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Tax-payers' Election

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ïho Qomtuon Con.ncil has ordered n special meeting'of the tax-payers to vote on the quegtfon Whetber they will nutborizo the levy of taxes to pny up the i o)J floating debt of tho city. Il appears froih a statement mado uu by tbo Recorder that wlien the present city overnment enne into power the overdrafte on general fuud atnounted to $3.924.31, and the overdrafta on the general street fund to I460.1S. These overdrafta are in oity orders hfld by various individúala, and it is of ccjurse tho duty of thu city to próvido nieans tor their psyment Tt is duo to the last adininistration of tïi' ;■;! . governmuiit torii_y tliat thefc) ovini'.aiis w re an inheritauce which it rfceived fronc. ita predoeeaaors, but tho systein of aliding i.iii.ui fröra one year into another is a vicdoui one, and should not be continued. The trnth to which Governor Bagley in bis inaugural message rtfurred, cannot be too strongiy itnpreMed on the people : that tho "pay as yuu go polioy" is as wi?e tor commuuities as it is for individúala. We aro glad that tho Comtnou Counoil seem to favor th; view, and we ro Moid by the Mayor that if the tax-payers shall by thir votes provide the nieans for paying the old floating debt, the city warrants this year shail be kept within the oharter limita. We do not doubt that the tax-payors wui adopt tho resulutions submittcd, beoause while we do not approvc of overdnti'tsjtho city has had t'nn beneiitof thcm; and we snpposo tho origiúal ovo d -ait?, out ofjwhich tho difficulty lms comf , wert long ugo paiJ, and the overdraftg hioh aro no w to bu provided ibr became nee essary becanïe oí' the payment of fonuoi overdrafts which created a dofloieucy in tli'j treasury. It is apparent that uu lasa tho tax-payers siiall vote the nqnisito tüx as cootenplatud by tho resolution to bo Kubmittod to them, the prosent Com mon Councü wiil bu obligad t postpone pajmeat of thu oíd ;ty orders until Fob." ruary, 1K75, or postprme payment of the necereury enrrent expenses of tlm presejui year until t.hat timo. The credit of tlucity stands deservedly bigU aiicl must be umintiiiti ed. - It is suggested to us sinco the abo re was put in type, tliat the (Jouneil cniglit to bo able to pay a portion of the eht ut of the receipts for licensoe, anti it is iilleged, as confirmatory i i' tllíg view, tbat even with expensive litigation the oíd Council redueed tiie ftoating debt lt'ft aa a legay of fonuer years, in the su:n of ovor $1,400. Bnt n!il Council did not buy cemeíery grounds, Cor pinchase the right oí' way for streetí fvr lite solé und only hemjh. of men having faritm to plat and bring into market. The lieense luoney will all be nei-ded for such eitrsordiimry emergeaeien.


Old News
Michigan Argus