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Mortgage Salo. n ,(SaiD? theseconddayofJnW0' 1). 1856, made and exeouted I i :„,,], u ,-,,,., Jul7iA. Haanah VrH,„d, his wife, . ï8SSfSU ashienawUnmly, Michigan; to %& the Regi ite-r oi Desdi foi the County of w„u ceot State oï Michigan, m, th. .HnTdL tf j, 'y ?"S' 1856,andrecoiaeain Ubei 2 of mortgage m A.D. lS73,duly assignea by Charle F. (t,,," .?' minfetMtoroj ■ ltaC Vreeland, andwhich assigi ■ ■;, recorded in at of i ., sui. pan 6, " ,!iHh aid mortgage was on the 3!8t day of j,ln ;,"" ■A..D.1673. assigned by Hannah Vreeland of Si townïhip of Lodi, Washtenaw County, Michigan l! H-m y reeland, of tl.i sami place, and which iüiJf 'i !h. Register-B Office off?" County of -Waéhtenaw, ,i libel 8 nf IUortea page 907, and which said morlgage on the i $ diiy ot Maren, A. L. 1S73, asaigned hy Henrv vi. land to Chriatian Hark and Ecederici Schjnid Jh whien aesimment was recorded in the Keeiitift Offloe,in the Cowityof WnriiteDaw, in HwVT mattgages on page 608 ; and vrherea, {tere is due k unpaid on said mortgage at the late of tliia i'oticAi sum of tw.i thonsand (me hunured and seïenlr-t-iolt 60-100 dollars ;2,178.4O-10O), and no snit or nr-3 ingaf luw hal been instituted to reeorer thesnme any part ther. of notiee Is hereby given that on al urday, the flfth day ;;f Jöly, A. D. cishw' Irandredandi rentj twelTe o'dock no5 fluit dar, at the front door south sidei of iheiWt House, in the City of Am. Arbor, Washtenaw Coiat? Il chigan, by rirtue of the i-ower of sale cnnta'ined ii! said mortgage, w huil 8eK at public auction, to aï bidder, the premisea describen1 ir. said mort u-'K'. Or so nsiR-ii then-ot ;is uuiy be neeesBary to nnti fy tneaunount diwonsaid mortpage at thedateot th? notice with interest and the cost nd eipensc. , i lowed by law, and also ah iittöfney feo of twpotr ,'l dollars iis provided in said mortgngc. The foilo-thu ia a description of the land and premises as giren íí said mortgjage, and to be sold in unnuance of tin &bove notice, to wit, : The west hall' (j of the south west quarter [ü) of jc-tiin one (1), town three ■Vi south range flv MM, Waühtcnuw ounty, Michin , mlh the spputtenancM thereunto belunginir. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 27, 1873. f 11HIMTIAN HACK and FKEDKIUCKSCUMIU J, FKEDEKICK PlSTOUIUS, ASBIKlieos Attorney ior Assigneea. H19 Mortgage Sale. DlEPAUJjThnTingbeenmnaein the Conailionióf a cf-rtain ttwitgngt, dnted the tventy-fourth di of February, i. D. 1872, mnde und exrauted by M„rf E. Ruckman and Silas C. Kuckman.ot the townbhin of llnnchfster, Washtenaw County, Michigan to Frederick Schmid, Senior, of the city of Ann Arbot L'ounty and State utortfiiid, and rtcorded in the oflic . of the liogister of Dedds tor Ihe ofWartt.. naw, Michigan, on the tweoty-eighth day of Febrij t ary, a. u. 1674, in Liber 40 of Mortgages, on pn . 262, by which default the power of sule contained ifl soid mortgage became operativo, and no procmliDij in luw or eqnitv haring been iustituted to reco4j , the dotit secured by said mortgngc or any part thtreOf, and tlie sum of nine hundred and thirty-lonf dollars and twenly-six cents 1Í93J.26) being cc claimed to be due upotl aid ttöftgiiye at the dateof tliis notice, besides costa and expense of this fötè. closuie. and alao an Atloruej"s fee of twenty-Sï ((26.UO) dollars : Nolice i Wierefore hereby tiren that said mOTtfcniD il!l be loroclosiid by a snle of th premiaea described in siiid movtgnpe, or some pait thereof, to wit: All the iolloving described land situated ii the count) of WashteDaw, Rtute of Mich. igan, being the weet half {) of the northwest qorter(i)ot atction seven (7), contnining tl.irty aerfsalso nll that part of the west half (U) of fhe mutv east quarter IW) of sertion nümbir one (1) l)it southwe tof lïinr BnisJti nud north of the SMiüj ' Uoad. conlaiiiinfi nbont eitilit ucres, all of prü land bting in townihit fom (Í) sou'h of range thrn i (3; eaat, at public vendut: to the highest bidder, Rt tfc front .-oor 'snuth irlr; of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Waahteniiw, outhi 1 twenty-eighth diiy of June néxt, at noon. 1 Duted, April 2, 1873. REDKEICK SCHMID, Senior. FMDTBtCE PlSTOBlO, Noltsragei. Attornty for MortgagMi XJOtd i JMortgago Sale. i I'AEFAt'T.T huvin been made in the conditiotiB of l ÍJ a mortgne, executed on the tirst day ot May a. p. 1872, and acknowledged ou the tvemy-ñrai day , of May, a. D. 1S72, by Dehn l'attee to Sidoey Colkinj whieh uiortííatíe watí reotaded in tile tííice oí tlie lieg' ister of üiiejs for the errantjr tri Vashtenair il Ktateor Michigan, on the 2Sth day of May, a.h. U72, In Iiber 48 of mortgages, on jnè tti ; whicli mort' ■ -is, on the 'iBtli day oí March, a. d. 187S, ng■iened by the =aid Sidney Calkin.f to Lorenzo Tabor wijieh said asKigiiinent was recorded in ii:d Kcgister'i Offico 01. tlw 5!ith diit of Mnreli.A. d. 187H, in liber of assignnienrs of mm-tages, on page 675: Therfii clainied to be due aut unjiaid on iid morí gage, at the date bereof five hundred and four dollars and eightythrea cents r.?.;)4.s:; , bi sidM an attorney'B fee o( twenty-tive dollars ($25), 1 itipulated in said moit. I, gage, and no proceedinga either at Iüw or equitf havinff been institated to resover the same 07 nay part thereof : Kotice is hereby giveu tliat by virtöi of the power of sale in aaid mortgage containetl I - shall, on Tuesday, the ninth day of September, kt D. 173, (it one o'elook in the afternoon of that dajr. at the lront door of the Court House in the city 0 Ann Arbor, Washtenttw County, Michigan (that bïng- the place of holding the Circuit Conrt in Bfl lor I sstid conntj'), ell at public auction, to the higheit c bidder, the premiees deseribed in said ii ortgage to satisf; the amount of prineipal and interest abot l eliiinied iis due, with tlie chargeH of such eale, and 3 also an attorney fee of twentytive dollarsas stipula. ted in said mortgage, to wit : The west half of th J following describefi land sitúate in the towniship of Ypailanti, AV'ashtenaw County, Michigan, cummeQ I ciug 011 the east and west quarter line of section four i .4 in township three [3] soufh of range eeven 17) j cast, in the center of the highway leading out of lii villufie of Ypsilanti on the east side of the Huroa River; tbence lunning east along the said quarter lino twenty-three [23] chuins and eiiihty-eight [88) links to the loutheaat corner of said quarter section; { from thence north on tbc line of said quarter eection, thence twelre [I2j chains and fifteen (15] 1 links to a stake from wh'ich a red rak tree ten [10] inehes in diamoter leaning south 80 west thirty [iVi linba, and a red oak thirteen [13] inehes in diameleT east forty four [44] links; thence north 84" west twenty-one [L'].l cbains ind thirty-nine fiS links tw the center Of the ürst tnentiond liighway to a stake from which an English Cherry six ffi] inehes in diameter lean.s north sixty-three [tiii] degrees -west, fortythree T43] links, and il loenst tree three [3] juches in diameter north 33" west sixty-eight [6S] links ; then south niue [;t] degrees wet, nliing the center íí sfá highway, flfteen [1SJ ehailM and nineteen [191 ííiikj to the pl;ice of beglnninir, eontaining in all thirty and 7-U!() ot an acre of land. reservmg from the aboTS description three [3] aeiesfrom the north end deeded to John Miüer by Pattee, nbo reserving lot nurabcred one [1], two f2], three [3], tour [4] . Beren :7]; eight [8], nine [9], ten [10], and eieren [11], of Piittee'B addition to the city of Tpsilaxtti. Dated, June 6th, 1373. "LORENZO TABOR, Assignee. Georoe L. Iïachman, Att'y for Assignee. Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF MIC111UAN, Washtennw Couoty, ss, By rirtue of an execution issued out of aafl uuder the treal of the Circuit Couit tor the Ccunty of Washtenaw, in chaneery, and to me directed and delirered, wherein Blizabeth Hun ter is complainani in bilí and James Hunter defendant, and wheieia .lames Hunter is conipUiiiiant in cioss-bill and Klizabeth Hunter is dettndant, against the goodsf ehattles, lantls and tenemcntg of James Hunter, 1 hare this 23rd day of May, A D. 1873, seized and taken all the right title and interest James Huntel husinandto the following destribed lauds to-witi Lots number lire (5) and twelre (12), in block foor (O south of Hurou stveet and range uitie iyj east, 111 ths nty ut Ann Arbor, in the County pf TVashtenaw and State of Michigan, ace rding to the recorded platoJ "The Ann Arbor Land Company's" addition to tlie village (nowsaid city) of Ann Arbor: Alao all that portion of the west half of the S0utK-wMt qunrter oí section number tweuty-seren f27j in township nu ber two (2j soutU of range number six (ii) east, beinj the township oí Ann ArÑ?r, in ïd County of Wash ten;iw, which is bounded as iollows to wit : On tbs north by a line running parallel with thenorthlii:e oí the south-west quarter of the south-west qunrttroi said secti"n nutnber twenty-seven (27), and at ths distunce oí' three C3) haius and aeyenty (70} liuk north of snid line on tlie eoïith by the tisddesrowl Cso catled) croseing said west half of 333a fjtïaf ter sec tion ; on the ast by the west line of a portion of said quarter yectïOB, hevetofore cnvetdby .'ames Bun ter and wiio toH'?ifh O'Kane fcydeed recorded inthe oüiee of the liegister oí Ueeds of said County oi WashteBa-JF, ia liber 6r of Decds, on page 292 : and on the wi't by the west line ff eftd atïtir.n 7iafflbcï twenty-seren : And also a part of the east half of tb south-e;ist quarter of section number twenty-eight i-'j, in said township and range, commeiicing in the east line of saiu quarter section, at a pint t sesi?four C24) ehaini: iind rilit fH) liiiis north of thesouth east corner ui sftid secüou number twenty-eight (28J, and running thence west, parallel to the souih sec tion line, eight (3) rods ; thence outh eieren tlegfiri (11UJ and (ií) minutes west, nine (9) chains and twenty-iire ('ifJ links to the center of the Geddei road at a point from which a crooked white oak tree, sixteen mehes in diameter, feeari nc-rth serenty-four C74) degrees west, nine f 9J linfcs, t'firncc caïferly along said road four (4j chains and thirty-thixe f33) links to the section line ; thence north one (13 dfgrpe, west on said section line ten (0) e-hains and two (2) links to the plaee of begfnning. containing two (2) iind ninetT-tliree-hundirdihs (88-1(10) acres anor or les. AM of the abore described property ieing nitoated in the lownship of Alta Aiboí, Coanty of 'Washtenaw, Htac of Kiehigao, which abore describei property 1 shall expose for sale at public auction, tff the hignest bidder at the south door of the Courfc House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 26th day Q& July, A. I. 1873, ut ten o'efocï a. m. Dated, 'Jth day of June, A. D. !87S. MICHAEL f LEMING, Sheriff. Estáte of Comelius Xiaaghlin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County af ly-ishtenair.M. O At i sossion of the Probate Court for tlie County of "Washteniiw, holden at the Probate Om'rein the Cit? of Ann AxboXf ou Saturday, the seventh day os June, ir the rear Oïïe thousand eight hundreá and .seventy-three. Present, Noah V. Cheerer, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of ( ornelins LaOf-hlin, deceased. Willicm Burke, administrator of snid estate, coinés ifttb court and represents that he is no prepared to render hia final account os such adminTherêuponitisonlereó. tbat Thursday, the tenth' day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be assigned for examijiing and allowing such accouBt, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persone interested in soiii estáte, are required to appear at a session ' 01 said Court, the to be holden t the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said oamy, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account shmilu not bc alloTved: Ad it is fnrtlaer ordered. that sftid administratorgivenoticeto the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney oi'ssM aeeount, and the hearine thereof, by eausing a copy of this o?der to be puWishca in the Amtaan Armtt, fH nowspapcr printed and circu1 lating in saM County, three successire weeks prerioul (A true copy,) NOAH W. CHEEVF.R, 143tt Judge of Probate. Estáte of Ellis Bullocl:. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw. s. Notioe is hereby giren, that by an order of the Pro bate Court for the County of Washtraan1, made on, the fourth day of June, A. Tl. 1873, si montn, trom that date wereallowed for ereditors to proseo-, their claims against the estáte of Ellia Bnllocr, late of said county, deceawd, md tint all creditors ", said daoeased are reqniredto presen i thei clmais tr. said Probate Court, t the Probati in the CftïPl Ann Arbor, for eXiimination and allowance, on ei ij" foro the fourth dny of Deeember m :.., and !.nt sner claims will be heard before said Probate Court, 00 Thursday, the fourth day of Septembef, and ov Thuraday, thefonrth day of December next, at teo o'oloek in t.ho forenoon of each of tbosedays. M A ArbOr J%OAH WèHEBVBK, 1 42Pw4 Judge of Probate. öf in Ört Per dny! Agents wantedl AI! 9JÏO f-iU cl'isses of working peoplc, ot either sex, young or old, make more money ai work for us in tfieir spare momenta or all tn timo, thau at onythlng else. Particular tree. Addres ü, btinson Is Co.. PorÜBad. Kaia


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Michigan Argus