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H. COHEN'S Advertiscment. BAI6AINS! BARGAINS ! j fo As I intend to grve up the Dry Goods trado, I Bliull offer my whole stook b. cluding - DRESS GOODS SHAWLS, JL BLANKETS, CALIÓOS, STRIPES, TICKINGS, DENiaiS, g" Cassimers, Table Linens, a FLANNKLS, NAPKINS. TOWELS, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., AT LESS THAN ISTE-W "STOIÏ.I5: COST, J In order to dispose oí the whole Stock with all poasible dispatch. Bemember this is no Humbug Sale, so oall early and secure y o oí bargains at 33 South Main St. 1 1' 1 nqlÏÏQT"QÖ; áü! ZiJ! ad!;, ' I O. O. i :.. a tVhrn first L. COLBY hung his Bign C Ind otfered Grocerie cheap ' „ iome peoplo said, " he's bound to go to mían. Vnd old-timo Urocei would fï." _wlo ?ropheying ■0.0. D. will last Jut httle wmle. [d nxty days we'U run him oif the track ind cali our waudering custoruers DacK. The croakcrs snid and thought it true, 'He'Il Burely fail before the year 13 Ne-w I fou can't sell (iroceries in tlns town nd get your pay in greenbacks down; ,Vh.TVi dry goodmerchants on every street .Vith silks and satins, hang out chickens to eat , Whore trude is mixed in every place, ,U the same counter you buy butter or lace , miere ciedit nd loss go hand in hond. "J r. C. Ü. D. but a slim chance Wlll stand. [,et propheta and croakers have, their Bfy. L. COLBTBells GRi ICK RIKS only tor KLADT PAT, ind sella so cheap tor daily cash [Io feais "O dauger of a smash. - A.nd to his pairons all, and business fmnds, l'he greeting of the senson he extends, I'o young and oíd, a fiad Xew Year, With hosts of frlenda and lots. of cheer I ïive him a cali, and from his store _j ?our tables spread with good things more. !il that place you will always flnd . ITnh new Oroceries ot best quallty and Kinn- Ffverythinu necdful for good cheer at home ïou can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, To mention details would wcary tho printer. But ask if you choose for anything ■'taWe, Tou gut it at once, in quality unbeatame ! For hungry men who are weary and cold, He haa Oystcrs hot, Oysters that must besold - Oysters pickled, üyster stew, and oystcr f ry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. Ho will serve tip Oysters at any hour of day, 1 And the best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dish of hot Oysters will do you much good, t And cheer tou while selling your grain or wooa. And with cash in hand lay in fi store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all things substantíal for duily use, Kor treat life's good things with abuse ; Crockery and Glaasware and Fruits to put iu them, Nut s, Kaisins, and Candy, for childrenwho win thsni; And ye wlio are blessed with their beautiful faces, Will flnd [20] the best of all places, To buy a trifle, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by half J Then do not forget to cali on Mr. O. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. Thonpn the big fj) n may fall f rem i= place, , The C. O. D. ) stote is still on the race, And does not intend to fiy from the course Till croakers of evil talk t hemselves hoarae. Groceries can be sold for ready pay. And Ii. O olby has learned the -way : Sold five tima! moro than he expected- By 0. 0. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - Keep the best of all things- with pricea low- be good natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 39! :■ SüWP '- The warld Is full of Hm 'fc'ï Clüldren crying for , JÈPtË ; CandTefSr Oil. . K - rL itlsrtellrloas.effe'-tlvoanii JOB WÊL 4 BS ■ harmless. The repulsiva ■ HkV Ba K taste and sincll of thn Cas#H BlmP torOHisentirelyovercome WM lts cathartfc powers are ' I 1 lWII notimpaireu. Trice 25 cta. j -- ■ MoI,AITJ'S o,. VEEMirüGEBOITBONS ! re elegant nd effective. They resemble Cream Bonbons kent in confectioners' shops. Chilclrcn lor Ikw aud cry tor tbem. I'rico 23 cents per box. AlJUlJ.HopPiUs These Pilis do not contain Quinine or Mincrals. Thcy are sugar-coated. lricef O ets. per Hoos, Dr. SZcManrif Gardner, III. f says : " I have taken them myself and given them to my wlfe andohiltlrcn. Tlicy havo curcd them and many others wh0havöuscil thcin." Thcy are made to puro ,Fever ánd Agrie at once. Dumb Agüe and Agüe Kevers arecured spccdUy. Thcy are simple, harmlcsa, and always rcUahle. Dlrectlous In iour ïaugungcs aB. W. ELLIS'ft CO-, are the AgentP. 1420yl MRS. H. J.lírLTONM. D., PHYSICIAN ANO SU GEON, ■ Office and Èesidence No. 88 Ann Streel, cor i ner of Ingalh, Ann Arbor, Mich. , K3 Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., nd 3 1 1 4 r. m."S0 JtKfntnctt -1-e.ot. s.uïkh. Pao. Palmib. L-tólvl


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