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The Cash Dry Goods Eouse OF ciita'Si, Diter all the novclties of the U ern and European markets FOR SPRING AND O1ER WEAR ! We invite tpecial attention to out BLACK ALPACAS AND PURE MOHAIRS, Which for quality and clieapnea can not be turpassed in the city. Come and see our DEESS GOODS, STRIPE SILKS, PERCALES, GRENADINES, , MOURNING GOODS, LAMA LACE POINTS AND JACKETS, S PAISLEY AND STRIPE SHAWLS, LACE AND SILK TIES & SCARFS. PARASOLS, &o. The flnest stock of Hosiery in the City. Ladies if you wisü the Best KID GLOVE in the market buy a pair of the "CAMILLE SEAMLESSV' We have them in all the new shades and Opera Tints, in two, three and four buttons. [gsf Our 6tock is new, and vfê sell for cash and give bottom prices. I C. H. MILLEN & SON. H23tf TODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER j SELF-RAKE! J. A. POLHEIVIUS Has fipain reeeived his usual supply of the fibove Celebrated Machines, whieh he Ís prepared to furni&h to every farmer in Wathtenaw or Jackson Counties who want A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. He is alfl prepared to furnish all extrns for tiie Dodge Machioe. Also, all extras required to repair the old BALL MACUtNES. Oitico at the LIVERY 8TABLE B J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, j Cor. ülaln and Cathcrtne Streets Whelremfty bo found the most extensive outfits of Horses and Carriages In the city, conneeted with whioh is a ] ILICK, BUS AND BAGGAGE WAGON Xt I N 13 t Ready to flll order at nll timos. Special attention giveu to f tirnishing HORSES AVI) (VRItlll.ES FOR FIVERALS. Anö Arboi-, Muy Í3, 1873. U27tf 1 EXTRAOFFÍI ; 3ECOND DISTRIBUTIOIsT. THE ' Et'TE " ELECASTLY ( FRi.TIF.n VVI) A SHAKE I THE DISTR1BVTIOS OF 8730 PREMIUMS AlIOt VI 'IVft TO $41,000. GIVEN AWAY! To Tery subscriber of that Populnr Weelly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chromos are delivered at once. The distribution will POtjITIVEI-Y take place on the TWENTIETH DAY OF ATJiiUST, BIGHTEEN HUNDEED AND beventt-three. OUlt CHROMO " CUTE" is 16x20 inctaes in size, acknowledged to be the flnest and handsomeit picture evor riven with any pnper. OÜR FIRESIDE FHIEMD is an eight page illnati'nteil tamily and story weekly in lts third volume, has now over SKVKMTY-F1VB THOÜSAKD 8U13SCRIBEI4Ö, and rfpidly inïïreasini;, Tihich insures the sucefss of tho prusont dislribution. The Tublishers of Our FirepirU' Friei d aave sent to ita aubscribers thia yeurover 81ÍVKN1 Y i'IICUSAND copies of the chroino " Cute" nd are sfaippiDg hundreds pvery d,ï. SUB 'RIFTKlN PH1GE, TURBE DOLLARS PER YHAli, vv .ij irvi;a the subscribers FIÏTY-TWO numbers of the best Faniily Weekly, the ehromo ' CUTE" Hnely frumed, and a numbered CKRTXPICATKcntilliniitheholdcrto ooe sharo in ihcftlNtlltnuionóf preiiiiiim lor Í87S. SUBSCB1BE BOW v itli th ;igent or send direct to the Publisher. ■ SP ECIMBN Cul'IES, particulnrs, etc. , sent free. A í WVHTW In evcry town, at home or tmvAtfülii Ai illugt. Ijargi' rewli pay nnd libAV 4 M'IIÏi erul premiums for geUing up TT Ail X Juli cluba. The beat outfit. Send at once for ferms and particular. Address WATEB8 & CO., Tut, Chioago. .-■■


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