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- "The New York Stilte Associntion 'or the Preservution of Fisli and Cïjme" ïas rosOÏVfed to infiHoiuili.e the Legislature to próvido for the uonwi'xioii of tin; A'iiiundacks or ' nortli wildêrnes "■ into a Stikte Jfark. "Qi&ve commercial, politica), a:d iiinitwy " reasone aro urged, it buing oven iutiinited that the wnterSUpply of the uictrupoüs liepeüds pon tlio íuloption of the proposed measure. - Thoso sp'.irtsiucn uru not selfísli, not i bit. - The divorcud wifo (now widow) oL the late M.msfield T. Wulworth was hia step-sigter, her oiotbex - Qiutnccllor WuJwortn's secoud wii'e- boing tl'i; widow of Col. Harden, of Kentucky. Frank, tlif parricida - vrñs bom threo niontb U'tti Diarriage ; anti around tbut t'.u;'c tréoteis the ill'fHeling whiih tetl to t!ü; nsaiduv. - Thw Rocky Ifountttia UTeiea cóiaes oat witH o. item airi uïiiquo beadiiig - a rieri of over twu hundred miles of tuountain range as Beeu ironi Denver, -stretchiug from tl ïrorth oï LongH Peuk to thi' eootJj DfPike'd Pcak! Üno who ims n't-u " tliè rango " from the strccts of DcDTer can aimost snulï the cool anj pure mountain brof.zas. - A MassíK'husetts RepMican journal charges that tbe nonñuution ï Ili.-nry Wüson was procured t tiio SUiUrte-Iphi Convontion through ttie pinchase ot' " i Soutliorn íeTegHtion of ourpot-b.iggors. " Üne Tinker was the negotinting ageat in invusting "tho mouey where it would do tho iuoót gooê,'' - The Toledo Cotiimcrcutl that certaiii meuibers ot' Conj;reM hnvo been turuing au honest penny by selling public document, invluding the vjlumes of Medical reporta : and intímate that the uiembur trom the Toledo district is ene of the thrifty ones. - The Jaokson Citizen saj-s tint cxOovernor Blair has invested half of Inelcaetiúu-iuorease of sal.try in tliu urintiair business in that city. ffc hope tli;t be h;i3 not been so foulish as lo inve;t it in tho Citizen. - Tho spirit of O ikes Amos has telographed back - that all the uvidaiioe be givn against Sohuyler Colf.ix was truo : and tbt tbere is more to como. - Otterbein UnÏTprsity, at Weotervill, Ohio, bttt iuiiaottulized ilselt': bjr conferring the degrue of LL. D. upo?i Suhuyler Colfax. - One bitndred Sing Sinpr oonviots have been eontnicted out at -15 cunts a day to moaafeoturé eigan. If the j)f!uj)le voto th nionej-s or. Tiiusil.iy next aked i'or by tite C ncil, will tho Council stuud by tba M&yór in bis determinatión to prurent tho iiiunediate oontraction of anotbor dubt, mul i logicy of over-drafts to tlio Cuimcil of next year!' If uut it is better to rejcet the appropii.ition asked f'ir and Iet the thing run on nitil n charter amendntent can bo procnreil making the nieiribers ti Count'il persooaíiy li:ib)e f'or nll overdrslt?, - we mean the raetnhera vijtinp; and resporibible for thcni and uot the opponent. Miss Suban B. Aiotohy hai been oo!ivii'lol on t!e charge of illegal voling. Judge HüST rtilcil against her on uil the poiuts of law.wised by lier counsel, and as the fucts wi'iv sdmittotl instructed the jury to ronder n, rertlict of giiilty, whioh was dono. Xow for a tasáis with the ftupreuie Court.


Old News
Michigan Argus