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European Speculations. - The Paris v jrrespondent of tfie Intelligencer writes c 5 follows : c Every day a prospectus of some new nd splendid speculative project s thrown ] ito my box, with a formal address. This y lorning came the Imperial Austrian c tate loan of thirty millions florins, which ] to be repaid by one hundred and f thousand premium prizes, amounting { i nll to nearly seventy millions. Who i ould resist the "excellent chance?" - 1 resterday we had the fourbrilliant pages i f the Company of the Mines of Spain, ; apital ohly five millions of francs. Six í nexhaustible mines of metáis are d. The day befo re I received two ;raphed sheets on the scheme of the i ilomatic Gnzette, "the Journal of the ■ 'olitical and financial interests of Euope." It is npproved by the French Milister of Foreign Afthirs, ondthe Ambasndors at this Court, and cannot fai!, says he Prospectus, to be unrivalled in the luthenticity and consequence of its inforna'.ion and sentiments, by reason of an irranged correspondence with cabinets, lepartmerits, and statesmen of each of he great capitals of Europe, and indeed, f the whole world. On the 9th inst., is 0 appear Le Semamc, the largest paper ver seen in France; and this likewise vill bc omniscient and imperishable. The Kentuoky Conference pnssed the 'ollowing resolution: "Resolved, That we will constantly, ;almly, though resolutely, oppose the iractice ofselling or renting pews in our :hurches; believing as we do, that the ïrnctice here alludod to, has a tendency to subvert that glorious peculiarity of our holy religión - "The poor have the gospel preached unto them." To sell or rent a pew in a meelingliouse, is subversive of the "glorious peculiarity of our holy religión," but to sel human beings, males and females, and to rent them out by the year for all purpo ses, is in hnrmony with "that glorious pe culiarity of our holy religión" - "The poor have the gospel preached to them.' üosv capahle men aro of being blinded by interest ! - Trae Wcsleyan. The following most extraordinary marriage notice we coy from the Baltimorf Covenant, oigan of the Odd Fellows.- Taliaferro P. Shnflner must be a tremen (lous man to maintain his perpendiculari ly under such a supcrincumbent inass o official dignitics: Married - In Worcester, Mnssachu setts, on Thursday, October 9lh, Tal. P Shafkxer, Esq., Altorney and Counsel lor at Law, of Loiiisville, ïvy. Past Grnn High Priest and Grand Patriarch of ths Staie; a Grand Representativo to th Grand Lodge of the United States, frov the Grond Enrampment of Kenlueky Junior Editor of the 'Covenant,' of Balt more, Ex-Editor of the Free Masón, c Louisville, corresponcling and Record in Secretary and Jilrarian of tho Kcntuck Historical Socio'y, Reeording Secretar of the Board of Missions of the Methodi: E)iscopal church South, captain of tl: ist cwnpany, 132id regiment, 29 brigac ♦ of Kentucky Mililia, &c. to Miss Nanc R. Pratt of the former place. - Bal ' Covenant. - (tPapers throughout the Union, il '' cluding Texas, Oregon and Californi 5 please copy. The receipts of the Great Westei - Railroad from London lo Bristol, the (Ir 5 si. months of 1845, yere 433,296;oqual to $2,079,820. This amount. f, 1 six months only, is snid to begreatcr tl - all the tolls received last year on all t! s New York canals. The number of pa - sengers carried on this road in 1S44 w ii 1,998,000. The expenses of the ro a are about one-third of the recepts. iMcrckanls Magazine for Octobt e The receipts of the London and B s mip.gham Road, the first six months d 1845, were L447,190, or 2,146,512. T d number of passengers carried in 1841 1,090,271. 1Cost and Yalue. - The cost of the navy for twelve years was fify-six inil. lions of dollars, (enough to construct a railroad from Missouri to the Columbia,' during wliich time it renaered no sorvice worth counting to the nation or' republi canisni; though t daily outrnged humani ty with its incessanl floggings, and insul ted our nstitutions by robbing hundred oï apprentices of their' birlhright. Fifi y six millions for the glorious usefulness o our navy, and' tne smallest pittance grud ingly withheld from the necessities of the entire people in the circulation ol the mails! In 1842 nearly two thousandof fficers were doing nothing, but were paid nevertheless $350,000', whiíe tho post of fice was pinched to the self-supporting point. The people and independent press have có'mmenced a reformation, but they must watch and work or they will again fall into the sna res of the oñico-holders. - N. Y. San. A gentleman sent a lad with a letter t the Post Office, and money to pay th postage; having returned with tlie mone; he said; "Guess Tve done the thingslick I've seer. a good many folks puttin' letter in the Post Office through a hole, and s I watched my chance' and got mine i , for nothing."Whig CAndidate in 1848. - The Ñ. 'ork Tribune thus cleaves to the man í 'ho by promoting slavery has curst this ( ountry more than any other, living or ' eafl: "We said then, what we have uniformy said n public and private, that the V big party will not hear patiently of new , andidates for President for a long time , 'et, or until the future.shall be far clcarir than it now is. If, in 1847, it shall ippear that the Whig party can el eet who t pleases President, it will choose nobody (ut Henry Clay. If clouds and darkïess obscure the prospect - ïfwe are to elect a candidate on whom to rally for i dubious and desperate contesl - Mr. ülay can hardly consent to be placed in ;uch position. It is dignity and humiliaion enough for such a man to be beaten nce by a being of Polk order." A curious libel snit is now before the Dircuit Court of Washington city - in which Robert White is plaintiff, and H. Addison and others, defendants. The Intelligencer says: "We'understand the alledged libel consists in a letter addressed to tfie President of the United States, and writtcn as it is charged, for the purpose of causing the plaintifTsremoval from office as collector of the port of Georgetown." Miles Ivey, for challenging Ilosea Gallaway to a rencontre with deadly weapons, has been tried and found guilty of a breach of the lawagainst duelling in such case made and provided, in the State of Alnbamn. Judge Goldthwaite, presiding in the Circuit Court of Dale county, jefore whom he was committed, bas sentenced him to one year's imprisonment in the Stnte Penitentiary. AXOTHER PmLANTHROPlST IiMPRISON ed. - The Baltimore Sun says: "G'.deoi Gross indicted in three separate indict ments for aiding in the escape of the slavc of Wm. P. Mills, was tried upon th evidence in the former case, and convic ted in each. He was sentenced to th penitentiary for four sucecssive term making an entire period of about seve ycars, or until the 28th August, 1852. N. íIampshire Senator. - Bennir W. Jennesof StrafFord, has been ajipoii ted by Governor Steele, to be Senator ; ■ Congress until the meeting of the legi . lature, to fill the vacancy occasioned b . the resignation of Judge Woodbury.The nuvnbcr of passcngers on Ihe Hudson, in the scason of 1844, was 1,000,000. Tliis yenr it will propably amount to 1,200,000, or 120,000 for each of iho nino months of the travelling season. I Straw Bail. - The Mayor of New York asserts "that of the large sum of [ $52,158 returned to the district attorney . on forfeited recognizances, not one cent hud been recovered." r ' Ykrmont has virlually abelished her ' Militin System. The Legisiature, at its ' recent session, repealcd all laws requirng " ihc performance of Military duty, sup{ stitutinglherefor an enrolmcnt, as for jury . purposes, ofallwho wou ld have been liable to perfurm service under the old mil il ia sy stem. It is staled thot a man some where down in Cape Cod, hos drank ninefy-one 1 thousand nine. hundred and etghty-lhree 'A glasses of rum in the last thirty-six years. " The cost would amount to near six thour sand dollars, i.nd we venture to say he is n not worlh a six-pence, finds fault wiih e hard times, and wonders why he cannot " o-et along n the world. - Rochcsler AmeS rican.PnoFEssioNAL Candor. - Á stoid and demuro looking lady called on Dr. Christie r few day3 since. "Will the Galvanic Rings cure depression of spirits?" asked the lady. "What has caused the complaint, madam ??' replied tiie doctor. "Thé loss of niy husband," mournfully ejaculated the lady. "Then you had better get a wedding ring," said the doctor. Exit the lady. The attempt is to be made to introduce the Telegraph into Canada. According to the Harnilton Journal, an application will be made to the Legishiture at the next session of Parliamerrt for an Act to incorpórate a Joint Stock Company, for the purpose of [constructing an Electro Magnetic Telegraph betwéen Queenstö'n and Toronto via Hamilton, with power to extend the line to Quebec. Judge McLean - It secmsis tobe proscribed by the slaveocracy bccatise his accómplished wife gives way to the Heavenly instincts of woman's better nature - a desire to clávate the poor and miserable - the free blacksol Ohio. How long will the North manifest a sorry subserviency to Slavefy, sacrificing every generous, indeperideht and honorable embtion? "I had rather be a dog and bay the moon than su'ch a Romané" - -Trüe American. Tfie shares of the Cunard Boston Steamers, which originally cost L 1,000, sell in Englahd at L2,500. The compatiy invest their proceeds in'new boaís. The Magnetic Telegra)h wire has ogain been laid across the East River.For California. - A great number of omirants liave taken up the lino of march ently for California, and t is believed ns mnny L i-ill go tlïere the next season os liave pone to { )regon i he present. 1). G. VV. Leavitl, ihe { ;hnirmnn of the Committee of Arrongements tf Ihe Einigrating Kxpedition to Californio, vhicli hos been organizin in Arkansns for iome time past, gives notice through tbe ( olumnfl of the Little Rock Gt-zette of the L7tl) ílt., that in accordance with a resnlution i ;ed at a culled meeting held at Nnpoleon on he Ctli uit., the expedition will rendczvous at Port Smith, Arknnsos, on the first Mondt.y in April next, preparing to take up their line of march for the Pacific coast. Every pernon 3lnrting is e.xpected to be well aimed with a rifle or heavy shot gun, sixteen pounds of shot or lead, fonr pounds of powder, cape, Sec, Uvo horse8 or rriuleö Foreocl person, ora vagón and eight cuttle, for every five "perrons, tents, &.c. The Grcat Gun.- Cjpt. Stockton's big gun, to take the place of the one that killed Secretary Upíher, has arrived safely in the country. Who will be its next viclim, the future musí decide. It weighs 1G,OOO pounds; the freight on it wns $L50, and the duty $1100. A very foolish waste of money. Heathenism ut Home. - In laboring and a'iving for the conversión of the millions abroad, let us not forget the claims of the unevangelizcd at home. A late number of the N. O. 'rotestant coriiains a "report on the religious nstrnc'tion of colored persons, publi&hed by rder of the New Orleana Preábylery,' wliich iscloses the state of one part of the firld much overlooked, but worthy of praycre and tears. The report states that there are wi!h in the boundsof that Pfesbylery, at lenst 100.C00 persons of color, nearly nll of whom ere slnves. üfthis number "75,000 never heard the doctrine of salvation througli a crucified fledcemer preache, and of the remaininp: 25,000, not more than 5000 enj'y lts regular anc constant ministrations." So snys the repor of the Presbytery. - JV. Y. Evange'ists. Ohio and Virginia. - Troubles betweei these States, growing ont of the Blaver; qnestion, promiee to keep the popular mind i n fever. We perceive that Gov. McDowe has refused to gront a wnrrant for the deliv ery of the Parkersburg kidnappers, on the )ec uisilion of Gov. Bartley. Gov. McDowell hi also sent a requisilion to Gov. Bartley for tli dclivery of the Ohio citizens mdicted in Wot n 3 ' .... , county for assisting in the etcape of slaves.Pilot. S Marrted and XJnmarried. - The nun ber of unmarried females in New Yoi 11 city between the ages of 16 and 45 5" 41.6 GG - number of those married ot tl y same ages is 54,207; the number unins ried undcr sixteen years of age is 62,02The number of persons marricd in tlie city during the past year was 2,555, and the number of births during the same period was 14,014 - of whieh 7,519 were males, and 6,495 females. Cokfee Salk.- The New York Express says that L. Mi HofFman, Esq., sold on Wednesday morning, in ten minutes, 10,000 bogsof coflee, or over a thousand bagsa minute. Lawyers in China. - Noattorneys nre allowed by law in China, but some assuming that character, act in that capacity contrary to the imperial mándate. They are thus curiously described by a literary Chinese : - "Villanous and perverse vngabonds, who are fond of mnking a stir, and who, eilher by fraudulent or crafty schemes, excite discord, or by disorderly and illegal proceedings, intimídate and impose upon people." An Old Salt.- The St. John [N.H.] Herald statcs that there was on the 31s uit., in the harbor of that place, a vesse ' - the brigLiddelljOf NewCastle - whict ' has walked the waters for no less á peri od than 86 years ! She issaid to be ven uq ueer slïnped," and to all appearancc quite strong, and capable of plowing the I deep for another 86 years.The Duko of Wellington has issued a general order to the British army, prohibiting the formntion of Temperance Societies inany of the regiments, or in fact any societies at all; it being thought thnt societies of this sort have the effect in inducing designing men to use them as instruments for spreading disaffection and sedition annongthe nien. The value of the wines in tho Adelpbi Mote1, Liverpool, amount, at a rough estimatp, to L10,000, and a quantity of Port and Sherry has been a quarter of a century in boale. Thitnksgiving in S. C- Tho6th inst. was thnnksgiviiig day in Charleston, S. C, by nppointment of the C'vy Coiincil. A majority of the pconle ol' thot State linve most ronsoo to be thaiikful tha't they ure tlavés, ratiicr tlian erislavcrs. House Bumrd by .Vcc- The residence of Mrs. Martha li. Bratlon, of liath county was destroycd by fire last week, snys Uie Virfrinia F ree Press. The fire was discovered isstiinji from a drawerin o bureau, in which ihere wns some lucifer matches, and it is presunicd tlial they werc ignied by mice gnawing ot them. The mice in this case were tho iucendiaries, and the matches were their fire. Pulk for a Sreovd Term. - Vnrimis indications render it probable that Mr. Polk will Htrike for o re-elecrión in 1848, notwiihstanding- Hia voluntnry arid posiuve pledge in bis letter ofacce'p'lence, thathe woiiM in no case bé o candidato íbr re-election. '-'The nccesBity of harmonizing the party," will be the: plea, and probably bis patron;ige will be used lo produte the nectíssity. That'd the wny. jSang Frojd.- The army of Mayence as attackedat Tofrou, in 1793, by Chnrtt nnd Bonchnmp, nud unnhle to resist he superior forces of the Yendeans, rereated and lost, ils artillery. The Repubicans werè on the póiïit ofbeing destroy. id, as their retreat was about to be cut ÍF. Kleber called the Lient. Col Schoulardis: "Take (said he) a company of jtrenadiers; slop the cnemy at ihat ra vine yoa wil! be killed,but your cornradcs will ie saved." "Oui mon general," replied Schondardis calmly. He mn relied; held ihe Vendoans a long time in check; and afier prodigies of valor, died with Iiis men on the spot. This "Oui, mon general" equals the finest specimens o( antiquity. One Eied Solditrs. - Dr. Durbin, in Observntions in tiie Eaat,' jiiBt pulilÍ3hcd, mentions thiit in some parts of E;rypt, lo avoid the conscription of Meliernet Ali, ihe worncn have been in tlie habil fir ypars back, of maiminr their cliildren so as to imfit tliein for military service. The destroying ofone eye was a conimor. operation. Bul the Pachn hns took nn efficiënt wny to put nn end to this cruehy, by forming two regimrn's of one eyed toldiers. The evil is said to be airead) luucl) diminitihed. Govtrnor of Canada - Gov. Metcalfe wss alartninply i!l at the last accounts. The fatality of the Govemors sciit over to rule the Provinces, bas been most remarknble. A GoodDay'h Work. - Eight minéis engaged in the diggings of Messrs. Sonders of this city, says the Galena, 111. Advertiser, one day last week, raised between fifty and sixty thousand pounds oi lead mineral. The mineral sold at $2ü per thousand. Taking fifty-five thousam ' as the amount raised, it would make th product ofone day's labor of eight men one thousand two hundred and ten dol lars. This is the most profitable day' 1 work ever performed in these mines.- ' These diggings are within a mile or tv of this cily.


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