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" 1 i" i Á%; I V■ -■ .' -' TEN REASONSWHY AVUi ;l:cl a lotileof I ■ ItwlH r licve the vorst r-ie rf BillOUl c (olie or Cholera Worb us in s :■ -. d - Ic will cure the ■-[-■ case ii Py pepsia ;,aj Indigestión iu a f. -?Mf- U l.lhe leri renedy in l!ie v.-rrld f) ck Hea'dnche, .- ntestifv.J tal ar th.- It is the i '-■ diurctic eyer j-ut bêfört l:i PuWlc; curing tlin ■ ■ ■ i laints trrLtct and Gravo I ;.i.J cihur Urinary d i fíi c u 1 1 e s . 5th.- ]t s a most excellent EmmennBOu. and lo the Vouni; Clrls. middlc tVomen, ;ii,l .u üiyTurn of Lite, üiis r"' ií " ' '"''eulable ptn. - It wlll remove! f;om tlie l'owels, and henee a few drops in ïoi.ic svveetened water gven i.) :i li.ri.' s better ihnn a dozen cordial td e lieve n nd mako t Sleep. Containing no ano dyne. 2-th.- Ilú a ■■■- relief fir ndiiiti .ti'J diiMrcn i i with IBotms ond Pin Worms. It will biing away the 8th - It m-;:i Vurc tJui files m:d Hemorrhodial dficuliics. Oth.- Ituül cure Constlpntlon .ind keep t li iwcls regular. Il :.: c worst case of3ummer Complalnt and Dysontery. IOth.--lt will cure í-ctir i-.tomach, StliTiulata the Llvcr I acdon. tïelievo Hon rt-Eu rn ai:d act as a gerretal Regulator of the f itb EuEar and Wntor tb r Win e-CInao fu l and you have a p I e a sant t o n i c . re) $i oo per bottle. ure 500. ptr : "nmlesey Cotign Granules 2:c nerpottle Sold 'uy al! druggists and warránted.' 51 Vi'hittlfsoy Truj). Ktd. Co., Toledo, O. r DEfiMaeoñ.' Gooö tor Iuflammation of all kinds, JHphtheria, Weninde, Uruises. Biinis. Sprain. Hheol natism. hor,. Throat. BwelHng cf the Glands, In. lammatioi) of tho Uros. Braken Breaot, Frost Bite, Chilblains. I'Hes, Boe Stingsi. and all Sores. oo1 f.T Beast.-Frosh Wortnds, Galli. ToH $;'."■ S] Cfhcked Heds, Ring Bom. nul (alls, Spavins, Swceney. Foimdcr. Lamencss, fiaiicl Cracks, Scratelics, cir Giüasc, Manee llorse Distcmpcr. Tlil trnly wonflerfni Llnfmcnt wn HOMER ANDKKSON,-A.ÍI., lato Pro. iossurof Chemhtry and MMhomaticffinthe Clintim Liberal Iiiítitute, of Oneida Connty, N. Y. In i xperfmenting fur tlie purpodo of molung Acia by onitltiR tho ind . ; ,, , u-ii -ït 10 I, n rcsidnnm was loft, whfeh. 11 lipiria fip)iiod to 1)!-iiNi.. :,,., ji.n-ji, hy ük. ptudenta o! the Inetitnte. was round to poes(s tno remarkable down :ina carrring of.' the inflarnination :uul soreuess ai once, and rcetorins I! .■ to onndhess and healtn In a row hours without pain or ïrritation, It Ik nol n lïcndnpr Llniment, bnt nrts ny lts pcnili.-ir eiur-iilc or ehemréal (jHttlitie in dieBolviiig and scattering the Boreness and innammation of the injnred patt ]jy a free application, the red ion beenmes cool, moist and natural, and is restorod to natural liealtli without suppuration or destruction . As a Mnlmcut Tor JKorse Flcsïi, fnr the cnroóf all tlie aiiments namea abovc, wo thallccgB the wond to ünd its c'tual. Pricc 25 & 50 cent per bottle. , D. EMSOM, SOS & CO., Propi's, BUFFALO, N. Y. St-e notice in loci column. ; 1 d 1 li d ■ liu EDm O1 XW'li.n ütt T,. OOLBl hnng MíKÍffn I ejtp foi ensb, souui po ■■ ■ ■ mash." And ii -mil'.. 0. il. Wlll i . 1 - i ir... littlfl Wllile. :iya we'll run lnm off 1 1 1 ■ trac, And cali o:u k.'' !i' 1 ronkerssnid and tlioughf il : : . 1 r ia Nev 1 p ïob can , town l)ii Uft nul :iy in :,- ' -u u : 'i 1 drj toodtt loeichHursou tVQiy streel cl w'ith silkb awd.featins, htitff oitj chidkeiiB tö eat ; mixed ia - . plnce, At the smc coiuitor joubny buMeroi luce; ' hi ',ii nnd ;■ "i I nd 11 hnnd Mr. C. 0. 1). but a slim chance will stand." ■ i " thcir sny. ■ ; loiliEADTTAY, o ■..' ap t'or duilj cji 1 a h. A lJ 'o h is fi i:i;j:i a], itnu iiü-inrss fnonds, ■ ■ ■il.-, E 1 and loU of oheerl 'Üvc him n cali, :ml from hi ■ inore. M ■■ i 'li.i' f] IC ■ OU jvillalwaj tí InS- . i-dfiil I01 Boo lehe ome " : . yon e me. of wiuttr, ■ nter, n yi-ii i':on-. for anythi , fpu gul ital onc ■, ia qu ilit] ■'"i 'lüi.u'iy mpti who nfeireiny andcrrtl!, It' lm Oy cl ,hnt, Oj Bti r th' . nlrl- T l.1-;'i:fry, IJ 1 OVSil V , ■ ,y. m rrf rtiy, ''"1 the I to - ke on yoni wáy. ■ . " yim inueh ivoi.'il. luiy j uur y ruin or wood. hand ' 'V in i EI : ■ und 1 i.uiy more, ' use, íortreal life'sfteod Hiíniíswith kbnsei - ' pul in thera, _-. : ,and (!andy. for , in ihem. ' 1 -ndjfWllI ■.vill: t jriiluUil1. tiU'l'.s ■ 'o i'iiy trine, ta I o i ii ; Inugh, Ih 01 lln irs, will 1 . gre Her by Iialf3 cnll "11 Mr e. O. ü., od buy of liim yoiu I . ., . and 'i'uii. r, ■ hou !i the I g ,n muy fill frnra i's 1 lace, te C. O. I). VsU ,n thi mec, rso can lie -"!! fui r 'inly nny. rj nd ,T_. Oolby hnslenined tl.oway: : ■ iniea niiijc th inhe : . eti d W . O. D. fipi ■ nd tlie ocrel lic is nol nr ii.l ro teiliep the bei' ol nll rhiiM -i li prioeilow- lewod iiHturod, uive jyoi 1 1 you urt bóund to 1 .. ! 29! 29! 29 !] Cr% " P - " The -world is full of . W 1 m '. Children cryiag for jBSTfc canflicü Gastor 00. ■ , 'TH8L It1silPMoIous,ciri'i-tlTpanrt ' "'ï ' Bh liarnilcss. TI10 rcniiJslve .. pfiSnm wB HL tastonnd snicll ot' ('as" vrlHbWr tor Uil isi'utiiely ovcrronie . X VB WS J':' 'i;1 'li'i-li.; p.'iwt-rs aro IL %_ 1, lMW not lmnalred. rrlceïöcti. - VEEIilFüüEEOliBONS ■ el uut and effectlve. They rcaemuta Croam 011U0118 kept in i teotloners' altopa. Chllilren lor iu ud cry tor Uiaiu. rricu 25 eents per boi. A . A ríTT-p-EOFMANN'S 2 a.Ü-UJCj.Hop Pilis í til do not contain Quinine or Minerals. "}' '' ícy are Ru;;.ir-coaic(l. l'rtrefíO cts. 7i' Hox. 5Í'" lir. McXann, Utmlnrr, JM., s:iys: "I have "■" ' l-.entJii'in niyself i ,1 "atoll ildren. TlK.yhavccurcdthi tn and many otltfr k -n i 10 have nscdöicm." ] loto cure M"iitonre. Dniub Aguo nud Afrue Fevers t, i,.i Bcnrcd speertny. TI j n and V. ivays reliable. Uiirctions iu fóur lant-uairea ao , Uiliiicjr lúeiu. i h-fsi i. W. ELLIS fc CO., ure the Afentf. 1420yl '"fio


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Michigan Argus