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HHE .NÏST AEBOE TRADING ISSOCIATIOS Are now receiving tbèii SPRING STOCK OF IEW DRESS GOODS ,; .'. '., ■ ■■.!ƒ We 1 '-yei the largest stock af 1ST-CLASS CARPlT'l I3ST THE CI1-3Z". 1NGLISH BODY BEUSSEÏ, AT $2.00 PER YAED Í 'apestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, VHICH WE WILL SELL TEEY CHEAP FOR CASHl Novel anl elegant addltions to our Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEINO OPBUBD. Tbo backwnrdneis of the eeason hal cansed ery large decline during the last fifteen dftys in the irice "f Dress Fabrica, which will enable ug to five to ur customere a proflt of 20 to 25 per cent, Svery Lady should inspect theml Lhanasomerlineof Dress C-oodawas never brought o Ann Arbor tlmii are now opening, at extremely ow prices for cash, which will place these cholee ;oods within the reach of all who rüay favor u with . cali. BEF" "We are verv thankful for the past favor and ïope to continue the same, a we shall malie it to the vantage of those who favor na with a csll. G. W. HAYS, Supt. -T ÜUEE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. # WABBAiVTED [PURE WHITE 1 VIEILLE MONTAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PA LACE WHITE L.EAD, Permanent Green For Blinds, &o. WHITE LEAD ! In Colors for Outside and Inside Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Bmshea IBOIV - C LAD líllRAL PAINT ! Manufactured from pure Iron Ore, tar superior to BSI those made of Clay, liottcn Blone, Dirt, ftc. Our Ture Brand of WHITE I,EAI we offer to th public with the positive assurance of absnlutt punty. As much of the White Lead sold as pure isHdultcrted from 20 to 91) per cent., Consumers will consult their interest by giving us a cali. B. W. E1.1.IS Sc CO., BrUBffistu, Ann Ahbok, Mioh. Corner oppositè Snvings Bank. 1419m6 4. STEARNS' COCO-PLEINE, A perfect hair dressing-not a dye - nor a rtorative, but a dressing, elegant r---and eoonomical. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the scalp, imparta a delighttul sense of vitalitv ■ and softness tol' m the hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, weetly perfumed and Hmpid, renders the hair supplcand -dresaesitiaanyl I desired Luxni. STEARNS' COOO-OLEINE, entírely vegetable oil, prevent that dryness of sralp w h j e f i causes dandruff p_"T to accttznulate. ■ . f. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in onelarge bottle more oil and more per-. SngCLrmaSd-H-Zlbesiï sold twenty-flve per cent. less than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightena blonde bair, darkena aub f j F.hJi; renders lustxous brown and black nair, les■ens the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE IS SUDE O2JLY BT FEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, ,f. DETBO1T, MICH. Q Boldeverywhere. Be sure and get the Genuino Coco-OIeine. Let no one palm off on you abottlo of iome cheap and worthltss imitation of Coco Oléine. There are more ttían twenty counterfeit. oí i t now sold, put up as near like the genuine as ttw joaJccrs daré and evade the law. . TLOUE AND PEED STORE. HENRY WASOk, (Successor to Geo. Lnnbcngsycr,) At 1 4 tfcst liibortv Sf rot, will keepeonstnnt ly on hand iv full stock of l'ionv. Maní, Oatf, Corn, Mili Fecd. (te. All orders promptly nlled at tlie lowest cash piices. Cash r-ud for C'orn and Üata. l415yl TxÍEÑTS WANÏE.D o Boors NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The best books publishcri ou tho Aforse and the Cow Libúrai terms. money mcuUraptüiy b} Ajtttg eelüng these ))Ook8. Ssndfoi rffana ', FOUTJüK &00AïKB,lJniai'ii - fhüode phtBa


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