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In The Recent Trial Of Susan B.

In The Recent Trial Of Susan B. image
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nio.w for illegal votin;;, Judgo BE] of her eounsefl, vuluntarily took wittUc first time in his life inbehalt'of a dient- and swore that he adfised BusAif tbat sh'e was a citizen ol aitod States and au n oitizen had a to rote. Which beiug so, Judgo SeI DEN ought to put 1; is 1 down uto bis capacioús poclret und witlidrawn graenbscks in Bufficiont quantity to ;:i SlJSAM'a fitte with the oost of snit, attorneys tees, etc. Jaut, iheii, ít ísoot easy even for a layman to seo hovr Judge SkLDEN could givo any sueh advica, - that is aa a lawyer and in good i'aith, - aud that be did give it is oviderice certain thut lie lias beou very inuch ovei-rated as a lawyer. liad Judge S. been forty and susceptible, and bis cliont youug, fair, aintable, beautif'ul, and iaseinating, we oould traoe his legal error to an acoountable root ; bitt as neither ho nor sha are so reptited it marks his ignorauoe of tbe eonstitution and all of the rules of constitutional coiifetruotion. Hia reasoning wouklequally apply to a nursing infant. - By tbe wíiy, as thero is no appeal í'rom tbo United States Circuit Court - in criminal cases - jScsax can not got the decisión oí' tbe Supremo Court. She has roached the end of her rope, and will have to begin again, get her vote reí'used, and bring a eivil suit for daraages. - We don't hear as yet that TJ. S. has patdoned Bü&ABV The " noi&o and confusión" througb.out all the land to-day, tho firing of cannon and fire-cracker, tho blowing of fife and pounding of drum, the orations and songs, the gorgiug of stoniaehs with meat3 and fruita and liquora and lager, ought to eatisfy even the spirit of old John Aüam-3. who predicted just sucb. goingB on because of the signiug and promulgatiou of tht) Duclavation of Indopen denoe 07 yeais ago. We had rneditatod an oration our of own : not one of glorifioatioa but rather one of parallo chargiug many of tho sins iiuputed in that fumous instrument to Georgo the III., to the Congross of the United States ; but havo concluded to forboar, for whiofa Congrcss anil uur readers vvill no doubt be aliko gratcful. Let any citizon roread tho document for himself and he will not fail to discover somo of the points we have in miud : say tho setting up and kuoeking down State and local governuu'iits- Hke tho pegs on a pin ullcytho driving our ooramorce from the high seas - by protective tarilïa ; the quitrteriug of an ariny of petty office-holdeis upou tho country, etc. But croaking to the dogs lor one cUy. ïlure il enuugU to be thankful for, enough to incitj patriotism, SO go ín mul celébrate each man for hiiuself : being nareful not to disregard the rigbta of othcjis or to s.iuk ouu's manb-ood in nota óf disiipation. Ar the recent Maine Republican State Convention a resolution was ailopted inning thu salary-grab legislation uf Congresn (so far as it increased tbe salarios of members), ainl espeoially the retroactivo feature " by which nearly $5,000 were voted to eaoh inember for services already paid." Unconditional repeal was deinandod by tbe same resolution. It wai, howevcr, guardedly silent as to the doublhig up of the Pregident's salary, with noi i word of censure for bis signatura whioh raudo the bilí a law and increased bis own perquisitea at tbe samo stroke in tbe sum of just 100,000. Neitber did it lisp a word against tbe discloaed presidential gcheme to rewavd the salary-grab advocates by appointmenls to office, - vide Binoiiam commissioned to Japan. Taken in connection with tbe faot that the administration favoritos havo grabbcd tho backpay, and tbat it is suid not to so it is to loso oaste at tho White House, thoro is bigniScanco in this omission. It is safe to denounuo Coiigressmcn; but to strike at the chief sinner - the President- is beyond tho courage of a Kojjublican oonventiou. In Oün news columns is reoorded a futal duel at New Orleaus between Col. R. B. RhETT, of tho Picayune, and Judge Wil. II. Cooley. " Doublo-barreled shot guns, loadod with bal], and distanco forty rods." The barbarisna of tbo South is not rapidly disappearing uuder Raliol and carpet-bag rule. The viutim of this duel, Judge CoOLEY", was born at Point Coupee, near New Orleans, graduatud at Transylvania University, Ky., in 1847, and was about 47 years old. Ho was reputed a man of extraordinary ftbilities, brilliant, easily warpod by pas&ion aud prejudice, "a warm friend and bittor enemv." He was a widower and leaves one child : to grow up, wó suppose, and slaugliter tbo RHETT, unless ono of his biothers assumes tlic role of avengar. "Stuaws show wbiofa way the wind blows," and one found in the Register oi Weducsday lias considerable local signiticance. We refsv to tho correspondence between Postmaster Deax and Supt. PEEEY, of ouv city schools. Ia ehoosiiig Dean as the almoner of his gitte, tbejdispenser of his " pub. does.,' Congressman Wauikon has made Lis seIccticn bc;tTv-ccii llie " loil wings of iïic graat Radical party, giveu mortal offesae to the 'totlier f'cllows, and "putliis foat in it." TLe mutterings are d(:ep and dire, and presago a srnall earthquaks when ILie timo shall como. Well, well, let It ijuuke, " who's afewed?" The f Kisojf at Jaokion received thirtyeight recruits during tho inontli of June ; (ifteen werc 3ischarged y expiration of tííne and onepardoned: increaso, twnntytwo. olósed Eor the month on 639, tho largest mimber of occupants sinoe April 1871. In the list of tbi oeived for the monLh we notiue tbc name of old " Silo " Dotj', wlio after soms monthg of restless wandeling returncd to to liis old homo and wonted labors for the well.callit lliodozenth time. "Silo" ia never content out of prison, and finds back as naturally as water ruus down Bill. Of the thirty-eight, "Washtenaw County contributed but one - "Williani Van Sycles, conTÏcted oi' forgory. Brotber-in-law Cramer now haa D. D. as a teil pioce to his name. Ho got the atachment from Syracuse University (Dr. Winchell's institution), which u no othor short-cnt to presidential favor, U. 8. baving been LL. 'd a year ago by Harvard,


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