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. 16 PÜRETA' A VEGETABLE PltEPAIUTIOií, C01Ü, poscasimiÜyuïvrt'll-knownROOTS, HER BS ana FRUITSi comblned -with other propertks, which in their nature are Cathartlc, Aperient Nu., tritious, Diureüc, Altorative and Anti-BiUious. Thd wholeia preservad in a BufDcicat quactity of pirit irum the stJGAIi CAJSJbl to koep toca ia aay olimate, wljicli malitss tha plantation Bitters oueof the most desirable Tonio nrt Cathr" '" tbs world. They are intended strioüy u 8 Tsmperance Bitters pnir te be used bs a Znedicine, and alwava accordinit to directions. They are the heet-anchor of the feebls and debilltated. They act upon a diseased liver. and stim'jlsta to Buch a degree tbat a healthy action is at onco l)rouht abont. As a remedy to whieh Wamcn ore MpeciUy subject it ia superseding every other Btimaleut. As a Spring and Sumim-r Tonio they havo no equal. They are a mild end gentia Purgative as wsll e Tonicl. 'JLhoy Purify tho Blood. They are atplendid Appetiser. They make the wek etrong. They pnrify and invigorate. They euro Uyspepsia, Constipation and Headache. They acta a specific in al] Bpecies of disorders -which undermin the bodily Btxengüi and break down the animal spirit, jDecot. 53 Park Place. New York. V.' Rathairoñ - On 50 Cents p&r Bottie% ■ It promoles the GROWTH, PRESERVES V tle COton, antl increascg the Vigor and BEACir pf tho MAUt. i " THrRTT YeARS AOO iTON'g KaTHAIBOW FOB ""V, W'ï5 ñl3t Plucea i ie taarket by I'rofesíor The „amo .s den ved f rom tho Greek, Kaihro," rí ?„ ' ?. clca".s' J"-'V, rejuvrnal!, er restore TSe fcvoift repuved, nml tho popularity it hos obtained, 13 unpraoedsated mKl mcicdible. ít incrensea thó Kr Woinaa's ffloij is Her Hair. ATHAIRON IJESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE ron S u H, E I The.6ubscnber, on account of ijl health offers Ms 33 ACIIES In the corporafion for sn. thU pronnd aflioins the tuescreec. J-t Jms a njost eieeiiea ' SPRING! j, ITS ADVASMTAGES Are as follows : Forcify purjtoses'tlre Hurón Rivpr mcinilf r rli same some I to ií roda, and is part uf th beal "Water Power nm tt Rth'er U ïiciniy. nd tht rieratíon on th, W t . "cr 2 high and imple to p ply the city „ectówUcs for watt.r aljd flro purposes THE WESTEEJÍ PORTION On the rood is vpry jiproprinte ana suitnble for n FEU1TS, LARGE & SMALL, ïlsere bcing soue ico tía, now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, Aud al so for MILK supply,BL00DED STOCK, Horsesj Sheep, And oíhcr animáis ahíayí in great want bv mnnv in the cily nuil iivi,-i,iv., ;,,' .(lininstlie northwest oomei tí thM I.mrt me now mIiíiik froro threehmulredto thrsf humhcd and aity dollars thpsè lands would or could be sold in h short time to a goou advimtagi' and to much proüt to the purchasers LIBEBAL TIDVCE rices" S r gB and M=clicÍDci.,-atc88l ! TRACY W. ROOT. Ana Arbor, Jan 31 1873. un 1AMIÍS McMAlíoS Justice of tlie Peace, Office in now block, North of Court House Mouey collected and promptly paid over. INSXJTtANClS AGEÍÍOf. Trhimph, nssets, $T27.!)O3 11 N.i.tii Jllsaonri, " t-15,4U.'91 HibcTUÍtt, S5U,000.00 ItKAL K8TATE. Thv#iinprpBoriand 'í nf mile from the city i imita, tijicly located for fruit or farden purpoaes. Aleo 40 acras. Aleo 10 acres, with house and bnrn.and a llvel ( tream of water ranningthrongh the burn yard. 60 ncre6.a mileont. I willsfll :inyorall the abovcclieap, or exehange property. l]0f_ JAMES McMAIION. i A GENTS WANÏËD FOIt Ï3O0KS JEEDED BY ALL FARMERS T k The bt booKe published on theHorse and the OW. Liberal terms. money maderapidly by Aérente pl elilnetbene Inokfi. Sr.nd fiir circulan 'ORÍKn & CCMTÜS, l'rBLiBHZBs. Philadelphia, p


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Michigan Argus