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Ank Abbou, Thcebbaï, Jmy ó, is.3. Botíbb- Mc. Corn- ürings 50c per bu. CuiCKE.NS - I M'S-i'Cl HC. E ;;- CumiuainL Ik'. JLw -$810pez ton,iccoi'ding to quality. HosEï- lu cup, 20 Lard- The miirkuL stundsat 8c. 3O@85o. Pot toes- 11.25. TyiiKEvs -Mo. w m - Wo quete White at il.1.5; amber I.4O(Ü1.5O. Detroit Produce Murket. Lateal u rtdtion for leadiag artieles of country proLuoe -luly ad, tire ai fnllows : white, $1.2.'.@1.72 ; amber, $1.49. ]iAr.i.i:y-íl. 25(51.60 per ocntal. Eïk- 76@83 peí bu. CoLN- 4J@46o. Oats- S9@48c. Potatoeí -$1.0031.50. ■-'5c. ]!.]. $0.00@$C25, Ha-, 1U"TTKIÍÍ l EiiOS-Holfjo. Labd 2C''VJ'f WüciL ver Ib. -3043i. Detroit Live Stock Markct. Frojn tho Detiuït Free Prew. Mhhh;an l 'kvj BAL YaBDB, Moiulny, June 30. The following were the receipis at these yards froxn the various points in the State for four wucks in this month: Cattlo. Ho?". Shcp. Weekeniling June 9 1U 1,84 8i] . ImgJi De U 2i'l 117 411 ii no 2.1 244 f.J 400 Week euding June S0 223 3uo 1,250 Totul 763 1,837 2,628 Stock received for transhipment : Cattle. Hops. Week onding .lune 9 1,1!J 6,016 Weekin lus Ju i; 18 2,100 4,0 8 Week endtag June M 7SS 4,590 Weck enclim; June 00 2 1U8 2,44ö Total '. 0,179 10,259 CATTLE. Tliu supply was very liberal aud represented lots from all sBotions. From the interior oi this State some extra lots came in, bnt were driven to pasture owing to the closeness oí the market. The lots bought were mostly liglit btuck, but in finer order, for city consumption. It was genorally understood that all hea-y lots, ranginy from choico to extra, wonld be reserved for King's yards, and if not sokl shipped eastward by holders. A few stoekers were bought up at a declino, realizine to boldera 14 por cvvt. favorable advices from the East of markets there during tlie week then caused a stagnant conditiou of the inarket, and lots purehased wore by speculators who risk at any siage of tlio inarket. Pnces remained tirm, on!y a íow head selling below Ias4 week's quotations. Wc quote. Ohuice to extra, iiveiiiging 1,000 to 1,200 Ib., iu grood ñcsli ano boud Í5 óO@6 5') Common to clioice, araaeiag l.two to 1,200 lljs , ji medium flesh iiml build.... i 25@5 25 Stookers, averaging 800 to 1,W lbt i 50@4 00 Li}.'ht o;ittle, 600 to 80U lbs 2 50@3 25 HOO9. The demand was inactire, no prominent buera in the yards. Store hoes aro taken at a declino, onc lot KelliiiL for $í 50 per civt. The transshipments show that the cali for heavy hogs is decliiúng a Httle, and that soon there will be lint a slight (Iemand. Operators are bhrcwdly calculating oa the possibility af an average corn orop. SHEKP. Tlie inarket revived considerably this week, there being more lots in and ;i larger number oí ui;rs. They begin to look better, but in this Una ai in all stock in tho yard one can sec the eftect oí the severo winter and late spring. Lots that sold bzought 95 50 fox goud grades, medium I, nuil commoii w 7ó, all sheared.


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