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Detroit Live Stock Market

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MlOBföAK Ckktbal Yaiids, Slnnrlnj-, Juno II. ïlie reeeiyU atíbese yard from the verious poaits in the State ior throe weeks were as folio .vs ; Wsek endfng June 2 ■ :i;i ;j vi), w , ]; t-udiiig June i;. i s6í í i WotkenüiUtfJunul; .21 i17 iti TaM coa :, u ..93 Stock rocoivod for transhipment: wk.a!jM.i (2'!n % Weekcnüiiiif Juoe9 1 lul 5,11. Hk.n iiijJu el6 2{M 10H To.'l!l -Wfe 71,207 13,61:3 CATTI.E. A Iittle better feeliug prevailed at. tliiü market, tbere baiög a briakcr deoiaod by prominent opoi-atore. Ti, ero rere loto in thia irék from !inois, Indiana a:ul States in the Xortliwest, all bwnjht iuto oompetition with our State cattle. TIkwo from Indiana were -vory ehüice aml transhipped by bolden. The inquiry was cunliueJ maitly to choioe beevea and extra Illinois stock. A fe.v stookara left over at lust marfcet oud snme brought in daring the week vvere btraght by hippere. The quality all throORh aveiugo.l vory good, tbere being ruurj ohoice lpts thtm at ftnyprevious market for soma time. The transactiou for the liome maxket wore very few, our bntcheri Beenuag to har a ropply froja the previous week, whcu many '■li' :■(: l.e:ul wore bought beoaasO of the eoier priccs nrliBg. The Iota were pretty well cieared out by the close of the Boarkat, aad a ketter ieeiinx prevaileJ omong small aaü largo operators than for a uumber oí diiys. Vndcv sales made w e quote ; Uhuiceto extra, sreraglng 1,000 (u 1,201 b., in KVod flerfl HUll bllild $5 0@6 & Lominon u choice, uveraging ion to l.iiw ,s , 111 iiii'iiium Hoxti iiitd buil't. .. 4 ■ 81iweiB,aTerut(ing8Btoi,Wu Ifca ï ,'.i,„ ,, Ijftlit Kittle, COutaSOOU ï 5(i, i :,- .' HOGS. There was no market forthis articln this wook, a 1 few shipments from the State to make one. The intenso heat mafceg it a precarious job to ship ho;;s now. Tv.o car loajs unloaded at the yarih yesterdsy raórráiig coritained twelVe dead ones, beingtlieflnrótÍQthelot. The lot was shipped eastvvarj. Thro-.i-;, tiyc, bat theseareall in lajxe Iot8,att . who see that tl.ry ar, not suffocated 1... Appafently in this maftet presen! dt?mand has tercepted by purchi&es darías last month, and non actY#operatota are suspended". '['!,.' classification of pnces tor the presi ut time must be pogpende !. nue lot ouly havin ; i weiifhed which soul at -Ji 30 and avprged 210 Ibs. SIIEEP. A f.jvv frajnentary Iota were siM Juring the (reek to the mutton trad.? her-. Tliey were oí a rery inferior ij!jnii-v nn:l all sheared Snle of me lor, averasras! .tí) lig, shflared, af SI 30 per Imndred, and the onlj one by weij hl


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