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L B. GIDLEY, Sncconsor to COLQRÜVK SON. ■=."-■' 1'?-""' -, !„_, iy -3 DRÜGGIST AND CHEMIST IN COOK'B 1_AY IIOTEL, ' % 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DEALER IN DIU'US, MEDICINES) 8URC1CAL mTRlTlF.ïTS, PIRE UÏSES 1VD MtJlOKS, tFGR MEDICAL PURPOSE8 ONLY.) j Fancy GooAs, Ierhimery. I PAINTS, OII..H, V A2OIS1IKS, _AM AN Pl'TTY, PHYSICIA1VS' PRESCRIPTÍONS Oarefally componnded (tt all liotirs. I PBOPO _ NOT TO BE UNDERSOLI BY ANY FIEM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. H. GIDLI3V. 136Ttf BOOKS. BOOKS. 3. U. WEBSTER u CO. KEW UOOli S'fORE 5EAB THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." MOK TO YüUH IÍÍTKBE8T ASI) CALL. BOOKS. j i __i L.C.RISDON'S ADVERTISEMENr. I Now ia the time to büy PARLült & HIAT11 STOVES. i I will sell them nt OOST until further notice. I Ko. 31 S. Maiu St, Ann Arbor. -JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE - - FOll SALE! The öubscnber, on accouüt of iil health offers hi 38 ACRES In the Corporation for Thís proiind adjoins the Cmverait] Ot'-( i vaun y un the east, opposite side o the streel. It híis a most excellent 8PEING ! On the northeast corner - formerly supplied the Rail road tunka witii water. ITS ADVAñSTACES Are as f olloirs : Forcity purposes the ïïuron River meaadersthe same some 30 to 40 iodo, and is part of the bet "Watei1 FoTsrer On the River in this vicinity, and the elevation on tho northeast corner is spiUciently liiuli tind jnnple to sup ply the city neccsaities lor water and fl-e purposcs1 THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriíiíe and suitnble for a Public City Cemeterjr. The city lias no sueh vounds now but have Koon, and Vhaf.cver fnotinds the city does not care to 119e, oan be sold at in iidvaniitge, so mueh so,that tho eost of the Water u orks pvoundE tind emetery, woi'.Id be merely nominal, lf tlie citj dies rot want thy same, ílit; giowada woUd be invaluable for FRU1TS, LARGE&SMALL, There being some ICO trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsnpply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses3 Jhcep, And othw aniniftT alwayg in frreat want by many in the city and its vicinity. As city lots the Dorthwest corner of this land aro 110 w Belling frora three hundied to three hunüred and flfty dollars, ihfse lands would or could be iold ia a short time to n good advantage uud tu much proiil to the purchasers XjI_JE_í____ TIME Will be pivon or the ame will be exchauged for Merchantable goods or Drugs and Medictnee, at cast prices. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, Jan 31 1873. Uil NN AR BOE Mineral Springs House. Is heautiftil reeort for hualth-eeekcra ia uow open, wlthlta IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, Oommodlonsbuildirpr heated b-y steam, and large and well-ventilated roomt. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of M ternperatnr(, also STiower, Vnpor. Medlcnted and Electric Bathe are employfrt with advantae 1c the treatment of all fonns of chrunic dieeasei and dtseasoB of females. Special attentiou paid to die. With pleanant nrroundinijs, and sitnated in one of the moet heulthy and beautiful cities in the country, lt poseessee atlrnctious fur invalide or for pleaeure-seekerseeldora found. The analysis of thu Springs will be lnrnished on appllcation. Pertona dcsiring circulara to send to tholr frlends can procure them at the ofliceof the l'roprietora on Hnron errrct, or af the Pprlngs. Addre8 all letters of inquiry to MOKKIS HALE, M. D„ Snpt. Anh Arbor, Hich. Sutbcrland anti Wheilon, l'rop's. Ann Arbor,. Mich.Jnne, 11, tSTÜ. T IVE ÖBESE FEATH_RB afine T GjTJA.X.iT_r , -e-ont lyonnandandforsaleby 3ACH& ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus