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- - - - - - % HE Ajsnsr aeBöe TRADING iSSICUTI Are now roeeiving their SPRING STOCK OF NEW DRESS GOODS W Lave the larget took of FIRST-CLASS CARPET'M I3ST THE OITTTENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PEE YARD f Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL TEEY CHEAP FOR CASH! Novei anl legaat S4lt!oni te rát Dress Goods Stock ARB NOW BEING OPBNEDThe backwardnesa af the seaon ha ttmcA very large decline dnring the last fifteen days ín tlie price of Drces Fabrica, which will enable Ql te ir t our customer o profit of 20 to 25 per eent, Every Lady ehotild inspect tbemf Abandsomerlineof Dressdrooda was never breught to Ann Aror thaii are ncw opening, at extrexnely low pricea for cash, which will place these ehoit poooa wilbin the reach oí all who uiay favor ut with a cali. E We are very thankful for the past favor ui hope to continue the same, as we shall mak it to th advootagt of thote who favor ni with a oalL G. W. HAYS, Supt. pÜEE WHITE LEAD- LEAD. Ë ' WARBAATED m mS stuictIíY J % I PURE WHITE' 1 WEADoV VIEILLE MON TAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE ,.. . WHITE LEAD. Permanent Green For Blinds, e. WFÏITE LEAD ! In Colora for Outside and Inside Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Oolors, Brushes MI-VAM lïiMRAL PABff Manufactured from wire Iron Ore, far aupenior to those made of Clay, Ratten Stone, Dirt, &o. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAB we offer toth public withfifve JsetiTe assurance of absolvit purtiyv,. As muoh of the w hite I-ead cokl as pure is ndu&ertpd from 20 to 90 ppr cont., Consumere wiir consult their interest by giving xis a cali. ' ' R. W. KLLIS Ac CO., DniffffUts, Anx Abbor. Mich. Corner opposito Bavings Bank. 141Öm6 c BIEABIÏS? :■ .- COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye nor a rtoratire, but a dressing, elegant JSCZI a e0 STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE la cooling to the soalp, imparta a delightf al pense of Titality " and softnes to Jg e tlllr' STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, rweetly poriomed ana limpid, rendere the hair snj pleand.y" - dreBgeait inaoy h- H deaired forzn. . , STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, ontirely veeetablerfil, prevente tbat dryness of scalp I which fL- jKSie. dandruif r-r-"1 vxa' muíate. "" f, STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in one large bottle more oil and mora perfume'. -. .than any other. - r. ?.' dressing Viin ïnarket, and h"""""1 besjdes 1$ sold twenty-five per cent. less than mosttithers. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brigQtensblondehair.darUensaub f t urn halrr . renders lustroua brown and black han?, tw1 mus the harshness of coarse hair. i STEARNS' COCO-OLEÍNE EREDEEIOK STEAKNS, - 0HEMIST, f DETROIT, MICH. f Bold eTcrywiere. Be sure and get the Genilu - Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm off on you a bottl of some chtap and worthltss imitation of.CocoOlein. There are moro than twenty counterieiM ' of itnow sold, putup asnear like the genuine aa th naken are and evade the law. ÜLOÜE AND FEED STORE, . HENHY WASCH, (Succesaorto lïeo. Laubengayer,) 1 4 West lAborty Strrct, will kef p constan t 1 yonlmndn full stook of Flmir, Meal. (.ntB, Corn ii 1 Fet'J . ie. All orders nroniptly HIJ. d i t the low st ensh prices. Cash psid Tor Corn rtlli ''.its. H15yl r IVE ÖEESE FEATHJÍTR3 ont lvnnhnnd and forleby n 4(?u ï Á9X&


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Michigan Argus