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BïïöINESS DIRECTORY. Nll. COIjK. llraier in Ooal. Office wlthFlXOli . s Cmsi, pver .-lawsn & Sons' Store, Cur, Pourth and Huron St. E-JTÏTS TH4TCItËtt, Attorney and Counselor nt Liiw, No. ó Hurón Streel, Ann Albor, Mioh. 1386 A AB8OS IdlWElRAL SPRINGS. [ Hle. MI. D., Suporlntoudent. OUce ín ttilildmir, corner Jiann acd IVeet Horon StreeU. 4ïrlKS & WOUDEN, 20 South Matnetret, tV Ann-rior, Mich-, Wholesale and reiail dealrsin Dry Hoods, Curpets aml Groceries. tMltf MACK SCrtJlID, Dealers In Dry Ooods, üroeeries, Crockery,&c. No. 64 So'.Uh Main ijtfet. H. JACRSUS, Dcntlít.successorto C. B. Porter. Offlcü coruer Main and Huron streeti. Ocr the store of II. W. EIMk & Co , Ann Arboi, AüestheUcs adminietcrcd if reqnired. ri .T. JOIIXSON, Dealer in Hats and Cape, lli f'ura. S'raw Ooods. Gents' Fiirnishing Ooods, ,ïc. No T Souiii Main -treet, Ann Arbor, Mich. TrTliKreliASÍD & AVHEDOS, Life and Bïlre lusa ranee Acents, and dealerem Keai Estáte. Jiflceon Huron Street. B1CH & AIIIiI.- Deslers in Dry Ooods. Groceries, 4c JtcSo.ï Soulc Msin Street, Aon irbor. SLAWSON & SOS, Grocera, Provisión and Commiasion Merchmita, and dealers in Water Lime. Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 16 East Baron street. SKONItHEI.Tf, Wholes! and Retail Doüler n li-Jiidy Made Clothlog, l'loths, Cassimeres, ViSttnss.andQeut's Pnrnlshing Gouds. No.SJSouth Main Street. W.n. WAUNER, Dealer In Rsady MadeClothine.Clotb. Cnsstmerc. Vestlnes. Hata.Oap, rr4alw,CrpetBag, &c. 21 South Mainstrect. rvFmlOBE t FISKE, Ttnokfcllcrn andStaUr tíown Medical L'iw and Collece Text Boiiks, 8ch I ind Miscellaneouo üooks. No. 3 North Main itreet.Gregory Block, Ann Arbor. AJüAÏr wTc H E EVEK, ATTOBNET ÏT'LAW ! DSic with E. W. Morgan, Eaet slde oTCourt House Bqaire. lisl CllAKJLËsliJLTvOODRÜFF, Attorney at Law and S0LI0ITOR IN CHANCERY: Oicí, Arcade Bloclc, Ypsilonti, Mich. Collections anfl promp!l' vemitterl. All lfgal businesa faithiully attenrled to. 1426 pROCKEKY GLASSWARE. & GROCERIES, J. & ï- Donnelly IlfiveiintoroiiMrticJtrick 'f'rookerj, Glaseware. PlatcdWare.Ci-.tlery GroceneB, Ac, 4c. all tobe eoldotnnasaully luw price. No. 12 East Uuron Street, Ann Arbor. TÖHN G. QALL, DEALER 11" FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAttl), SilISAGES. Ktc, 0Mcr5olicitedandprrmptiy filled wlth thebeat Biats in the marknt. 9 1 E ;st 'ehlngton street Ann rbor, Sept. lth, 1S09. l' NAEKSEY, Q&L!!Nk Manutacturer of vt- 3J Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLEWHS, of cvery styK made of the best miterial, utA w;irranted. Repairtng done promptly aud príces reasnnablfi. Detroit Street, near tí, R Dflp-Jt, Ann Arbor, Mich. rR. C. A. LEITËÏF" CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Phyician Precsriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 (Jregory Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor.Dec. 2ïd 1871. 1854 m.C.B. POBTEB, X5E3STTISTOffice in the Sovinga Bank Block, Ann Albor. All 0peratwn8 on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. BNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE lm ARTIFICIAL TEEÏH, TO GIVE BACII INDIVIDUAL; OtnturtM of the proper tire, $kapt, color tfirmne$ and natural empretêian. 1244 1 HURRY UP! f PARTIKS vlthtng Wall Paper, Shndee HuUaaila, Window Pixtares, Cord, Tasscis, Ac. all New Styles, ut itisfactWÏ P'ices, b r. It. AVcbster Sc Co., Book Stn, nar the Expiess Office. -x W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ï Deals in both FINE CUT A5D SMOKING TOBACCO, SnufT, 3?ipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STItEET, Sext to the Expro s Office, AÏVW Utllllll, MICH. WELLING HOUSES FOR SALE AUrgesndyery well huilt briok hrmse. rith two "tt moro Iota. ïm iaiir.! irmed houre. Also gotxt rame houw on u good lot intendod foradding afrunt, or sale on (air terina and a reusonnble credit" AUo othei buildiii!-8, Iota, and property. .IttOSUV WAIVXED-So nnny wa,;n, lo prrow money applj to me that I nu readüy obtain ■ï . '" ?ood natiafactory investiuents at tou per Qt. interest. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1873. U23W '


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