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S3M860-X IS PTIBEI.Y A VEGETABLE PREPARATIOK, eómpoBeasimplyofwell-knownROOTS, HERB3 onfl FRUITS, combioed Tritk other propertte, whtch in their uaturo aro Calhartic, Aperieat, NutrUioua, Diuretic, Alterativo and Anti-Billioua. Thé fc'höleis preservetl in a euffleient quaiitity of pirit from tho slGlil C.VISia to iuep ttitia ín aay cliuiftta, wliicii mates tho plantation Bitters ono of tho moit desirabïe Tonlrs and Cnthnrti's in the wot-ld. They aro intended Btrictly au a Temperance Bitters only tobe usecl as a medicine, and always according to directione. They are the eheet-archor of the fceble and debilltated. They act upon a diBeasod iiver, and Btimnlate to LUch a degree that a healthy actinn ie at onco bfüüght about. As a irniedy to whieh "Womt-n art especially enbjectit is superseding every other Btimulaut. As a Spring and Sanimer TOAic they have no equal. They are a mild and gentío Purgative as weil as Tonic. They Purify the Blood. They are aplendid Appetieei. They mate the welÜK Ètrong. They purify and invijjorate. Ihey euro Iyspüpsia, Constipation and Hcaüache. They actas aepecific is all epecies of disorder b which underxnint the bodily etrength and break dowa the auimal spkitl ". Deuot. 63 Paik Place. Kew York." . ATHAIRON - 'Only 50 Cents per Bottk. Kt promotos tho GROWTH , PRESERVES the COLOR, and í mercases the Vigor and BKAUTY. of tho IIAIH, . Ornn Thtjitt Yeass aoo Lton's Kathatroy ro the Hair waü flrst placed in tho markwt y l'rofesnor E. Thomas Lyon, a gradúate of Princeton College. The name is derived froni the Greek, Kathro," mgnifyiDg1 to cleanse, purify. rejuvenate, or restore. Tha favor it has receiveu, and the populaxity it ha obtnined, Is unprecedented and incfedible. It increases tha Ghowth and Éeatjty of the Hajb. It is a delightful flreising. It eradient-ea Dandruff. It prrrents tha Hair from turning gTay. It keeps the bead cool, and girefl the hair a rich, noft, gioasy appeanvnee. It is tha CAKE in Quantity and OrALrrï as it wa over a QttajiTKB of a Centuby Aoo, and isaold by all Druggisti and Country Storus at ouïy Flfty Cc ut jr 11 o t tl, KI ornan' s Glory is Eer Ml ATHAIRON THE BABGOGK HOOK & LADDER TEUCKS Equipped with Babcoct Fin Extinguishers, Extensiou and Soali&a Laddert, Grappliiig Hooka and Chaina. Buckets, Lantems, Pike Pelea, Píke Axes, &c, te, vei{T"ing lesa ihnn 1,000 Ibs.; easily liandled, handsomely tuushcd, and fford the yreittest protection ut les expense tlian any truck in the niitiket. Just what every lrire Department Tvantsi. The Babcock Fire Engine and FlW Etmpnishers are saring valuaWe property til over the couutry. öend for their record. US Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mannfacturer of Iron, Copper anti Brasa Wire vv"ire Clolh, Boltiny Cloth, Burr MUI Stones, Brooni Wire and Twine, Oopper Wenther Viinen, Wïie Counter Railing", Wirö i'eucing and Ornamenta] Wire Work. HlOyrl Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT havinb' been uiae in the eonclition of a certain mortgage exeeutedby Edgar AL. Üregory andDorlipkaN.iireg-ory oi'theL'ityof Arm Arbcï, (.'oanty of Waahtenaw, and Stute ot .Micljigan, to Lymuu D. Jaf s, ot' AVilliamtbtvjg, Mauachusett) on the fifteenth tlay of June, A. V. 1KG4, and rucorded in the offico of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Washteiuiw aforesaid, on the scventeenth dy of Judo, A. D. J84 At 81., o'clock a. tf., in Liber 32 of Mortgayee, pae 122, and that there is now rlaïmed to bo due and unpaiö on said mortgage and notes accompanyinff the sarno, the fsum of uinett en thousand five hundred dollars ftnd eighty-four cents ; also the sum of three humlred Rnd&eventy-thrpt dollars and seventy-one cents paid by sitid mortftagee f of insuyajieo upou buiiJinL's M providcd for in aaid moitgage ; also a reasonablt attorney's or dolicitor's fee for services, shonld uny zoeeedisg be taken to foreolose Baid mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity hnving been liad torecover said sum or any pñrt thereof; Now, therefore motico is horeby given that by virtue of a power of sale ín aaid mortgage container!, I sliall sell ut public anction to the highest bidder, on the thirteenth dayot September next, at two u'cloek in the afternobn ofsüid day, at tho front door oí the Court Honee in the erty of Ann Arbor in said County (that beingtheplaee of holding tho Cireuit Courts), all thoaocflrtain tracts or parcel of lund known, bounded and deecribed as follows, to wit: Tho equal undivided one-half of the Franklin House propeity in the city of Ann Arbor in the County of Wahtonaw and State of Michigan, vu: CotmöenerDg at the soutlieast corner of said block, and running west eiffht rod, thence north on the west line of lot number two (2) ninety-ftve feet to N. P. l'arson's liue, thence east on Parwm's soulh Une se vunty eight feet, thence eouth eighteen feet, thenee baat fifty-eix ieet, thence soiitli to the place of beginning. And ulso lots three and four (.'í and 4] uil in block onc north, in range numïr three east, in tb5Jty of Ann Arbor, -fexeeptingths enst eight feet w i de of tfce north tKirty-WTen feet . wíde of said lot number tLree, subject lo the right , of Wfiy over the Mme.J Dated, June SO, 1873. LYMAN X). JA MEP, Mortgagee, , John N. Gott, At!'y for ilortgagee. QTOBB TO RENT ! Corner of 'Washinprton nnd Mfrin treet. Large, conrenient and one of tbe best locatioDsin the city. PoBsession given immediately. Inaaire of IIÈNION & SCÏINER. Ano Albor, Mny 10, 1875. 1436W


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Michigan Argus