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Common Council Proceedings

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The Ooundl met pursimnt to the cali ol tlia Ifayor, at the Council room on the eveüing oí theI6thinst Present Mayor, Recorder, AM. Leiand, Lutt, Grossinan, Dow, Mclutyre, Deu11. Seabolt, Ethodea nd Sroith. The Mayor atated that the object of ealling the Councll together wastv.--iold. firstrelative to the actioii of tho Council at thö tormi r meeting, as Bome qneation bad been raised of vuliility of tlir i ■■■ .linas and that t be ratiticd or gomo otlier action be taken, and Beeohd rchitive-tr, ili' flnances and thanecesfátj i.f bringing Üie matter before tlie tax-payera. Ue stated that whoo thia Conncil came intö power there was n indebtedness againsl the general fmul and that with thoamotintalready ex led the limit allowed by lauto be raised had been reached, and agniiial tlie general street fond over half, and that he as Mayor did not propoee tooountara%n any orders altor the amounta providod by law liad lioen expended, and ühould leave it to tlie Conncil and tax-paj-ere. Ho alBo stated the cod!tions oi' the varJ'jus ward ftmds. The fautes of the procoedings of tlio last meeting were read and it v;is moved that the . actioii of theCouncil subeequont to the motion tuadiouru e ral'ii'.l and conflrmod, 'hiel] was iijion a cali of the rol! unanimously adopted. Tfie bond of the City Treas.urer waa tlicn aci and apioVed. The Recorder ïintified the Conncil that Mr. A. A. GrefcOry and Dr. Tyler refused to aot upon the Board of Health. Tlios. Wiïkinson was then appointed a member f the Board of Health fnm the Fifth ward anti tl. Paul from the Thirtl wan!, and on furtheriï.olu'ii the persons nnmed at the last meetffig toept Mr. Gregory and I'r Tvlor, upon tlie Board of Health, were appointed roerobera of tire Board. Aid. Leiand, upon reqüosl of Mr. McOreery moved that the tree in tlie sidewalk near the nortfl-Wesl corner of the otó jail square be dit down, but the rnatSèr was finally referred to icWalk committeo, to report thcir opinión to the Council. The Marshal Btated tliat the S'xward of the Uniyereity had com!aïned to him of depfedations upon l:e campus anj that it had become intolerable, snd requested that tlie Council appoint a polieemen until theclbSB bf me toonth, and niion reqtlest oí the Marshal, Mr. E. B Gidley was orpointed and conürmed by tiie i CwuiCil f"r that purposc. The City Attorney presented a requeil of C. H. Hnrd Assistant General Superintendant of the Michigan CtntVaJ Kailroad Compiiri}-, that Mr. K. Lcgonr be appNitgd-f pccial policeman at the depot, and i motlPïit.Mr. I.esenr be appointed according to the request a special policeman upon the grounds of the conipany without any costs to tho city, was adopted by the final vote of the Mayor. The coinninteo appointed reintive ta the purcliase of groüiid f'or an nciditloh to the cerrietery in the I'ifth ward, reported thut the pround had been purcliased at Sr'''oi an(;1 recommendcd the dra win?; of orders lor part of the awount, action upon wliich wás dcftricd until thê iiext meeting-. Aid. Doft presented the following which was adopted. Hesolved, Thnt Om .'yor be, nnd hc is hereby authorizcd ahd directed to cali i meetinp of 4he property 1a pajring electora of the ei y f Arm Arbor. to be held at the (,'otirt House, in said rity. on TaBSSJay, tlie 24t'i day of June. lgT3, commencíng at nine o'c o 'k in tl e forenoon. and clo.-inir at fÓHf o.'Clock in the aftemoon, of that dav. to detortrtinS whether they wiU vote to nuthorize the Coinmon (,omicil to rafee, by prenera] Sax, the sutn of I thousand. nine hundred and twenty-fouf umi tliirty-onc onfl hundredths dollars, with wliicb to pay ontetanding city warrant.-, drawn prior m thé 8rst Monday in April, 1813, for grneral purposes, and fruir Iiundrcd ind sixty and ?;xtecn ono hundredths dollar?, with wliich to pay ontsta nding city warrant, drasrn on the jreneral Ptrect Jund prior to the Brst MouoLiy of April, 1873; that the Mayor canse nottee to be (rfvon of the moetinp; :is reqiiired by the Charter; thn-t tho resolutionsi to bc snbmittod to siich proportT tas paying electora at sur!, meeting he as follows : 1 U'rereas, The overdnafte on th genera) fiimi by fbrmer Common Coimcils amount to the Bim of three thonsand, nine hundred and tucniy f n r and thirty-ono oiie-l.ntidre'Uhs dollars, ilierefore ':■'. That tliB property tax payera of tin.' city of Ann Arbof liereby authorize the ('(imninri Coimcil to assoss, levy and collect by tax on th real ajjtj persotifll estáte tataWe, in smid city, the snrh of three tliousand, ninehunIred and twenty-four and tliirty-one one-hnnIredths dollars, for general purposw, in addiÖOB to tl." amount oliierwise BUtliorized by aw, 2. WiiEtiEAR. The overdrafts on the frenêral Btreet f'nnd, by former Common Oonneils. unount to fbnr himdred aml sixty and gixteea one-htindredths dollars tíierefore üesolved, That the ptDperty taji paven of hedtyof Aun Afbor heFeby authorize ÜiP "(iiiuik'hi ('oiincil i.] agsess, levy nnd collect by jcotraj tx, the suni of fixjr hundred and nixty n, i sixiicii one-iiHtidreJtJisdoUare, lor peñera] streel purposeB, ín ödditioh to tlie amoimt otherwise anthorized by IW. Tlie fcnns of ballot to be voted at said meetiiiL' Bhali 1"-. ■'Forthetax fbr (encIKl purposes - Yes." '■ For the taj for general pUrpostt? - Xo.' " For tbe uix lor fteneral street purposes - Ves." -'For tte tnx for (ïeneral rtreel purposos - Xo." Thnse voting '■ For the tnx tor peneral purpogeB - Yea,'1 shall Ve deemed as vniinii for tlie first nbovo regoíutíon so ni'nmitted. Those rotios " For tlie t:x for peneral purpoow - Xo." sha'! bedeemed as roting ü)ta!nst eaid Bret resolatíon. Thone votinir ■ ■■ For the tax 6r general streel purposes - Yes,' shall be deemed as voting for the aocond above rcsiiiiüioii. yhose voting, 'vFor the tnx for general Btreel pufpows - Xo.'' ]iall Ur döemcd as votíng against said geeond pecolufton. Ou motíon tlie Conncil ihen adjourned. The followlBg is a statement of the Mvenl fuiifis of the. city to the 2d nst., ns furnishcd by the Recorder : (EXKIIAL FCXJ). Arr' 8, 1873, over draft 1 y formcr Board ...{3,924 .11 May fi, Marrante 1 &?, Board of Heiiltli .. :'V2 : ■■' n ■ g to 19. Inclusive fT4 7S June -'. " l'Jo to 125 " 37S öO Total Sü.O'JO 13 GF.XEHAI, STIiEKT FUND. April s. JS7S, over draft drawn by formcr Board 84RO 16 May 9, warntntsfr'im So. l"-j to 1 IS, inclu. 119 25 Jun'c-J, 136tol5ï " 4!)1 52 Total f1,070 93 FIÜST WAHD MXD. Marcli 11, bal. not drawn by former Board SÍ3 -18 June 2, warrunts frotn 158toJ68 221 07 SECOM) BARD FL'ND. Fcb. 3. over firnlt bS' fonnerl!niir1 (4n r;ü Juni; 2, warrants from 1M to 1C8 inclusive 109 S7 Total Wj: Tiiinn wabo rüKB. April 8, bal. not druwn ly f.jrmcr Board... $! 2r Mny ft, MMnb fiom 114 to 122 Üirlúsive í'9 K June 2, " " lí'JíoiTC " 7." o i Tota! : 101 00 FOURTI1 WARD FCXD. April S. over Ira!'t I y foRner Board.. ....... KM 1!) june 2, w&rranta tium 7 to Ib3 Inclunve 71 66 Tcu! S7iü 86 fiftii wauii ri'Nüs, April 8, bal. not drawn Ly former Board &I9 0C SIXTII WARD Fl'XD. Jan'y 31, bal. not drawn by former Board S2.T. 22 June 2, warrants from 1R4 to 10r inclusive $'235 74 FKOM FHUOiENS ITND. M7 9. warrarrta frorn 20 to ÍW inclusive $-25 00 June 2, warrant No. 123 ö CXi AUÏKMAX 1VEI.I. FfXI). Balance not drawn by former Eoards L45 82 Towr.rt fuxd. lialutice not drawn by former Boards Í3 10


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