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In our report of the exercises ot (ommoncement Week we woro compelled to oiml euco to tho annual meeting óf the Alumni Asin and to several class reunions. We will make brief mention of the deierred matte, nowand hero, for futuro reference moro than in nu present interest. THE ALUMNI ASSOCI.VTIOX. Tho business meeting erf the A s.-ociation was held in the ncw chape!, on Tuasday, June at 3 o'elock r. M., the President, Hon. Wm. A. Mooee, '50, of Detroit, presiding. The meeting waanot a large one, the alumni residin oí beIhe city not oven presenting themseves in auy number. Aftor sonio informal discussion the following resohition wos adopled : Ln viewol the tast thattba atti'iidance upon the meetings of tha society of Alumni ba (oí severa] yearo, wad m '"r mean of incmaring the attendauee of the members of the society, ,L, . Resolved, That we, through a coinmitteo, aak the Faculty, H oonriitent, to arrange to have tho eieroisea of olas 4y and other eieioiiei ; near cominencemeut as possibli; and thus add to the attractions that would detam the studouts on the grouudl and attract tho alumni. The foUowiog committee waa appoiuted to carry out the object of the resolution : Walter S. Pcrry, Chas. O. Clark, and I'. L. Parker, all oL Ami Arbor. Ttic Executive Committee wns instrocied to mafea aTraagemit for au alumni Buppsr at the aoiTenary; and the Seoretory to witli aaoh ahunsua "ï-ginf; attendanoe.- Ihli action shows that the Unhreraity dinnei is not ngaided ai sufftciently exclusivo or just the kind of fuimly affair the alumni desire. The followiug officere were elected or tho eusuing year : President Prof. M. T,. "D'Ooítp, '62. Ui I iet President - Daane Doty, 66. idViet President Delos Plüllip, '65. .v. crttary- A. H. PattengiU, 68. Treasurer F. A. Blaokburn, 'CS. Orator -Winfield Smith, '46. Altérnate- Levi T. Griffin, '57. Poef-t!. H. WinoheU, 'G8. Altrrnatt- 'B. JI. Cutoheo, '61. Ez.-Committe-J. A. Besaions, oo, v,. w. Clark, '54, and Prof. E. L. Walter, '68. TUK BEUNIOX OF 18G8. The class oí 'GS held a reunión at Hangsterfer's on Tuwday ereníng. An oratimi waa delivered by Prof. John C. Freeman, of Chicago University, and a poein recitetl by Bev. Geo. 8. Hickev, of Marshall. And after that cume a supper. The next reunión is to be held in 1878, with the following offioers . President- Prof. John C. Magill, Port Huron, Mich. Orator - Bdward C. Lovoll, Elgiu, III. Altérnate- L. P. Tarlton, Jr., Lexington, Mich. poet- Trof. F. A. Blackbum, Ann Arbor, Mich. Altérnate- IE. L. Hessenmueller, Cleveland, Ohio. Ilistnrian-T. C. Reynolds, Akron, Ohio. Steretary- Prof. E. L. Walter, Ann Arbor, Mich. Resolutions of respect were adopted to the memuries of Jenno Nichols Roselle, Byron R. Clmiïee, and James H. Chapin, who have deceased siuce graduation. THE EEUNION OF 1S70. The literary exercises of '70 were sketehed last week. There was a supper, with speeches, reminiscences, music, etc, in the evening, and the following officers were elected for the next reunión iu 1878 : President and Secretary-C. S. Carter, New York. Orator- John S. Maltman, Chicago. ]'oet-'V. S. Bush, Chicago. Toast Miistcr- Oscar J. Campbell, Cleveland. Tho National Publishing Company, 110 Eapt liandolph street, Chicago, announee as in press and Boon to be published, "The UndeTeloped West, or Five Years in the Territorios," by J. H. Beadle, western correspondent of the Cim-innati Commercial, and author ot "Lifo in Utah. ' The author is personally known to many of our citizens, having graduatod at tho University in the class oL 1867. In his proface he claims to have fcept two pointe "f practical interest steadily in view: "to givo caxefully arranged .. regard to the lande still opon ti settlement ; and to correct a number of popular t.rrors in regard to soil and climato;" and also avers tliat it han Loen a "prime object to mnk'' the wori a Btartling novclty in one respect - truth." It is written in a vigorous style, and is both handeomely printed iind illustrated: that is if tiie ailvnnce sheets are a fair sample. For sale oiily by Bubsoription. Wfl fet enoonraginíí reporte from different portions of the county concerning the "wheat erop. The lato rains have been of great benefit, and the erop i:i beading and filling finely, and with good harvest weatber we shall have a good quality and a better yield than is anticipated. We are told that sqmo of the early varieties will be rcady to cut next weck. Spring oropa aro doing admirably. The potato bug has met an nemy - a small black insect which destroy3 tho eggs.


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