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TUT YOUE MOSEY WIIEKE ÍT WILL Do T MOST1 GÓOD. A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN TEE LA'fESTSTYLES. QUAL1TY AND PRICES TO . DEFlf CO M PE TITIOJT AJ.SO, A. PÜIX LINE OF GENTS" FURNISHING GOOBÍ C3F Ca?i ï(?'e purchasiug. 15 íSotííA j(ín Street. _ja Estáte of Corneliüp Laughlin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Wshtcnar _ At :i seasion of thé Probnt Court for tbVcouw of Washtenav, hnld&ti it tbe Frabate Office in the Citï of Aun Arbor, tía ShtÓrdup, the seyeuth da; ot June, iíi tlie yeiir one thouBimd cight liundnJ and seventv-tívn ■■. l'resent, ís'oah W". Clieever, Judgeof Probate. Ín tlie rntitter oí' tlie enlate oí i omeliue LaugMjn. decentad. Wiiiinin Üurku, udtDHvwtratOT oi 8idJ tato, comes into court nn& representa that he ig nOlí propared to render bis final atetnmt as euch admin. tatrator. Thereupon itisordered. that Thuruday, the tenth day oí' July next, at ton o'elock in the iortnoon, be assigiied for exuniining and allowing such a! count, und that the hem at law of eaid d. ceased, and all other pwstms interested in %úi estáte, are requircd to appear at a sesaion of said Court, thcn to be holden iit the l'robate Office in the City of Aivn Albor, in said county, and shoir cause, lí axtytbere be, why tho said account bIioqH not be allowed: Aiul i( is íurtliei' ordt'red.thatnaida. minifttratoi yivenotici; toth'pers.nhe intortsted insaid estáte, oí' the pendency of said account, nn4 thehtarini[ theroof, by canaing acopy oí' tljis order to-be publishtj in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printd Hndcirea lating in said County, three suceesüive weeks preioui to said dy of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAlI "W, CHEEVER, 1430 ' Judge of Probate. Sheriff'b Sale. S" TATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County as. By virtue ot un txeeution iBued out of nna uuder the weal of tlie Cireuit Court for fhe Connty o Wwht6HaW iii chunfitry, and to me airectca aoddt livereil, wheroiu Klizabeth Hunter ip conintauunt in bul and James liuuter delendant, and wheiem J ames iiuuter Ís coiuplainant in crons-bill td Elizabeth fiunler íb dolendant, ngnlnBt the goodt chattlt's, Lande and tenemcnti? of Jumen 'Hunttr, J have UiM 2&cd day oi May, A D. 1873, eized an4 taken all tho riht title and interest Jame Hunttr hftBÍntmdto tbe foíltfWing destribed lands to-mt; Lots numbcr live (6] and t wel ve (12), in block foui(4) south oí Iiuron fetreet and range niue (9) eait, intbi city oí Ann Arbor, in the County of AVashtenaw tai State ot' Michigan, acc rdir.g to the recorded pUtof "The Ann Arbor Land Cuín pauy V addition to the rillag-e (now naid city; of Aun Arbor: Aleo all iht portion of ihe west half of the south-wt-st quartetoí hection nuiuber twfnty-bvven (27) in townsliip duo ber two (21 soutli of ranjie number six (G) east, beinj the townsfaip of Ann Arbor, in Kaid Couniy of WashLenaw, vrhich is bouiultd as iollovs to wit: On tía nurth by a line running parallel with thenorthlinef the 'south-west quarter of the souíh-west quartertá said eection immbcr twcnty-seven (27j, and at th distuncu of three tJ ohaiue and seveuty ("Pj linki north of said line ; on the touth by the Ueddesrotd Tho called) ciossinff said west half ot said quarttr ition; on the cast by the west line of a portion of raid quurter eection, lieretofore conveyed by JnmeBÜuaIer and wifetoHugb U'Kane by deed recorded inth oitice of the líegister oí Deed of said Couatjr of Wa-htenaw, m Ober 6ü o Decds, on page 29J ; nd on the st by the weet lino oí said Beclion numttr tweTity-soven : And also a part of the east half ofthi south-eaat quarter of eeoUoo number twenty-eipht f-iS;, in said township and muge, commeneing in th east line of saiu quarter Keeiion, at a point tweotjv four (2ij ehalnti and eij;ht (8j links north of tbepoutneast corner of said section number twenty-eipht (Ij, and runnitts' thence west, parallel to the ouih ieetion line, cight f8; rodw ; thence bouth eleven degitet(IIa) and forty-five C4ÖJ minute? west, nine (9) chaim and twenty-live (2flJ links to the center of the Gedde road at a point, frosi which a crooked white oaktret, sixteen in ches in diameter, bcars north ncTenty-few (74) dogrees west, nine f9) links, thence easterlj along said road four (4j chains and thirty-thret (33) liuks to the section liiif ; tlience north one (t) degret, west on aaid section line ten f10) chainB na two fj) liuks to the place of begiuning, contnining two ) und ninety-three-hundrcdihK fí'3-lÜO) acres morO or less. 11 of the above described property beiogiitu ated in the township of Ann Arbor, County of Waaitenaw, Ötate of Michigan, which above Jwcribci property I shftll expoe for sale at public aucüon, to the highest bidder at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1873, ut ten o'clock a. m. Doted, 9th day oiJune, A. D. 1873. MICHAKL FLKMIKG, Sheriff, Mortgage Hale. DEFATLT haring been marte in the eonditions of a raortgage, exeouted on the first day of Muy, a. i. 1873, and aeknowledged on the twenty-fïrntdjr of Mfly, a. i). 1872, by Delia Fattee to Sidney Calkim, wUich inortgapu was reeuided in the oifice of the Kfgister of Ueeds fof the oounty of AVaahtenaie and State of Michigan, on the 28th day of May, a. d.1873, in Ubi-i' 4S of mortgages, on page 224; which mort gage Ml, on the j!tth day of Mareh, a. d. 1S7S, u signed by the said Sidney CaUtina to Lorenzo Tfltor, which said [tBsigiiment was recorded in sid K gister'i Ofllwon th)2Ö oi Moren, a. d. I873, in líber 3 of uatonments of ïnortgngt s, on page 675 : Thereit olairaed to be due and ui:paid on said moTgme, at tl date hereof five hundivd and tour dollars and eighty three cents fS50 1,83), bosidos an atturney's fee of twenty-flve dollars [$'2b), us Rtipulated in saicl mort gage, and no proeeedmga either at law or equity having been instituted to recover the samo or any part thereof : Notice is hereby given thut by virtu of the power of sale in said murtgage eontHitfed I shall, on Tuesday, tire ninth day of September, a. d. 1873, t one ü'clocli in the nfternoon of tlmt dny, at the front door of the Court Hone in the city of Ann Arbor, Woahtenftw County, Kftafeigun (thnt teihí; the place of holdrng the Circuit Court in and for said connty}, eell at public auotion, to the higliet bidder, tlie pranisea aeifCTibed in said it ortgage to sfltisfy the amount of principal and interest aboTt claimcil as due, with the charges of such sale, and also ün nttorney fee of twentj-tive dollartt ns stipula ted in said mortgnge, to, mt : The west hlf of th followiug doscribed lana sitúate in the townahip of Ypsilanti, Washtenuw County, JtieïiiiiHn commencint; on the east and west QUwrter line oí section four [4] m towusliip thrée [3] south of rnnge seren [7] i'fist, in the center oi the highway leiding out of lh vilhige of Ypsilanti on the easr BÏdê of tïie Huron Iliver ; thence innning eaet alnn the said quarter line twonty-thrpe [23] ehains and ei#hty-eiglit [?8J links to the Kontheast corner of said qnarter secUön; trom tbimoe north on the line of suid quarter section, tlicnc1 IwcItp f f 2] chnins nd fifteen [151 links to n ptake fioin wlnch a red cak tree ten [10] incbM in diameter leaninp nouth B0 west thitiy [3J link, imd a red onk thirteen rV] inches in diameier enst foity fonr [44] lir.ïtR; tht-nce north 849 west twenty-ont L21] chHin'i and thirty-nine [8] linki to the center of the firt mentioned hiphway to a stak from which an Englieh Ülirry six fft] ÜMeea in dinraeter le.ans north sixty-thref.' [!;;,"■ dcroes west, fortythree [43] links, nnd a loenst tri thrw [8] inches in diameter north 33 west sixty-oitrht [Ös] links ; thenM sonth uine [9] degreea Wjaeti almag the een ter of said highway, fiftt;en [15] rhains nd nineteen [19] linki to the place of beemninfr, contfiining in all thirty and 75-100 of an acre of land, reserving from the nbnTB description three [3] acies from thenorth enrl decded to John Miller by JEber Tnttee, nlso reserving lotj nurabered one. [1], two [2], three [3], iour [4]. aeren [7], eierht [8j, nine [9], ten [10], and eleven [lij, of Puttee addition to the city of Ypsilacti. Dated, June 6th, 1873. LORENZO ÏABOR, Assignee, GEontïE L. Bachman, Att'y for Assignee. f % ■ THE GREAT AF.TKRATIVE AND1 BrJ BLOOO PU1UHER. W Itianotaquack nostrura. Tbe ■ ingredicnla are published on each M bottle ofmedicine. Itisusedand _jjtBl recomin ended b}r Physicians jjBu V'htTevcr i t has beea introduced. 1 toB It wiil positivelv cure tSCROFULA WA BanJ kindrrd aislasen, RBEUMAf Hl TSM, WHITE S WELLING, ' ymjaovr, goitRe, bronciiifR.TIS. NEHYOUS DEBILlTr, ■ IXCIi'IEb T COffS UMP TION ■ .tnd 'ti IJ diseasea aiisiug from a Ê impurc condition of the Blood, EggHHciri fcr our Rosadalis Almanao, nTÍBin which you wilt iind certifícales B k ÜH from reliable and trust-wortby W V Plijsicians, Ministers of the GoBBpcl, ao:l others. MM m Dr. Il IVllson Cnrr, of BaltiIw 1 Hmoi'e, says bc has used it in casesof HJ ScroTuUi ;uul othcr diseases with mucb aÊ Hsntisfaction. PB ' lr. T. Pngli, of üaltimorc, ' ■ commends it to atl persons suflering BfBIHDwüii disensed Blood, fiaving it is sujjeBBft H cierto anyprrparationh'ohaKCVerusttd I i;v. :tbry llnll,of the BaltiI 91 moro M. E. Conference South, saya H he has beeu somuch beneiitted by H it3U8e,thathocheerfullyrecommends HaHH itto al !h ia f rienda and acquaintances. V BH Cravcn & Co., Druggists, at GorH WjÊ Aonsvillr, Va., say it Jiever has failod BH to civo satislaction. M B gnm'l O. McFaildcn, Murfreeatf M boro', Tennessco, says itcurcd him of KnH Khcumatism whcu ui 1 cisc failed. THEROiADALISIN COXN'KCTIOf WITH OTTR sim rillcnreChill.i and Fevpr, Lirer Complaint. Dysepsift, etc. We euarnnteo Kosadjlis superior to 11 other Blood I'uriSers. Senil for DescriptJT 'ircular or Alnipnac. Address, CLEMEKTÏ & CO., L S. Commorre SC,, Ua'limore, Mi Beiscmber loask J-oiir Druggist :r-Ro3ii)Ai.ia.


Old News
Michigan Argus