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BtíSlNESS DIREGTQËY. f" R COLÉ, Dealer in CorI. Office i A 'oaiNT, over Mamn & Sons' Store, Cor., and Harun St. EïtsTüS TlHTCrtER Attmney nnd Counselor at trf.ff, lío. 5 K.lst Hüttm Street, 4l0 Albor, Mich. "86 TVv "aB!)R MtlXKRAti SPBINtiS. 1 i.irrl Hil. W I-, Superintendent. OIBce ujbaildiatr-. corner Mann and u'est Hurou Streeti. W' iES WOROE1V, ïO'outh Min etree, nor-'Or, !lï-. WSe'e nd mail deal.t.'ati a"A Carpeta nd Grocerlea. '" 1351tf TTcK SCHWID, Dealers In Dry Goods, 31wcrie8,Or.clcery,ic. No. 54 South Main ïtTlïr74PKSO!v OentiM. toC. B. V Portur Olñi'e turner Maiuaud Hurou streeti. ' , the tor of R. W. E11Í8 Co , Aiin Arbur, j tl ,netllCT 9diuitercd if reqaired. ,, jriortSOJT, Ucslef !n Bals r.d Cap. Kt ?ars Straw ( Gents1 Fnrnishtbg Roods, 7 So 1 Suuth Main -trect. Ann Arbor, Mich. fíÍEBIAND A: WHEDON, Life and Snrlmrne Auents, and dealerm Real Eitale. ijee on Hurou Sttctt. ñTríilf ABEL, DeAlorn tn Wy Goode GroBcfr",c &c..No it Sonth Main Street. Aun írlior. Si ittSO.V ác SOIS, (Jroeen!, ProVíílon anfl (mm'is-ioii Merchante, nnd delern in Wter míXd Plter,nd Pla.lerParU. No. 16 Ba.t Hurón street. u axaíIEITI, Wholesale and KoUiinealer S.H MÏ arte ''lothloa:. Clotha, Cnwimeros, ( 'tHn VandOenf. Purnlshing Goud.. No. 9 South lila Streef ."TTwTwAiiNER, Dealer In Beady MadeClothW ineotb. Caw'lmere. Vesting, Ha. Cap, tranksi '-Wet Bag, &c ïl Soüth Mamatreet. S-Awi mi iertmJ Beoks. No. 3 North Main itiect.Grngory Block. Ann Arbor. jmoíí WTCHËE VE K, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Ot,eUaB.W.Mofgn,EietBlde of Coart House me. 1331 . CHARLES JU. WOODRUFF, Attorney at Law and SOLIGITOR IN CHANCERY. Office, Arcade Bloei, Tpsilanti, Mich. CoUwtfons made and promptly remltted. All legal , business íaithíully attended to. 1426 p ï 0 CKKKY GTASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. Donnelly HiToliutoroalars;etock"fCrocker,OHwa-re, ?ltedWare,Cntlory Grocerien, Ac, c all to 6e loldM nasially lw prlce. Ho 12 fiasltluron 9tret, Ann Arbor. Un8tr J. A V. POWlf ELIiY. TÖHiT". GALL, DBALEB 11ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, ;.Utl). SAtJSAOKS. Etc. Ordormolicited and promptly lied with thebest !tta In the market. 31 East Washington str-et Ann Atbor, Sept. lüth, 18C9. ïtgitf NAEKSEY, téO ♦ Manulacturer of gsPffi Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ASDSLEMHS, of every style. made of tbe beat Biteria!, aai w.ivranted. Repatring done proraptIjiní pricos reasonable. Detroit Street, near H, 8 Dept, Ann A.rboc, Mlch. 1384yl. TR.C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT UP AND FItt, Phjsicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Uregory BlocX. C. A.LEITER 4 CO. AanArbor,Dec.2Sdl871. 185 na. u.b. porter, IDEÏSTTIST. Office in the gavlngs Bnnk Block, Ana Atbor. All Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ÏHSÜRP A33ED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE umm artïficIal tebtb, TO O(VE EACH INDIVIDUAL, hvnit( proper i, ikape.tlor.Jlrmui-mni toivr il impr f lio ll( HÜRRY UP ! PARTIKS wishlng Wall Paper, bide Hllaadi), Window Pixtares, Gord, Taiselt. &i , all Sew Stylea. at Satlx factor] WM, bj J. R. Webmer A Ce., Book Store , naar the Bipiess Office. ! - ■- W. A. LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SnufF, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HÜB05 STREET, Sext to the Express Office, AV AttBOR, IHICH. fWELLING HOUSES FOK SALE ,A lanra accl Tery t'oJI built briek house, with ttro ï more lots. Two lari?e framed house. Also a popd '1 brick house nnd framed house ; aiid a Bn:all m?, hous? on a goqd lat. intended for adding af: -it, or sale on fair tenns and rt rcasonible (ïrediu Alio othar buildings, lots, and property. MO.NUY WA.JÍTEO- So many wiíbing to corroio money applj to me thiit I can readily obtain 9 knders good satiafactory investmentB at ten eer ut. interest. Ac Atbor, April M, Wi. H2Stf I


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