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The Yellowstone Navigable

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Iliijor Gcorpe A. ï'Yi?ytii,v of General fiberidan's stuff, ."tio-híls just rctnrued frou a triji ip t hu Yisllowatcrtie, reporta i eojkiUt sucoees in estttbKsiinjjt tb tact ot tbc luniguliility of tlmt btteuio-, ipoui its iiiouth ti) river. Heretofore the reporte of Lewis iiiïu Clmki', aud the old vdvagcip, who linvu rf vi i;il liiucs d scendt(Jihwïtrtuiu in l HtU-aiix Inden with iuri l'icni ilie oii] fiudcon 13:y trading posts nr tlie heud ,i" Mib.-onri, aü HgJéed'in itjpcitiug thu etrcaiu iiujiaí$il):'ioi.-( níiiijt liüiits, owjn to tkrt) -ttrifi; 7Hiuib(r atid' bad ebarncter of tLe bomtin Uit) nurth of the river and iLc fiS#i Htcru ílir l'i.wiiiT i ivi r emptios iuio it. Wist) ing to ascpt'tain. for ceitniugood military reasonp, tl. e truth of tbe report; CU:iKi"ul Sbeiiduu dirtctt'd Major Fuiytb ti titcii .jit tbc actut with a steitmbuut of Ulo UigPkt size Ukt'd uu tbc waters ot tbe Cjiper Jlissi tui. Accotdingly tbt; stenmboat Kry AVest, Captain Urunt Marsh, wms lelieted tol Uns duty, and aiter emb&rlüiig i n.öiri-ut intce foi piotection at Fmt Biitcrd, bUnnwd'up tlu rivt-r froiii that puint on tVt ;iw;rnirig ot the ülh ot May, 1N73. This bt-inml out is 2C0 feet in leueth. 33 fcct lii-unic, i l 2 tett d pili ot' liiId. and of '122 toris bui'thtin Slu; drew ( iuches f water, and cüirívd mi tecort ano uitv of 100 persons. TBS wn-.d f]niug rise hüd not vet otcurrtd hrthft Yellowitoue, and tlie water wm lrncr t!mTii+"liiid been tor Ecime yen juist WitLticMha sliglit"st difficult}' the (teniutj passed ovr the tint ihirty-five uii'cs, ü.dirg art anrple drj.lh of WalPf ill tl. e cl:;ii.tic-l, r.iilil p retvthcd St;ui!( y' i-!iiim1i-, v. lu-ii; liic: Ciily twi nty-iwo inchts u# awbc ïhis kIkiaI, Lowtvtr, is iiily uljout forfy. if t in v.idtli, atid 1 y u.-n jr the ]■!■ ytr upAi11 III!. 8 tho ih'Hffiir Mt.ll Jl !: lï Vt.t' WÍ1Y ' thinigb the bank, wliich u-;i oo . of miall (fittvfl. Frtm tliin time tbu 1 out treund in itii'ii ully io speuk ei' pant inr over the riiili-, wliuli cete stci ndi 'i iu rhe following ( icler : ' Alivr," Coulsoii," 'ftlvi I-'ülls,'' "Au s'.'1 "Mbnmid'.s," "HviiAtjeh" "Tijhum üiif,' "ilcCuneV," "JücobV." "Croeliy's.'1 The Btcaiiii ■■!■ %vns Rtojipt-4 :it Ki y West Fills, two and oiiH-ball milis fiun the imr.lh of Ptiwdcr mer. These iulls uc the Hivtt diSjcultoi Byf 1 ut 1 the romo val of Iwo Himll lockg, uitii iil ( ut sis cquare ƒ■! t i f ismStce, and í n llikkiitM et two ■nd ;ix.'-l iilf i'ei, wiiich 1 ;; iiniBedÏBtely in tlic middlc of títe w(t elnnnel, ihi river will bc Ottvigable ír u ditaee of froin tixty tn riglity mü a beyondi Upon the creet of all of tlwj rupuls the wfttnr was four mil ene bal! to i i;ht feei in .dopth. The distuoce nsci ned was 'j;ió miles, and the timefrom Fort Haford t Powder pivcr wai aix and uut Lalt' dar. The JtBCeiit cf the river was mndt iiiiivc drfys. lihe Ytrlkvvstone is full of sinall islnnds, well wcodt-a along tb bank, and ihu bottoin genstally a Rmvel Ijotlom, and conseqaoiitly hpnks do at t 'vrat is tlm cfis with Hm opper Missouri. Tht timber i jjyiwijmüy cottonwood and asb. ïtio valloy is iirjii two to twelve milei in widtb, aisd much of the koü sutceptible of cvitlvation. For etcck raucheg it would bo eupii'o.


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Michigan Argus