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g 15. GlDlJjlY, .... accessor to COLGBÜVE A-8ON.3 DRDGGÏST Al fflliST IN COOKS XIÍVV HOTEL, No. 12 E. EüPtON STREET, DEALER IN Biuts. iicnif r;ï:s, SIRGJCAI, mTRCSGüTS, PlïtE MJÍES 1!) LIQlOftS, fFOR MEDICAi I'URPOSEri ONI.Y.) Fjincy Ooods, Perhunery. PAIJÍTS, O1I.S, VAHKI8HES, GLASS AiVO PUTTï. nimmw pbemtioss Cgi tifally compoutidüd at ali hoprs. I PHOFO'E NOT TOBE UNBERSOI.D BY AJÍY FIEM IN THE CITY ' WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. B. CIDIET. imtt WWm C. ! WhPïi firsi L. COIBT hung hissign Oí C. O, Ü-- At, And oifered tJroci rits eheap for casIi, ple said, " he'a b'ound to go to smash." [me ürocers would l'juntly amile, frtphtiyina ■. o. I. wül last but little while. In pixty daya we,'ll run him off the tracki And eall our wabdering custömera baok." Tho craakere said and thought it tme, "Hti'll aurely faiï before the year is Ncwl You Ofiii't Bell Groeeries in thia 1o n And get yonrpay in liivt-nbacks riown; Wii'Te dry goófto raerohantson uvtri-y etreet ïth silks nnd sai ins, hang out chiclsuns to eat; "Wliere trade ís niitferi ín every place, Ai the mam wwitoyw bny butter or lace ; WIk'h; credit and loq go hand in hnnd. Mr. C. O. L. but a flim chance will stand." lift propheta and croakers havo theiT sny, L. COLBYBeUaGBOCKBIESonlyforBÉADTPAT, And sella so cheap for daily cash Hé feára no i;mf?or of a smash. Aml to his patrona 11, and business friends, ïhe greetïng of the setisoti he extende, To young md olrl, i glftd New Year, With hosls oí t'rieuds and lutb of choer ! Givo him a cali, and fi-om his store JTour tablea spread with rood tliings more. -At toat place yon will alwftya flnd Trvfii ii'-w (irooeriea ot beel quality andkind- l erythiuit no.edful for good cheer at home You can boy at liis counter wnenever you come. The da t ui e o - htoft thia bittur cold winter,' Tomnntion detalle woultl wettxy the printer. But ask ü' you choosi for anything e.itable, You göt it at once, ia quaiity unbc-atable I Pot ]in;i2-ry men whp nve weary nncl roM, '' ' ■ ■ ■ l1 mustbésold - Oystera pickled, OystPT sti w, and oysterfry, f)l (v ■'■ iy you choosc to iry. wiliseivo tip OyetQrsatanyhourof day, Aad t he best of cigara to smokc on yomr wny, A cti?h of hot Oystei-a will o you much good, Aiil citeer you while seJling your grain or wcod. And with p.nsli in hand lay in a store Oí Coffee, Tea, Euga, Fiour m niany more, Of all thina Niibstantía] for dnily use, ; pood things with abuse; (_ roèkei-y and Öla8frw;ire and fruita toputin thm, -u-. tiuiBms, and Candy. tor ohiHrcinvho winthem ■ -i with theirbettutifulfacea, Will find tam the b. I of all plajen, a trifle.tobrin'n ;' sinile or ringing laugb, Yo.m' plftasyre, Ihjin theira. will begreatc-r by haJüf 3 o not fpret to cali on Mr C. O. D.. And buy of hïm your Fruits, (Sugar, and Teqg n u-sh the ''ia ,-tja nray fall fnni ifs pbiee, O. I). y store watill on the raca. Jlrirl doen nol ii ... B Inll croa kers of evïl talk thfinselveitfaoiUM. ■ ■.-. be ■-!: fi Atjd -Tj, OoZToy-haalearnedthe.way: "l(l (!'■■.' (iiiii's mnT'f thfln he öxpécteö- : : beia nut at'iaid to tellm '■ all witl) piiceslovv- be goo'1 ■ iure, 'r-d yon are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! BÖOKS. [ BOOKS I í J. n. wbbsteh & ro. IfEff OOK STORE KE'.Ui THE '. EXPBESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOL: II O TE II EST AM) CAIX. boöks i"" - _ - L.C.ÜiSDOfM'S ADVERTI3EMEPJT. I Ñow is the time to buy ! PARLÜR & 1ATJ1 STOVES. I will solí thom t CO8T until further notice. So. 31 S. 3Iain St, Aun Arbor. NN AKUOE tineral Springs Ilouse. in be.iutlfu] reeort for health-seekers is do opon, withits RON, MAGNESIA, ANO SÜLPKÜR WATERS, Ooramo'lioufbuIMirir heatcd by steam, and larire and wel) -ven til at ed roonid. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all temperatura, also Shnwer, ?(por, Merticn'ed nuil Electric Bathe ar,' pmployc ,1 itli advaotiure ir the treatraent of nll form ef chronlc dtïere and disoaees of females. Special atter.tioi. puid lo (liet. With pleasnnt snrronnrlinys, and sitnate.l in one n( thomost hrallhy ni,,i tmamifiil citics in ponoesBcs ntlraclion fur kivaiids or for pleRBure-sockere Bcldom foaud. The of !!, Springs will be (nrnished ntn anplïcntloTi. FN-reon deslrlog circulare to eend to their riendücan proenre tnen at the offleeofthePropris'ors on Fiaron Ptrnct, or nt tlie s'prïni .s. AddrcsH hJI iettera af nquiry to MORRIS BALE, M. O., Snpt. Ans Arbok, Mich. iitlicrlaml inil 1Vlicdoi, I'rait'ü Ar.-.i Albur ( l li Ji , )l. 1-72. S5Í0 S20r,or dfl7 A&nts wantod ! Alt , lw iu (daaaea of working peoplé, of Pitljer sex, youaj{ or old. mnke more inouey at work ior us in tticlr spare nioments or all tlie time, than ut anythiug elsc. l'articulars tree, iddress tí, Stiueon & Co., Portland, Maiu


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Michigan Argus