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WOMAN. By an immcnuo pwctice, o sten ding tfcroiigh a period of years, haviuy within tüul timo truatcd inany thou#and ca ' i I to womun, ! :■','■■', a most potontandagreeable ni nih tnetïiat mectsthoindU iH preseuted by that claw of diseatsw wifh rtainty and emctcefs. To desígnate tilia oatural spocific compounci, I have oaniüd iv Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescriptio;:, Thetonn, howeTer, i bnt o. fe!lo expreszon of my moet maturod aupreciation of Ita va upon iicttutl and wittieesed rcalltii s. A a cio&o observer, I have whlle witnewln'j: itn poeitive remitfl in the fv.vr prcial diftcapcs incide1 t tu thü fepnrate orpanium of woman, isingU; I il out as tlio climax or crowninir ffetn of my inodii'.iï arecr. Om ita roeriföasapo-itive, aft', and effectual remcrlv for thle cla:1 ofnis.-' nnd one that wil] at all ti mes and ander ulinli Planees act. kindly and in harmony with the laws, wtaicb goveïH th? feninla Byetcm. 1 am wül'iig to itake nty reputation ay a phyuicUn. Nay maro, so confldent íim I that it will n f difuppoint the moit sanguine exptationofa s'nelu Ín valid lft'ly wíio employa it for any oí tfcf1 auTÍicuta for Tvhicli I recomraend it, that I offt-r and pcII it under A POSITIVU firABANTCE. U a bonotteial effect !s iiot experienced by the timo two-thifds of the contenta o( V.w bottle are ntñí I will, (n retnrn or' the bottle, two-tbïrda of tiie inodicine hftving been takta accordiruj to dfrectiont, and the c;i?u beíüg oio for wi:icí I recommead it, proraprty refana the money paití for it. Had I not the raoat perfect corifideocÉ In ná virtaee, I conld not oflvr it as I dn ander these conditions ; uu hMvniL' h . culona cures i n thrtttsanad of cuses, S ínel wat ranted ail per?lvtïy saïo luriwkiaí? boiii iay reputation and nay mouejr The fuUüwing ore fimon thosc di-cft?e9 in which íny Varori í frecri pisón tms wi'iki'rl ciirea - as 11 by maic aaUWHh acoftatnty nei :r before attained by any mfdlcine: Leacnrrhn-a, fixcesslra Fltíwing, Pain ful Monthly Perloda, Öupprettófous wh n from uo natural causes, Irrejuíaritiee, U'eak Back, Prolapsns, or fñlling of Mío Uktu, Aiitetereion and Retrovereion. ÍJeariuií Down Sensatlons, Intern ni ir,-.:, Nervoiiï Depressíon, DebUity, Deapondeucj, Throatened iipcarriago, Obróme Cong#tióti, Inflaiumrttuui nvA ÜTceratioo cf the Ütoni?, Impoteney, BatToiineá, or 8terilíty, íeinñle ÍV'eakneei, and very manjr othef chronic discase incident to woman üot Kiciuion'id herc, in which, aa w n In the" casM whleb X bve mexttioued, my Favorlte ProsCription works cures- ilic; mar■Vel of tüe tvorlil. Thirt inoAtciée I Öo xiöt extol a? a cure-all, but it admirably futilllá a Ninfrlomw ol í r{ioe , beinga rooct perfect ppeeiüc in all chronic ditieaeee of the sexual Bystera of womao, .t: will not dieappoínt, nor wiliitdo tiiinu in aay etftte or condiiion. Lt will be foiind invaluable in diueoses incident to pree caney, and cu ba taken iu modérate dopca wita perfect Bufety whilo in thst Btate, Indeod, tt is a Moibor' Cordial, and so preñaren the pystein for partarltioa Üiatit renders en lid-labor easy. I have ref.oived thc heartttilt praise fi m hmitlred of mowwa for the 'ücatimable beseflU thua conÉorred. I orter my Favorlte Prcscriition to the Ladies of America witb. the slnreiity of an honeat hcart, íin-1 í'or tlK'k best welfare. Those wiio desira fuithei iiifonïifttion on títesQ Bttbjectfl caá obtain ítln my Treatise ox Chronic Di-eases of tnim Genkkative and Uhinary Oiígans. pent secura frora observation ipon recetpt of two postage stampa. It treats minutely on tho?e rtíaeaaea poculiar to Femalep, and gives mach valuublcadvic lu renard to their manageinent, DII. PU-nCE'S FAVOHITE PRE. SÍRIPTíON IS SOÏ.D KV AS.I, ÍIHST CK.AÜlSUSiiJGlilSTS, ut $1.00 pet bottle, 4 , Mauufüctured at the Chemical Laboratory of . T n.r.PIERCE,M.J.,lr42r - l' BÜFFALO. N T. WöPÖS Sa Person enn tnïcc these Bitters acrordIng tü üirection.s, anti reuiain loag unwel!. provïtled tlieir bonos oro not UestroyeJ by mineral poison or otlier menns. and vital organs wasted bcyoud tha point of repair. Dyspepila or Indigestión, Heailache, Pain In the BliouIJcrs, Couglis. Tiglitnesa of the Chest, bizziness. Soor Eructattoius of the Stomaeh, Bad Taste in tlio Monlh, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tlie Beart, Inflamuiatlon of the Liiiiks. rain In the región of the Kidaeys, anil a hundred other painrtil syniptoms, are tlie off-springa of D.vspcpsia. One bottle will prove a better guaraatee of ita meritg a lengtliy advertlsenient. For Female Complalnt, tn yonng or okl, married or single, 31 the dawn of womanhooü, or the turn of Ue, these Tonio Bitteis display so decidcd an lmluenoe tiiat iinprovement ia soon perceptible. For Inflniniatory anl Clironic Rhcu ■natlun and Gout, lülioiis. Kcmittent and Interinittent Fevers, Dlsedaes of the Blood, Liver, Kidnfj'S and Bladder, these Bitters have no cqual. Such Diseasea are caused by Vitiatcd Blood. They are a entle Purgative as well a ' a Toiilc, possessing the merit of acting as a powerfiil agent in relievinf? Congestión or Inflanimaüon of the Liver and Visceral Orgaus, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin liBSig, Eniptions. Tetter, SaltRhenm, Blotclies, Spots, Pimples, Pustiilea, Boils, , Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Heart, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfa, Discolorations of the Skin, Humor and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the System ia a short time by ttie use of these Bitters. Grateful Thonsanrts proclalm VlNEGAR BlTTEK9 the most wonderful Invigorant tliat ever Bustaiued the .sinkinp nysteni. It. lï. n'cbOKALD & CO. Druggiits anil (on. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., A cor. of Washington ari't Charlton Sts., N.Y. SOLD Bï ALL ÜBL'GGIórs & DEALEBS. N TIMEI Wm. Wacueu Has openod a largo stock of SPRING & SUMMEH aooDS, Indudiug ne"w and FASHIONABLESTÏLES OOATS, PAÏJTS, and VESTS, Which he will msnnfnctnre in tfco b8t and latcst Htyle, a:id Warrantetl Fits and Work. Aleo keeps a gooi stock of READY-HADK CLÜTBII AKS aenta'FURNISHIEG Ooods. W'Licti will be sold cheap, OALL AND 8EE THEM. Ho. 91 Soath Main Street,- EaetSfdei lUi'evv(nH. Ann rbor. Muy lt, 18TS. 1124 A Cliaiice for E argains ! For sale t & RTeftt barRitin, 160 AORES OF CHOICK LAND,lyin 2 milen irom tliü city of Ionin. 100 aorod undev improvemont, with Ruod orohard, barn and shed, and a oomfortoble house. Terms of payment - írom 2,U00 to $2,5OÜ dowu ; bulance on lüng time. Also 00 A0BE8, ftbout 2% milos from Augutn, Krtlumnzoo Couiity, all improved, witli good buildings. Xerms- cxtiöruely low. leo 40 ACRK3 about eight miles from Ilftaiings. Also SO A.CBXS on section 8 in the town of llazelton, Bhiawswe County, nbout 12 milos lïom Corunua. Wyll timbered. For terms address the undorsigned. E. II. PON. Ann Arbor, April 2, 187Í. "DEAL ESTÁTE POE SALE, THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HOJIESTEAD, Near the north eaut corner of the CoiirtHonpe pquaro. Thia yüjjerty will bo Bftld at reasonable prkea, In luts suHnbU' for a reaidenee , or for busincaeparposes- Aleo rota onlliller Aveuueeast of Tomis' groen house. Also a Farm of 160 Acres, Wel] watered and (sneed, with aoort orchard nd fair buildings, will.iu i mili; oí the Cowt Honse in Bt . Johns, Michigan-, íuidseveral hnndrerl ncrea ol piin iind oak timbered lauda in SHinaw County, Miehijian. Inqnire of B. W. CHEEVER.or l7m O, A. CHAPÍN.


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Michigan Argus