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MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. J)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and ReMenee No. 88 Aun Street, corner of Tngalls, Am Arbor, Mkh. KF" Oflico hours-R to 10 m., and 2 to 4 9. M.TBB Itrfrr, urn -Vnor. Kiniu, Piior Ta'Mer H. CWHËÜ'S j ,j Advcrtiscnient. HN1ISSI liHGMS! As I intcntl to give ap the Dry GophTs ! trade, I shall offer my wholc stock itij Cillililig DHES3 GOODS. SHAWLS, BLAMtEIH, CALICOS, STRÍPES, TÍGKINGS, Cassimers, Table Linens, NAP.KI5S, TOWZt?; Lace Otirtam, Etc, Etc. AT LESS TIIAN ' ISTEtV YOHK COST, ín order to dispose of the vho!e Stock witli ail o:i5Íb'e dispatcli. i lú'inoinbor tliis is no Huxnbug Sa!e, so c-ill eurly and secure your bafgaim at 33 Sntü) Miiiw SI. A NEW INVENTIQN ?"■' " .-" ' f tebs, PHTsiorAws, clkbryjien t kitoks - COIJ5 CANTS. MEECHANTS,jofessli nal and bnVlnwa Bw; pmMcting mi k'-,wm dpIiMtllaü onlprail IcltiTs, lillls. iv,-,.i,,':v and othur dociusenta -i , 1 nocunmlsHng in tbc general routine oflmuiriew f fn.m riusf, aml awtfftom obRTV;Ui.iu of i!h .■iiií.iih. 1 i tli a smaJJ cabinet 3,cno letten can be Ole d anü k'-i't oluays at hmid forroaHy refenuro. Ií i.t made ol bluclt ilniir, la qniln ornrunontal. Ths n i tblnrt ni ï-o awa nn the dp.Hk or ímnK ío ihe wal). íyjud for an UlnstrateU Prio LM aad Circular. A. COOK, Oll-aM, IIK AIuitffHcc Sale June, ,. D. )W4 .. 8JÍ o'3k a. TüTia3 í nce upon buldiniV Wv.'.T ,K"" ltl-n to foiTCif .SHia mi)rtpP1.e to !-! P 7 5s5üS3 JA done i,a;i-,.r ti . f,, J 'S éwrt on r,tJs(,n-8 souil, Une iet SWtóTh f ów' i?"1" W, 11,,,,, cast, in tl,.: city o f Aun Art.or rêxSiÜ' t .,,-!„ (ce, wide „f 1)ie ,)or), ,l ïï: .l!1,", .:;■'::: ' ■"■ - úíí Dated, Jun? 'ín. IR73 EWOCH MORA]V'SSOÍÑS' 8 APOLTO l a subsntiitc for Soup for nll Housphold ynnxwe, exaept w.whiüg clothe. OU8etlold s pöTTïcT tor rtpning yo„r Honra wífl suve the labor of s aTpo fTïo lor Indows is botter than Whitingor TViiter No remoying cu tá'na nnd iarptts. labor. va cairt ..llor.l to ithout it. BAPOLTO. for f ""i-g Knirw 1 etta cleürt? tli.m I,;itb Jink. WiU mittci'.fh. H js p q 17To7 is bef (of (,. f„r ,,,„1 fsari) for rolisliinz '■""""■ Brighuns witl.óut .- ei ut!.iuB SAFOLIÖ I' Hbea Bram and opjxr Menrila bettcr "■"' Acid or OiUnd Kotten S(one. s TpouT tor VVuhiBg Ditbesand Otagre it i. Taluafale. 1 heiiper than Soup. s APöiTro" remoTM Stnini frftn MotU Manttte, Ta !■ China nud ttomlain. "im SAP OLIO r-movs SttJui and Orense from Carpet mul olher wijviii Mbrics. lu tu miiny Uiiirts „f Work u„j uu it as wel! u Sapo lio. Try it. Hand s .aTjpo lio. n ne an 1 w .imlerfully effectivc Toilet POa, liu inj im . tjiwl in tiiia country HANÜ ti pUlTÖ M a rliclrfor fhe Tiah, "nachM !..■'■ foui,OBfioB " of :,11 dut, opto the po'ei undRirca t ))tl.v uciion aLd brilliunt tint totheslln. "AND B A P O L:i'0 CTenngea und Beautiffea the SVin, in. timtiy romoving ;,,.y til,n 01 bltmui tram both hitada nd Jate. HAND S -A. _OL I O ís witliwit s iiral fa the world for' curiMj;, or prevonünff rouglmea mi ctapping ol vit her lmiids ut face. HAM) S !a. ï3 O L I O re rneves Tur, I'itch. Tjon or Ink Stin im.i c,ri-:it-; tor woTkers in M.cljiue Sliops, Alhu-n. -c. is mviiluubfc. i'or nnking th tm White mú ott. nniJ (rivii.g loif ft" i,i: cm of betiBij," it i tusurpassed by uiy Cennstic known. HAiU SAPOLI Ö fo"f? fiotn 10 to !-' rtnts r cake, and ererrbmlj abould liuveu. You iil lüu it. Di)'T PAÍL Tl) fï TBE8K GW)J. Bluy it of yiir nicrrliant if he lm it or ill procure il foi jou. If nol, líic wille tor uur l'.iiu (ii ,.f, " ( out Suioli," und it will bc ui uil od frtc. KOEII Ml(iN's SOJ'S, S Pnrfc Pliic, N. Y, DUT YOUE MOXEY % Wil E RE IT WILL DO THE 2VEOJST GOODA. A. TERRY II AS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS ANO UPS! IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND TRICES TO DEFY COM I'ETITIOJV, AISO, A FULL LINE OF CFESfT! ' FÜRNISHING GCODS E=IF Cali befare ptcrchathif. lo Siv h Main Street. _J3J 'IÍ0 ''ijii 'lü ""BTTfl' Tju [T"JflnFTB ■F H THE CRET Ar.TF.RATIVE AND 1 S-S] BLOOD PUlilKIEK. f B. I'isno t.iquack nos'rnm. The I BB BlngreiiicQísure publishcd na each l y J botlle of meilifine. Itisuseiliind fl recommcndcd bv Physicinns ■FH whcrerer i t lias bcrn iutroduced. f H feBj viil lositively cuio ■ '8f f ' 'nL-'"c'? ''. FTIEUMAVaH í j'o.7, ViW'iri a WELLING, ULI e; o ut. o irüc, vnosini5fr.'ír.'-. i:riYous debility, -f I Hn:;l' ' ' ii.i(ascs aiising froia au n P jPiia' ura comütion of the lili 01I, MaHícn I f r ourllosvDAUS Almanac, S HHta which you will fiad certifica e3 V A ■Rfron i'C'l'uiblc and trü?t-wonby gf PJ Physicuii3, Ministers of tho OosBpcl, anl olbcrf. l'Jiíí j IJ.-. Ii IVilson Carr, of BaltiBtt fiHB moi'e, f.ys bn has uscM ie in r&scsof BjBHijcr'M'ï'.aaMd otlicf tliseases with uiuch ■BHu'i : lact 011. KM " JJi-. T. (.'. Pligli, of Baltimoro, reH W fnr.ininida it tu u!I persona suflering MpBHB wiih discascd lïiood, saying it is supetf.J IL&-1 "orto an prrparatioQbehuertruMd SS) IBH Hcv. Önbncy UaIJ,ol thoBaltihB- Hh9 inert AI. K. Conference South, says ■BB l.o h:is beea sonüuh bcuetiited by H itsï:so,t!iat}iechccrlullyrecomraends flHQpBB ittn nllh is friends and acquaint.inces. y ' I raven vi-'tt., Drujrist.1', nt GorI Wk: H flon?vi;lo, Vü., ?ay it liever hai fcwled HHH io fiivo patistartM'i1. ■ M boro', Tonnessoc, saj s itcured tuui of pygiaÉa Uheuaiatisia wIhm al 1 clse aiiej. t:; : E ja dalisin coxxection with oxir will curoCbitli and Fevcr, Liver Cnmpiaint. Dysprpsi.t, 0:1:. We uuuantei! Rosadalis superior to ill pther Bliod Vunücra. Scud for DcscripUr Circular or Atmaac Address, CLEMENT3 & CO,( ' 5 S. Cominerce St., l}a'4ímttret M8+ Bemetiier toaKkyourDniygistforRoiiDALifc


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