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A Battle With Burglars

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Mii.wAukiïe. Jutte 1(5 -The dry goads storo ol 3. A. WIumIci' waa robbud lust night of $1,UOO vroith of goode Dtitectira Muloa,ild gottraok uL thethieves in tht! iiioniiiig train lor UbiiBgo, and senda boek tbo iollowing dispnttjii : S. A. UiiUK!.i:u- Tlie prUoiiL-rs jutnped Iroin tbe tnnii, and a.fter i desperate ti_rht in wbich onc wms killed, om; rocaptiirui!, tli; uthurs gïtliug uway, und the uiiU sec il red. (Sigtréá) j. McDonald. CHICAGO, Juno 1G. - A bloody battlu took place wre tlns liiormng ut the coiner of Ilalsted mui Kiio Btreets betweeu thrt.'e pólice: oiljcej'í and ttiu samenumbar i biiilms, whicli roultfil in the shootng and probable killing of J:uk Allen, Lne of tho tiiuing and notcrious ".moves ia tuu country, and cnptare et Dave ltiggio, ulitis Hogers, ur Oiie-Amicd Dave, ft scuroely less nuttxí villaia. The hnrglara won spottedlasc night ly v'heriii' 211-DóüaW; of Siöiik City, o'ri tbc train iioui Milwaiik. (, in which city théy hd cm . iSutinduy riight rob bed a dry gooda jtorfe tí ereral tnousind dolíais' worth Dt' jioixls. McDonald tolegiaphsd to the policu headqnarturs here imd tbree police■uen iiit-t th train at the depot, bui the thieves c;iti:liinr sight of tlieni jutuped und ma. Toe uiüoiTs overtoob '.hem, btit met with fioroe resistaoco on afclempting t.o arrest them. Allea liniv h. pisiol mtd firad au shot at ofiBcer Siin1U..I1S, w!io u'tunu'd the fin, mi one of bis shots strutk Allen in the side, penetraties' iiis intestines and inflictintr u wo-und whicli it. is helioved. will prove mortal. Rtiggio also fiaffht ck'sper-iU'ly, but was ütially capturad itnd is nro in j'iil. Ho is said tu bu wa'ited in Dttroit for l'in-fïlaiy ootumitted tbee some time sinoe. Aivriit $2.CMK) worth of tho p.xxls stolen in Milwaakee rere recovereet, tlio lliiov('s baviiig i krank filled wlth tbani Tin third buiglar made good bis eepe.


Old News
Michigan Argus