêaX, vfae f9 1 cliniu iid twen(y-flve i '_'.r); links to tbc crtiter of the Vcdde o:l ut ii poifli (rrtm n'u-!] n crm ksrl white onklree, .iis umtli soveuly-fonr. cl! degree west, nine '■■■i links, ihcnce c;isier]y iimsaid rond foui (4j chains oud tluriythre6 f33) ijL io theïöCtlDQ line ; tJu net' n.rtli fnt' Oj dfgree, ' est on snid fiiutii.n teil fli'j ohiiins ad two ti) Dks te tbs plací of bcginning. contaming two f?) nd ninuty-tliree hnncj'dihs C98-100) nemmon or bs. .All of the nbore dmuribed pronerty beine situed in ilie rownship "f Sim Artur, ' lounty of Wnsh"■"'■ Stute of Miliik'pn, ivliici! nbove" disoibecV ■opertj I shajl ipose for fle at public anction, tn ' ie bignest blddeiat the soulh dom of the fourt ouao, in the pily njf Alm Arlulv, ra the 12th day of ily, A. D, 187S, i.i ten ö'oloci a. m. Dutüd, 5th diiy oí June, A. D. 1873 MICDAJil, FLJÈMI2ró", Sheriff. Estáte of Ellia Bullook. TATE OF JITCH [CÍAX, Oounty of Wíishtennw. s. J Noüco is fien tint by nn upicr of the Probate Court Rm Che County of Máshtenaw, mnde on the fmiTth diiy of Jme, A.V. 1878, six ímnthn frora tlmtiiutc v.fir :il]i,wci! g to presen claims againut the eotatf of Ellifl Bullpqi I Id i'nunty, decéHKd, nníl tlmt n!j e,-, üitoiï o suid íleo : i d,,.j,. elaimg t aidPral , „■ i'mli.-iii U'tir-i-. in tiwCitj of 'nu Arbor, for md allowahie, on or befoie the fourth day of December uext. and tlmt snoh UHims mj] be heard before :rt, oa v. tke loitrtli dy of 6cptember, and oi '[:ur-ir.;-, tll' fonrlil (11J oi I At, itttOU' Datcd, Auu Arbor, June -ltl, .' -VO.1 1 l'EB, -3. vi Judgeof Probate. "POR SALE ! S. UT' Je h-i rcsidenoc oa State street, ttret door North of U oí Mr. l'ond. l-,fiafLÍoui.iis (üiquite at ius store on stuta alreet. 142Sw2 either sex, yomig or iM, itr.íke inore nioney at work for us io their Src momenU or al! tha time, thaii at unytiiiup t-lic. l'aniciilars fit AdcIrptB G, Stiuson t Co, Portland, Maimi


Old News
Michigan Argus