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Tiio Michigan PublfcMe-: s1 Assceiation conveuod in (eefltb p;,inual gessionT on ottll of ibi -:; futivo Committee, in the ■Sun, ■r...r .hite Sttpreme) Conrt íoom, Detraitj on tho J7thiiist., t 2 o'clock r. a. Hon. Jonx N. Ixgeusoll, ot' tho Corrunnn American, President oiüw Associution, ctlled the Associiition to order, a ir i J. E Scmrrs, of thu Detroit Tribuut, 8e. retary, wns in his place. On tlio tirst mil of-tho roll tho' folio wing nicmbcis mtwrered to thoir tiawos : & L. Viarcii, Plint (,,.,-. Lewia J. Bates, 1). troit íí. K . lii'üi, Ann'Ai"bor Courier. i), liiosser, liandiester üatei-prise. vi. II. Bark, Detroit Cemmerctai AUurtiscr. J. Cross, Adrián Journal. Wm.-S. Gorge, Luusiiig Ilopublkan. DuaG. Heuderson, AUegau Joutnai. J:lv, Ingenoll, Corunua lníej-íca. 1'. VT. Jcuuj, l'liut Democrut. K. li. Foud, Anu Arbor Abous. E. 1!. Powell, Stanton lleraUL, W. T. B. Bchennerhom, Hudson Gezette. James E. Sorippa, Dutroit ïritnme. JüiiiO.i 11. St.iiif, K.iiuiutizuo 'I'zleuraph, UenryN. Walker, Detroit ',-,, yv,,.s. J!. Íj. iiiitii, Sugiuaw Enterprts, , The t'ullüwuig editora and. publialiers wera then- and thereuftsv duriug the several meetings- -elected to meinbershff, and qualified by paying thfi uduiissiou J lee ot 2. A. J. Shakespeare, Kalamuoa Oazctfe. Juliu P. Talbott, iort IluiL.u CamnaxiaL '1. Ij. Haw.oy, Detroit I n,oa. U. D. Oowle, i3.y City lieruld. .-'. F. Kimbal), rontiac Uasetle. Wm. X. -c., lviit:nc Ji.í I'oster. ■ 11. Jeukius, ilo.iy ,', . W. Itiii, Lesiie lierald. i'. Mjrley, áietrott r.w. li. .--. Dean, Aun Artior Register. ii. A. G-nfiin, Wyandötte EiUcrprite. V . u'. Woü.uoUiíh, íinttie Uresis 'J'rítumí U. ). Iiaia:.iüt, Aiourüü Con; mí i nal. ■li. a. oaoiman, l'on iiuron ïifaei, U. i-. t'nl:r, Üwowo Crviader. J. b. Hulden, t'ttrvreü tejUter. 11. l'. teiujis, luua Sciii.iic-I. J. (.'. T:i_ ,u, Juuu Sc-ntuut. W . J-.. vuiuby, JJctiu.i jce Press. A. U., Uuiroit Aivt i'rèti, John Atkinsou, Detroit Umon. l' . u Biier, üun.egon .'. u ie Reporter, ïlormi tates,Jr., Mareiiail tituteeman. t. _. i.(.i..i_Mn, Gtond Hartó Aí-raVrf. (Juariea K. FatUsori, ïpstiaüti Camrjal. ZlW bill of thu Secretaiy fot 2 ,0 pamililut OOpieü1 Of pTotHWÜBga of tfae : Ijst animal meeting, Circulare, puatuge, &c , was prrsenteJ anil illo-wed. Ri'port ai also made by the Seorotary ofan iivingod excumx;n to Lako Superior tiy stèanier Kewcortaw, and a cali umie for vulüiitceis. whicli did riot dtvelcip eafücicnt munlievs 1o Warrant a defluite announcoment. At a later sc.sion a coimnittco was appointod to arrutigp for n excursión in Aügctt. InvitHtiODS wéro reccived by the President, and announccd as follows : To wiliiess a parade and review of Fire aiid Pólice Depaitmonts atnoóu to-inorrow WuUnoiiliiy ; to witiiess a drill of the Di;troit Caüats at tJje Armory Ibis eveniue : to an excursión down tiio vivcr on the stcamcr Evcninp; Star, Wednes'day afteruooii ; also to n receptton at the residence of Senator Ciiaxduíu Tüesdny evening at 8:30 : v.biuh mvitatious Wtro severahj aeueptccf. W. S QEOKOE, froni the Exëcutive Committee, obeyed tlie iuUruotiong of the lust animal meeting, and reported a revisión of the Constitntion, whih, after discuspion and ainemlincnt, was adopted as folio '.vs : Sbction 1. This íiísociatioi) shall be knoivn as the Michigan 1 ix-;-s Asiticiation. 8ec. '1. Tl. e objeeta of this associfttion shall l;c tLe promotion ui tle general mterosts of tiio p:e. b of tho State of Micilicuu. bec. 3. Aiiy böha juin editor or pul lisher of iv in ti.c m .;i' iiiay beeom a metabtr u:uii icing tdected by a maw.iy sA the rntm1 r.s presetii al auy annuul meeting a:i ! tiio payliient of í'i initiiiLiou t'i 8, 'Uil oJ -;1 düuual tUies tiierealter, iuto the treTsury oi the nv ■;,.,. Jiy e two-thirds rote the assocmtion may admit, as lionorary msmbers, persons wiio hare been editora or publiehers. fcec. 4. Tlié oliicers fihall consist of a President, Uwee Vico President, Beeretary a:nl ïrau nrer, whasiiaU be elected a èach anuual mectiiif.', ainl -liail bold their offices lor uuc j eur or uiitil thetr sucCSsaors are chosor. The l'resiiiew-, Secretury im.l Treilsurer shail Berve as aü EutcutiVB CÁtuiunltci . Sc,.,"). 'J'üo iimaa! miMuij sliaü be hetd on tbe wouDd rHosday of Aogvat in each year, at mícIj putee ;ib u:u tisBociatioxi may iroia umu to tinit detëlsmue; Spécial meetings may be balled by the l'risi.lcnt, and ut tjie roques of au y ten membwcfi ei lhu utuciutiuu or by tlie Kxucuti ü C'üllillillti 0. hix'. li. liy-niws may be adopted by a majority of the astocüitiüii regulating its i roceeUmgs, Bec 7. The constitution in be amended by a twj-UiHiÍH vote ol the membefa prooeut at any u filiar íuccuii. On motioii of SÍT. KiMBALl, a eommitloc- oí beven wem aj;j)oiiitutl, totisistiiiij of Messrs. Kiinball, llinderaon, Stuno, Warreii, Jenny, Wocdnough, und SobertMeflioin, tu eonsider and report ujion tlio amKlidmcnts to the postal l.r.vs made by Cimgit'.'.s in lbo clo.-iiig liouii of tlit) hite; ilI!, which counuittou snhsi qucutiy reportcd tha foUowing preaiuble and rosul'itiuns, which wcif unaniinously ttdop ttd; mui tlic Sucretnvj' iuMiucttd to iuraiil cr}iis to eiich of thé Seautori and lii-luvf-cutalivos l'n m tfaii Sfctite : WBBEei Ia the c!o6inü liours of the last session 01 Congress au ame:almeiit wad biiinu - tiotuly added ro the General Approjiriation i..i, .);u:i..ii!i tho 1!um'm1 rcgulatioue, bo tljat postage li iquucl lu t e paid uw all uiail matter, jiicjuUjii.T iiewups] en , xcliauges, áud the circuiation ui wi zk'.y papers ïu tl. e nJüuties where pahlishC- !, :i!.lfr V,iu.i;rj-, There is tibundfliit gjrwiud for bèlievñig thttt thirt aniíjiutiiieiit r;w proiupted by a desire un ti.u psMotít4 Ooogresaiuej] it innict miiiïl.iücnt uiou tbe country piess lor it üuuunciaticua ui tlie fiarftut a&ubea ui ilio iiunkm privilegot thereíí ■ lieselred, 'i bat wc, tUe meniLors of tho Miohiii 1 resa ,Vmh':;iI:ui, li6tsZy elftcí'oúí euiüest protest agaijist ftucb hasty i ièiKtibu uu ttbe part uf the Aniencuu Cbi.'ici'eaa, os ■■■ ouerous auii uujust tax on k:ow,ouís uiike itolrimeuttkl tu Uie cauae o( f ree 'au] enlightened (jwretnfcettt and tho {irogresaive spirit ut tlio 19Uv üeitury, in wliiuh educatioD aud iterary inetótuüouö have aode sach gigantio rtriolB9 tliroulv tJ; (ostering oaïe ol our Natioual and Üfatu Gov:i1a. Jttiui-.Ttl, Wist we rospectfully cnll upuii our Michigan Sfnai ■'- ainl KepreBentativefl m Cuugrese to exurt theii iuflm nca and 'cast their votos m lavítr ol thtï in:iiri'iii.)te repeal ut' thefeti buidensi ii,c reetrictioae upen Uie Amerioao pres, and that vo hcicby.tibl U-r Ihu ru-tiiiacunciit oi the exemptions hwetoforé existiu telative tu ucwspateï aulpciiodical postale. Tho ibllowiiig oüieois o' tho Assooiation wevc clei,iHKl tor tlie ensniiijf yi-ur : Fresitlent-'R. L. Warren, 8ajnii!iY Enterprise lite l'retident - J. OobS, luriiiu Juunud, J. H. bluui', Kalaiuaz;oo Ttlegraph, E. B. Poud, Aun Albur Anous. !vcn1ary--X. 8. Qeorge, Ijanting liepublitau. i reüswt i' - A. L. Akirich, Fiiut (Jlubj. East Saginaw, was. by unaniiuous vote, selected as the piuco fot holding the next annual meeting. On motion of Mr. ScEirps, tbo S?cre tüi-y va inatcucted ;o procure and baie boimd lor the ardiivea ut ihi; Assouiatiou, ono ' umie iull sets uf th printed piucttcdiuge ot' ihe Associutiou, und thut the sume, with uil othtr papers and roperty coii)iii;4 iutu Ir.s hands, b trantiuitted Ly eacb ïncunibi'iit to his sucoi'ssor. Oü inotion, JU'ssis. (riigc, Hatnilton, and Jtnlniis weie apfoinltd a CtuIUJÍttefi to repyi't ou t'oieigu uUeitising ayuncies. A resolutiun cOudemniBg üie practico of doingJagal advertising at lesa tbau statute rattw, mi'i.r penalty til expulsión waa rvÍMTsd to a comaHltee consisting of I I Mesfrs. Ncsbitt, Haftiilton, Batea, Crrifíin, :i mi SeKsióhs, report to-morrow. -v'■■ a vcsuluüou directo Secviftary to seoure from puhlisbersinech county, a sketch of the bistory of tlio presa in the sume, wbieh was -'uioptyil. The Assoointion thcn Biljonrncd nhtil 8 o'clock AV'n(liieí,rlay morWICDXESDAY'S VV .OCKEÍtSGS. Tho Association coliVetied át 8 o'olock a. II., President IdïiKSOT.r, in the clmir. Mr. Geobgh, fha the Cominittoo on Adrertising Átncics, reportad tho lulluwing resol itions, which, after consider:,iuc d'joussipn, wero unarrtinously atlüi;',.,', : Resolved, That inasmiich as the ftdrertiaing agencie oí tbe oimtry are e la do I without oash capital, upon the credit grauted ■ '-i tor (ulvei tisiu; by !; newspap . fo ■■; t bis ited by fclu heav ■ fr im irresjjonêinle or di trouid ro i mimend that al) newspapers discourage new or inknowit agencies andrefuse to accept oiiiürs irenm thi'in dthoul cash in ádvtince. legoved, That the average ratee of advertíing are low enough, and I msnd tliat uewspapera ttdhere riialy to their a we wit'i advertíame agsnoiea as othtr p utics. beliovhiír they will isy these prioes Hien tiiev soi; they umrnot help it : and also racjogiiiziiip the injustioe of taking advortisements i'iom distant poiiits and from comjwirativB strangers at n Lesa pnce than ívom our own neililiori, fricndsand constant cnatomen. Resolved, That the comnii : 25 por cent ailowed to adTertifiin .■.". ni tárger than the nature oí tlie business vriU justii'v, and ttiis oosociation recümmeuds that not over 2Ü per mred after July 1, 1873. -Mr. NB8BITT, from the Committee on Lsgal Advfirtising, reportad, stronglv oondvmning the practice of cuttin;? unátv statuto jiiioi s, and pronounciii"; t lUtiinn'ntal to the best interests öf the pross. The report was approvtrt without (k-Ü:ito. The Seeretary wis tlireetod to 11 ave 2.J!) copies of the prooeerlingï pri:iti'il ; and tin; S ■orutiry rul alsc instrnotcl to procure i record bool; for the prest'i-vution of tliu prcceodiugs in due t'oriii, Piosii'.fiit Ixoeüsoll tlien delivered tho animal fwidresê,- brief, intoresting, iiistiuctivo : iiftcr wliiob the oiKcors were thinkeil and tho Assoeiation odjourned tii meet on bo lid tho oxaursioii steauior at ' o'clock r U. THE l'ESTIVITIF.9. In ftcceptabce of tho iqvitation, a large iiuiubcr of tlio uicmbors wure at tho nrinoiy ot tho Detroit OttdeUJat au early Tuesd:iy evuiiinpr, and woro highly pleased with t!i3 proüi-oney oí' drill, creditablí both to thelüds eomposing the ootupniet and to Gjh. Pet-ouzr, Chief of the Department of the l:i!cs, and ïïaj. Bogei, of the First ü. S. Infantry, tbeil iiistiuctors. At %% o'olook r, m tho ínvítatictn of ïsuator OilAN'Or.F.u w;v3 generally respouled to, wbcn tho iiieinhcrs mpt a nost ho3pitabla reooption, and pent a. couple of vory plaagant hoars. Beaides the Pfeas-Gang tha iartted guests inciaded a large number of Djt-.roit's most prominent aun pteSoSnoaai business citizeiis. It was ao occasion often to be referrad to in futuro gatherings of tho Assouittion. At VI o'clock of W'edií' s'ay tho Assooiation Dlfi it the City Hkll, to witness i;ir,uie of tliu Pólice and Pire Dupaitmeots, The polie forcé to the nuniof 80, and the íiremen with their boautiiul inuchiQe.s were fdrtned 011 both sidos of Woodivavd avenue, when tho merabere of the Associition, eMHxrted by the Pólice ;md Fire CcntniigMonera, p issed throiitrh the ■ liins id b ck, nf;cr whiuh tlie two departiaents Biarchud down to Jeffertiuri avenue, rad tb en back to the Grand Circus, preceded by the Opera Hout-e Eind - making a fine disphiy. Tl.u ]o lic then clettred the avenue, and at the iire alarm Btgnal the whoio ñr departmeiit - figlit steatners each with itg hoge cajt, and two hook and ladder nipaniep, - pa?tl the City Hall again, this liine at a trot, the fine -Uorsas even essAying a firegallop. Detroit hits reasorr tor great pïide in both its Pólice and Fire Di'pail mente. The men are fine looktngi iind show excellent digciplibe imd clnii, and equipnients are of the very best. At 3 o'eloek r. m., the members agaid uu-t, - this time on board tho Eirening i-tiiv the gnests of the Vret '., Tribune, and Pest Publishing Cumpnnies, 3Ir liritx-, of the Co m me c i il Adwther, the Detrit PHper Company, and ColtxWEUa, PiUCE & Co., who had uuitt-d in thus inini.sttring to the rrleasure of their "Country Cousins" who constitute the body of the Association. Kwiiwing from tlie dock, the steimer run a short dtstáirce up tbe river mid tben turnad aaá rteamed dovvn jjíisi tbe city givniír t l.ciunii'til view of the beautiful eity. lït;achiiir Fort Wayue the party landed, nnd visitnl the miig.iziae, qnarters, bosjntiil, parada groond, etc., eoectcá by Col. Ün'i.KY and Mij. Bates, (pending a pleas n1; hult' bcmr. ü.i leitvin, the fine band t' úw First United States Infuntry was oaptiired, and diseour-eü inspiriting intttio during the rest oí' the txmmMQ. Tho party ftguin landuêt it 'lotto, .'11111 waa eecortí'd y C';i {t. WaRD ;iu Prof. Mili.ku through tho fornaoes, wlitü'u a blust was Been druwn off; the rolling milis - simt duwn 1 y a strike of recent oocurrence ; and tlio silwr rineltiiifi works wliere tlie procMsesof wnshing, sepnrHtiDg umi refining were witnessed. It is well enongh to say that kno'wing tbe cnrft 10 bc honest, nonü of t li tr part}' were subjectetl t si .- r h on leaving. Stesming dowirtho Auicnieauohannela goud view of the Canada Boutberu bridge trom Brosse lslo to tho UMiin-land is lirtflVHnd the draw psesed 6afe1y Ibroogh. And so on we glided past Trenton, Gibr1 ITm i', Silgar Island, ibe., into the Lake, wbefC Ute piow whs t omed homeward. Tho steaKier fronehed at Ainherstbqrg totho mr of "God Sitvé the Qaeuo," and aj;iin tttPort Wayna'tb'-dfeoftarge the biind to the air of " AuM Syno "- aad tliei to Dtfroit, reachiny tte doek ut alxm t 9 1 2 o'elock r. II. ■Ve must not omit to sny fiiafdurinsr tlje up trip refrebiuente were lerwa iu ühoiïgh De BArïiSTE's beet stj-1..', tfl wbiefa jiitfitüiiiincntin orangeo and eigarg- (ïov. Baoley tnul Jcuy IIeffrox wsre tiberal contributori. The weatber sviis i!ne, the bréese braoing, and all vnjoyfcEt tho excursión to the fullcst raoasarc. A messing was lield on bo;ird and resoH:iions Mtepted thanking all the p;ntics wlio h:d 'iniiiisti-red to the enjoyment of the A' ■. i-t '."ii diuiiig its scssions tmd this excursión-- in all of which we ooncur. AnrVwü amy add thatthe prataofthe Stato will '6ng' reinoiiibcr tho interest taken by their ïëtroit brethren in tho Assoeiation. May tho absrntoes and lbose who }i iv-; net vrt geen it for their interest to joiii ti'.o üiM4ation rogret - is they read of the göod tiius had - that I they wore not witli us. - Ve ( luittu 1 to notioo in order that a lanas nirmfter ot' tl merubera of the AtiAÜ i-i'-! tl,.-! Tribvnt oLBg tó i ita au (cesa ia " Phoanixing ;" ;tnd also ihó rooms of the Cülvert Litho■ 10 Company, where theysaw - most j of them f'or tho fint time - the proooss of ohromo-lithograph printing.


Old News
Michigan Argus