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__ Circular. _- BiH-Heads. __ Letter-Heals. _ Sbipping Tags. _ Printeil at the Anors office. _- tu the best styíe and cheap. _ Don't order elsewhere before calling. __ Stttisfiiction guaranteed in overy rospéct. _ Wanted ! _- Every dollar _I)ue the Aesus office. _This means you, il yon owo the tl. _Forsubsoription, advertising or jobwork. _ Home-í?rown strawberries are in market at 30 cents a box : small quarts. -Thcjuniorclagsin the High School picnic at Wliitmore Lako U-wioitotf. _ Smith-, of the Clifton House, haa isaued ctrds for a Fourth of Jtíly Batí. _ Thftt rain on ïuesday w8 about as good u could be potten up on short notice. _- On Mondfiy night last some peity and vicious scamp tarred the gate of j. T. Swatiiel. _ The ladies pf the M. E. Church gave a gtrawbcrry and Ice Cream Festival on Wednesáay evecing. - Joh J. RobisOn was intown wednesday, loofcins Uke a lineal descendant of Job- lf boils re &n indication. _ Our Ypsilanti correspondent failod to come tntimethis week. Ouess that "all is quiet down the Hurón." . A good deal of new sidewalk is being put Jown in different parts of the city. And yet there jj further room for improvements. _ Strawberries and Ice Cream can be êaten for the benefit of a good cause at the íresbytélúra church this ovening, Jrine tSth. Mr. Stewakt informs us that his agents we meeting with good success in canvassing for the new County Map or Atlas. Glad to hear it- Our Saline and Manchester readers should note the changes in the time tabie of the Detroit, Hilludale and Indiana and Eel Rivef roads. - Ex-Supervisor O'Heabn is back from a fifteen months' stay in New Orleans. He report8 the prevaüing political disorders as injurious to b usiness. - The new TJoiversity hall will notbe completed in time for the coming Commencement, and the exercises wül ba held as usual in the M. E. Cburck _ Sheriff Flemikq has a new boarder : his „,me is O'Beien, and he is charged with teaking into the dweiling of XobmaN PomEïtOY, of Sharon. - Dr. A.B. Palmer, of this city, President of the State Medical Society, delivered an address at the annual meeting of the society held t Saffinaw City on the Hfh inst. - C Mack has contracted with DougïjASS, Malloey & Co. for the building of a brick dwelling with French slated roof, at the corner of Fourth and "William Btreets. Contract price 10,WO. - IIexby Goodyear, of Sharon, was before justice BeiRaS on "WednEsday, charged with jirocuring J. J. Bobisox's indorsement of a note íy 'íalse representations with intent to defraud. He was hisjd for trial. - Á litttle son of John Oebnib was considreblv bruised oti Tuesday by the falling of a pile of íumber in Schmid's lumberyard on Liberty street, on which he and other tfeildren were ayinf. N bones were bfüken. -The annual exhibition of the graduating ;lïS8 of the High School WÜ1 teke place on Fridynxt, t 10 o'clock A. t. The claBs is a large oí, hd sb Usual the hall wül nw doubt be filled witH the friends of its meMbefs and of the hooi. -The Turn Verein and Working Men's Aksotiation are to run opposition or rival celebrations the coming tth of July, the latter in Belief Park nd the iormet in the grove east of the Park. We are not adréed as to the cause of disagreement' and división. - W. C. Kansom, Secretary of the Class of 1848, mis us, away down from Kansas, a notice for their "first class reunión," to be held Tuesday rening, June 24th, and which wili be found in nother column. The class of '48 graduated ixteen membors; two of whom have the " dcad mwk" affiied to their names in the Triennial Citogue tor 1871. The fourteen living members are widely scattered, but the presenco of üierly all of them is expected. Class reunions are also to be held by the classes of '68 and '70, giving promise of a lively commencement week. The trial of Wm. Van Sycles, charged with forf;ery and uttering forged papers, which was progressing in the Circuit Court at the hour ïfe closed our last report was concluded on Fridsy morning last. The jury wa out but a few jniaotM and returned a verdict, of guilty : showing no relianee upon the evidence introduced to prove the ciüi which was the sole defense. On Saturday "Van Stcles was genteneed to serve the peop)e at Jaekson tor the full term of sevcn jers. Judge in administering sentence aidthathe concurred in the conclusión which the jury had arrived at. The prisoner was taken to Jackson on Tuesday. An application wat made, before sentence, to Judge Coolet, of the Supreme Court, fer a sUy of proceedings, which was retüsed, the Judge thinking that Judge Ceane knew more ahout the matter than he did. On Saturday íakes Hacklet .nd Hesbt Johnbon, charged with placijtg obstructions on the track of the M. C. B. R., in whose case a jury had disagreed, withdrew their plea, plead jtuilty, and were sent to the Detroit líouse oí Conection for ör.e year each. Jadgs Ckane lsd his moderate sentence on the ignorance of the boy and on the supposition that they were thoughtless rather than malicious. This caused ons ofthem to exclaim: "The darned fooi, thought we did n't know 'nuff to put ties on the track! heü heü!" Theonlyother jury trial of the term, Ralph W. Van Fossen M. Thomas T. and Ann Hodon, tsjectnaint, was concluded on Saturday, With a verdict for defendant. The Court adjoúrned on Saturdy to August th, and the jury was discharged until August Uth. , In our ipsue oí the, 23d uit. we were boguiled mtospeaking in thiewise of the Ihen coming flrst annual meeting of the " Ann Arbor Horso Breeders' Association : " "The Superintendent advises UB, that pool ellinj will be strictly prohibited,' and that the ale of liquors of.any kind will not be pérmitted on the grounds." yfe visited the grounds but once during the races, Friday afternoon, and immediately diacovered that we had been victimi7.ed. Au auctioneer was doing a large busmeas in " pool inK"_and the judges gave him official recognition by declaring a heat "noheat and all pools nd heta off." Eye opener No. 1. And then the tofoont visite of men known not to take ïjndly to a " pop" beverago to the center building, yrith an eihileratioi ot atttibvlt!l)le to Wmless or temperance drinks, opened the othèï hjre. ,4)1 flf w'-ich did n't put us in a mood to write a 'vcíy cvjlogiítio report ol thé races, and to meditate a suit fot " falae pretenso." Prol Pease, of Ypnilanti, assisted by his Singing Club and an orchestra from Detfoit, wiU perfora Mozart's Twelfth Masa, at the Presbytorian Churcli, Tuesday evening, June 17th. Prof He.witt will praside at the organ. Ticket 50 cents, íor sote at Mooro'a bookstore. Door opea at 7 o'clack. .- We hope tht this entertainment will prove mor# ptofltable to the organ fun(l tharíjiá tbat 4 ft Meuislwohns,


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